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Abnormal test #2

stress state of mental or emotional strain or tension
avoidance where you avoid things or actions that cause you stress
flashback symptom of PTSD: some external stimulus triggers sense of panic and you psychologically go back in time and relive a stressful event. EX. vietnam war syndrome and child abuse
repression defense mechanism used to forget a very traumatic event
dissociative fugue disorder where people lose all memory of who they are or where they came from. They start a new life and may make up a story about their life because they dont remember there original one.
Panic attack extreme fear reaction without any physical reasons. Usually confused with heart attacks
LIttle albert albert was condition to no like white rats; woman came up from behind albert before he was given rat and banged on a piece of metal—albert screamed and forever feared rats. BIG BANG WAS CAUSED BY RAT
implosion another name for flooding; be able to face fear without running away.
case if peter peter had a phobia of white fury animals and Watson used systematic desensitization to cure peter of phobia. When peter was relaxed, rosalie brought rabbit closer and closer and when peter screamed she stopped. She continued until rabbit was in peters lap
dopamine the "do it" neurotransmitter that can speed up reaction time
tolerance amount that body can intake before effects are felt. The body automatically changes chemically to maintain homeostasis
obssession idea or thing that you cant stop thinking about
washers characterized by ppl who compulsively wash parts of their body. FORM OF OCD
ritualistic checkers ppl who create a ritual of compulsively checking things the same way and at the same time
post traumatic stress disorder after about 1 month since stressful event, you are still stressed from event
conversion disorder converge psychological disorder to physical disorder; loss of funxing in body due to psych damage. Cant react to voluntary actions, if you know its coming you cant react. NO WILL POWER IN MOVEMENT
dissociative amnesia psychologically erase the memory of a traumatic event; may lose hours of life. EX. 9/11 survivors
phobia intense irrational fear
reaction formation acting opposite of true feelings to prevent ID from acting out and showing true feelings
flooding too intense to happen in purpose; usually happens by accident. Being locked in an enclosed area for days exposed to fear
systematic desensitization face fear little bits at a time and uses hypnosis and relaxation to make patient imagine their fear. Most effective treatment of phobias and only takes treatment to patients necessary level
GABA helps maintain dopamine level associated with anxiety disorders.
valium type of drug that mimics GABA system. Problems: highly addictive!!
anxiolytic medication drug used to reduce anxiety
withdrawal the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug; person may become irritable or edgy because their body is starving for drug. The GABA system is low during withdrawal
compulsion doing something over and over without reason
checkers always checking things. Form of OCD
response prevention ?
mood temporary state of mind or feeling
euphoria a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness
apathy lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
anhedonia ASSOCIATED WITH DEPRESSION!! absence of pleasure in he limbic system. Nuerons do not release dopamine
psychomotor retardation ASSOC. WITH DEPRESSION: refers to your mind movement; everything is slowed down. EX. getting dressed slower, walking slower, thinking slower.
hopelessness lose hope for future; you do not care
suicidal ideations people who are obsessed with death, but would actually kill themselves.
mood congruent when you see/hear things that make sense given depressive circumstances
catatonic features no movement; they do not move. form of extreme psychomotor retardation
seasonal pattern ?
recurrent episode episode of a a psychological disorder that happens again
Post Partum depression ?
hypoglycemia ?
masked depression ?
conduct disorder ?
insomnia onset ?
insomnia early waking fall asleep fine but wake up and cannot fall back asleep
hypersomnia when you are so tired that you sleep more
psychotic features of depression dysphoric (depressed) mood, anhedonia (no pleasure), feelings of worthlessness/guilt, and thoughts of suicide/death
mood incongruent when you see/hear things that do not make sense given circumstances
melancholia in depression reversal of day and night . Night is the best time for communication
Created by: aawebb12
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