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Chapter 3,4,and 5

Covering Information from Clinical Assessments in Respiratory Care

What the factors may lead to a weak cough? Reduced Lung recoil,Bronchospasm,and Weak inspiratory muscles.
A cough described as being persistent for more than three weeks would be called: Chronic
What are three problems associated with Hemapytosis? Tuberculosis,Lung Carcinoma, and Pneumonia.
Breathlessness or air hunger would be described as: Dyspnea
Shortness of breath in the upright position Platypnea
Difficulty breathing in the reclining position Orthopnea
What decade of life is snoring most present in adult males? 50-59 yrs.
What disease is associated with "Night Sweats"? Tuberculosis
The four classic vital signs are: Temperature,Respiratory rate,Blood Pressure, and pulse.
What is a baseline measurement? The initial reading from beginning of shift.
Normal temperature range for: Oral 97.0-99.5 F 36.5-37.5 C
Normal temperature range for: Axillary 96.7 F 35.9-36.9 C
Normal temperature range for:Rectal 98.7-100.5 F 37.1-38.1 C
Hypothermia is: body temp. below normal
Pulse and Respiratory Rate:Newborn P 90-170 RR 35 to 45-70 w/excitement
Pulse and Respiratory Rate:1 Year P 80 to 160 RR 25 to 30
Pulse and Respiratory Rate:Preschool P 80-120 RR 20-25
Pulse and Respiratory Rate:10 Years P 70-110 RR 15-20
Pulse and Respiratory Rate:Adult P 60-100 RR 12-20
Pulse and Respiratory Rate: Athlete P ~50 RR 12-20
What is a pulse deficit? The difference between the number of auscultlated beats and peripheral pulse beats.
When the patients pulse strength decreases with spontaneous inhalation? Pulsus Paradoxus
Intermittent breathing Irregular breathing w/ periods of apnea
Blood pressure persistently higher than 140/90 mm Hg is termed: Hypertension
Blood pressure that is significantly lower than 120/80 mm Hg is termed: Hypotension
Blood pressure that may fall significantly when patient sits up is called Orthostatic Hypotension
What is Cyanosis? Lack of oxygen to the tissue
Diaphoresis Sweating
Mydriasis Dilated an fixed pupils
Diplopia Double or blurred vision
Pytosis Drooping
Nystagmus Cyclic movemment of the eyeballs
What is often the result of Jugular Venous Distention? Right heart failure
Pectus carinatum Sternal protrusion anteriorly
Pectus excavatum Depression of all or part of the sternnum,which can produce a restrictive lung defect
Kyphosis Curvature
Scoliosis Spinal deformity;lateral curvature
Kyphoscoliosis Combination of both deformities
Barrel chest When ribs lose their normal 45 degree angle of slope in relationship to the spine and become horizontal
Apnea No breathing
Biot's Irregular breathing with long periods of apnea
Cheyne-Stokes Irregular type of breathing;increase and decrease in depth and rate with long periods of apnea.
Kussmaul's Deep and fast
Asthmatic Prolonged exhalation
Define Vocal fremitus Vibrations from vocals during phonation
Define Vescular or normal Low pitch,soft intensity;Peripheral lung areas
Define Bronchovesicular Moderate
Define Tracheal High pitch,loud intensity;over trachea
Define Crackles Discontinuous
Define Wallop rhythne Gheezes High pitched continuous;low pitched continuous
What is Precordium technique? Inspection,palpitation, and auscultation
Define Gallop Rhythm an abnormal sound which a third or forth heart sound
What is Cyanosis? Lack of oxygen to the tissue
Diaphoresis Sweating
Mydriasis Dilated an fixed pupils
Diplopia Double or blurred vision
Pytosis Drooping
Nystagmus Cyclic movemment of the eyeballs
What is often the result of Jugular Venous Distention? Right heart failure
Pectus carinatum Sternal protrusion anteriorly
Pectus excavatum Depression of all or part of the sternnum,which can produce a restrictive lung defect
Kyphosis Curvature
Scoliosis Spinal deformity;lateral curvature
Kyphoscoliosis Combination of both deformities
Barrel chest When ribs lose their normal 45 degree angle of slope in relationship to the spine and become horizontal
Apnea No breathing
Biot's Irregular breathing with long periods of apnea
Cheyne-Stokes Irregular type of breathing;increase and decrease in depth and rate with long periods of apnea.
Kussmaul's Deep and fast
Asthmatic Prolonged exhalation
Define Vocal fremitus Vibrations from vocals during phonation
Define Vescular or normal Low pitch,soft intensity;Peripheral lung areas
Define Bronchovesicular Moderate
Define Tracheal High pitch,loud intensity;over trachea
Define Crackles Discontinuous
Define Wallop rhythne Gheezes High pitched continuous;low pitched continuous
What is Precordium technique? Inspection,palpitation, and auscultation
Define Gallop Rhythm an abnormal sound which a third or forth heart sound
What is Cyanosis? Lack of oxygen to the tissue
Diaphoresis Sweating
Mydriasis Dilated an fixed pupils
Diplopia Double or blurred vision
Pytosis Drooping
Nystagmus Cyclic movemment of the eyeballs
What is often the result of Jugular Venous Distention? Right heart failure
Pectus carinatum Sternal protrusion anteriorly
Pectus excavatum Depression of all or part of the sternnum,which can produce a restrictive lung defect
Kyphosis Curvature
Scoliosis Spinal deformity;lateral curvature
Kyphoscoliosis Combination of both deformities
Barrel chest When ribs lose their normal 45 degree angle of slope in relationship to the spine and become horizontal
Apnea No breathing
Biot's Irregular breathing with long periods of apnea
Cheyne-Stokes Irregular type of breathing;increase and decrease in depth and rate with long periods of apnea.
Kussmaul's Deep and fast
Asthmatic Prolonged exhalation
Define Vocal fremitus Vibrations from vocals during phonation
Define Vescular or normal Low pitch,soft intensity;Peripheral lung areas
Define Bronchovesicular Moderate
Define Tracheal High pitch,loud intensity;over trachea
Define Crackles Discontinuous
Define Wallop rhythne Gheezes High pitched continuous;low pitched continuous
What is Precordium technique? Inspection,palpitation, and auscultation
Define Gallop Rhythm An abnormal sound which a third or forth heart sound is present
What is clubbing Painless enlargement of the phalanges of fingers and toes.
Pursed-lips are often seen in patients with: COPD
Created by: Stefgarner
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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