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health muscel unit

Muscel test

Contract Becomes shorter and fatter
Extend Becomes longer and thinner
Flexor muscle Decrease anterior angle
Extensor muscle Increase anterior angle
Abductor muscle Moves bone away from the body
Adductor muscle Moves bone towards the body
Midline Vertical axis
Antagonistic Muscles that work opposite
Hernia Organ pushes through the supporting wall
Cramp Painful spasmatic contraction
what are the 3 functions of muscle heat, movement posture
Describe the three types of wings Smooth- in the organs involintary Cardiact- found in the heart only involintary Skeletal- Voluntary allows movement
Name two types of muscle and what they do red muscle fiber long distance/ endurance White muscle fiber- short bursts of energy
Muscles are _________ when they appear shorter and fatter Contracted
Myoglobien is a _______________ that stores oxegon Red colored protien
____________ will increse in size with exersise white muscle fiber
During exersise without oxygen ____________ is produced as a waste product Lactic acid
what type of muscel will a srinter have more of White muscle fiber
Antagonistic muscles will work ______ of each other at the same joint opposite
A _____ is an involuntary spasmatic muscle contraction cramp
a ___________ is an organ pushing through its supporting wall. hernia
A cardiac muscle is a combination of _________________ types of muscle tissue Smooth and striated
name two antagonistic muscles bicep and tricep
tone constant states of muscel tension
connective tissue around the muscle Fasciculus
Tendon attached to bone stays still origin
Verical axis midline
Front side of the body anterior
Connects bone to muscle tendon
muscle that moves a bone towards the midline adductor muscle
organ muscle smooth
Muscle that moves bone away from the midline abductor muscle
Fattest thickest part of a muscle belly
Backside of the body posterior
Decrease the anterior angle at the joint flexor muscle
skeletal muscle a volontary muscle helps move bones
increases anterior angle at joint extentior muscle
Created by: geyerjd
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