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Italian chapter 5

Suonare To play (instrument)
Cantare To sing
Mangiare To eat
Formare To form
Giocare To play (sport)
Guardare To watch/ look
Abitare To live
Ascoltare To listen
Adorare To love
Odiare To hate
Studare To study
Parlare To speak
Leggere To read
Scrivere To write
Vendere To sell
Sempre Always
Si It
Cose So
Allora Well
Calma Chill
Il libro The book
Il gruppo The group
Il videogioco The video game
lo spettacolo The show
il pomeriggio The afternoon
La canzone The song
La partita The match
La sera The evening
La mattina The morning
La rivista The magazine
La vita The life
La vetrina The Shop window
La prova The Test/ rehearsal
Il pianoforte The piano
La batteria The drums
Il flauto dolce The recorder
Il flauto traverso The flute
La tromba The trumpet
La chitarra The guitar
Il basso The bass guitar
Il violino The violin
Modesto Modest
In pubblico In public
Il premio the prize
Alto Tall
Bello Beautiful
Birichino Cheeky
Bravo Good
Brutto Bad, ugly
Carino Cute
Cattivo Bad
Creativo Creative
Forte Strong/loud
Gentile Nice
Grasso Big/ fat
Nuovo New
Pigro Lazy
Serio Serious
Simpatico Likeable/ nice
Spirtioso Funny/ witty
Sportivo Sporty
Stanco Tired
Anche Also
Che cosa What
Chi Who
Com'e How is he/she/ it. What is he/she/it like
Dove Where
e And
Ma But
Molto Very
Qualche volta Sometimes
Quando When
Quanto/i How much/ how many
Questo This
Sempre Always
Un po' a little bit
Vieni qui Come here
perche why/ because
c'e there is
concorso competion
tastiera the keyboard
manifesto poster
anch'io me too
ma dai come on
se if
Created by: georgia5
Popular Italian sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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