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Psy 455 Chapter 3

Relationship Development

stage model of relationship development filter theory, wheel theory, stimulus-value-role theory
filter theory specific filters come into prominence at different phases of courtship. -those that have dif. social attributes are filtered out.
social attributes religion, education, and social class (similarity)
value consensus possible partners are screeend with respect to similarity of attitudes and values.
need complementarity whether they possess complementary or compatible traits, behavioral characteristics or interpersonal styles.
wheel theory mate-selecting process involves four sequential but highly interrelated phases.
rapport 1st stage of wheel development -potential partners assess the extent to which they feel at ease with, understand, and feel free to talk with each other.
self-revelation individuals will reveal or disclose varying degrees of information about their values and belief systems to each other.
mutual dependency each partner becomes dependent on the other to behave in ways that help him or to enact specific habits or obtain certain goals.
intimacy need fulfillment partners evaluate whether their relathionship and their interactions with each other satisfy basic intimacy neds including love, sympathy, and support. -"express the closeness and privacy of the relationship.
stimulus-value-role theory couples progress through three stages in mate slection
stimulus stage the potential mates perceive each other's external attributes, physical appearance and behavior. Each other might evaluate his or her own attributes in terms of how attractive they might be to the partner. based on this they compare the likelihood
value stage partners appraise their compatibility on various values and attitudes
role stage partners evaluate themselves and each other for suitability in various roles. (ex. parent/spouse)
process models of relationship developement relationship development is fueled by sometimes imperceptible changes in intimacy, self-disclosure, and other interpersonal processes that occur between partners.
social penetration theory self-disclosure as teh fuel that propels couples along their developmental trajectory.
depth of disclosure degree of intimacy
breadth of disclosure number of areas
intimacy theory responses that leave the partner feeling validated, understood, cared for, accepted, and nurtured promote the growth of intimacy and the subsequent development of the relationship.
social exchange theories focus on the exhchange of rewards and costs that occur between partners in ongoing mating relationships.
rewards anything that the individual considers valuable; concrete and tangible/abstract and intangible.
costs things the individual considers to be unrewarding or that involve time, effort, compormise, and lost opportunity.
equity determined by the ratio of benefits to contributions rather than the exact number that each partner receives or makes.
actual equity make equal the contributions in the relationship..physiclly
psychological equity convince that the relationship is equal
interdependence frameworks focuses on partners exchanges, their perceptions of rewards and costs and the process by which they evaluate and regulate their relationship.
relationship satisfaction how the partner feels about the relationship
relationship stability whether the relationship will be maintained overtime.
interdependence theory proposes that two people involved in a relationship are interdependent with respect to the outcomes of their behavior; that is the thoughts, feelings, and actions of one partner influences his or her own outcomes as well as those of his or her partner.
transformation of motivation as the relationship develops, the partners are likely to coordinate their behaviors in order to achieve mutual rewarding outcomes. -produce satisfaction and to enhance commitment to the relationship
comparison level standard against which a partner evaluates the attractiveness of a relationship or how satisfactory it is.
comparison level for alternatives (CLalt) standard partners use in determining whether or not to remain in the relationship, and it reflects the outcomes the partners feel that they could obtain from available alternatives to the present relationship.
dependence the partners need the relationship in order to obtain the outcomes they desire, and they have no other viable options for attaining those desired outcomes. -this in turn promotes the stability and endurance of their union.
martial cohesiveness model the strength of the bond between partners is a function of two basic factors: the various inducements to remain in the relationship and the inducements to leave it.
attractions affectional rewards, to socioeconomic rewards to similarity between the spouses on important demographic dimensions.
barriers derive from the social structure in which people live and from the social contracts inot which they enter. -feeling of obligations, marriage, existing children, moral proscriptions from relgion, external pressures from community.
investment model proposes that commitment, defined as the individual's feelings of attachment to the partner and his or her intention and desire to remain in the relationship, is a function of 3 factors: 1)level of satisfaction 2)quality of alternatives 3)
satisfaction function of rewards and costs(outcomes actually experienced)and comparison level (level of outcomes people believe they deserve)
quality of alternatives degree to which the individual believes that important needs could be met outside the relationship ex)friendships, hobbies, etc
investment refers to the ways he or she is connected to the partner and bound to the relationship. ex) time, emotional energy, personal sacrifice, or mutal friends, sahred memories etc.
meta-analysis quantitative technique that allows researchers to synthesize the results of many studies testing the same basic hypothesis.
Basic Assumptions of Social Exchange Principle 1 - Maximize Rewards, Minimize Costs Principle 2 - Relationships are Dynamic Principle 3 - Evaluations Influence Relationship Development Principle 4 - Evaluations Influence Relationship Satisfaction Principle 5 - Inequity Causes Distres
Interdependence Theory Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors influence our won outcomes as well as those of our partners. Some degree of compromise is needed for each partner to obtain at least minial satisfaction.
Created by: whatanlines26
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