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Exam 2

Speciesism prejudice or discrimination based on species
development psychologists study changes over life span -physical -cognitive -moral -social
Prenatal Stages Germinal Embryonic Fetal
Germinal Stage -Sperm unites with egg -placenta & umbilical cord form -placenta connected to embryo by the umbilical cord
Embryonic Stage -4th through 8th weeks -testosterone is secreted by rudimentary testes in male embryos, without hormone, embryo is female
Fetal Stage -fetus further developes organs & systems that existed in rudimentary form in the embryonic stage
German Measles (rubella) -Affects fetus's eyes, ears, & heart -Most common- deafness -Preventable by vaccination
Influences development after birth Environment, attachment, culture
Premature infant study -Tiffany Field -human touch has big benefits
Right of passage study 6-15yrs old:less growth 2-6yrs old: no effect Under 2yrs old: increased growth
Harry Harlow Findings -Preferred cloth mother -isolated monkey= severe disturbed -digestive issues with wire mother
Attachment -babies need a secure base -separation anxiety -crucial for health & survival -two types: securely & insecurely attached
Occipital Lobe Vision
Amygdala stress and fear response
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) The use of radio waves and magnetic fields of the body to produce detailed images
Sensorimotor stage -"here and now" -lack "object permanence" - "mental representation"
pre-operational stage -construct representations of experience -can use symbols -egocentric -struggle with "conservation"
Concrete Operational Logic but not abstract
Formal Operational -hypothetical reasoning -if-then; either-or -meaning of life; right vs. wrong
Lev vygotsky -social and cultural influences -scaffolding- structuring environment as if child has already learned something
zone of proximal development receptive to learning skill but not yet successful
Pre-conventional Level -Moral judgement is self-centered -stage 1: punishment- obedience orientation -Stage 2: instrumental- exchange orientation, costs and benefits
Conventional Level -stage 3: good-child orientation -seeking approval of others -Stage 4: law and order orientation - conforming to norms
post conventional level -stage 5- social-contract -obedience to accept laws -Stage 6: universal ethics -morality of individual sonscience
Central Nervous System brain- command center, receives afferent (sonsory), sends efferent (motor) spinal cord
Hindbrain breathing (medulla), motor learning and coordination(cerebellum arousal), sleep Lacks: emotion, capability for learning
Midbrain -pathway for impulses -helps coordinate visual and auditory reflexes
Forebrain most evolved -thalamus-recognition and relay of sensory impulse -hypothalamus- regulatory functions and basic drive -complex emotional responses -cognitive and memory functions -language -only in mammals
Frontal lobe -motor control -speech control -forethought -initiative/purposeful movements -self-awaremess
parietal lobe -sensations of our environment -sense of pain -spatial processing -survival
Temporal lobe -auditory cortex -hippocampus and memory -emotions and aggression
Occipital Lobe -vision -visionary perception -ability to focus
Hemispheres -Joined by corpus callosum Left: controls right side of body, language, mathematic ability, processes info sequentially Right: controls left side of body, emotions, recognize faces, patterns, melodies, processes info globally
Somatic Voluntary movements
Autonomic involuntary movements
Neuron receives, integrates, and transmits info to other neurons
dentrites carry impulses TO the cell
Soma Cell body, integrates info, absorbs nutrients
axon carries impulses AWAY from cell body to other neurons
Neurotransmitters chemical messenger binds to and stimulates other cells
Serotonin sleep, appetite, pain, mood, exercise-increased levels
norepinephrine arousal=increased memory
dopamine voluntary movement pleasure learning
depression abnormal levels of neurotransmitters
opioids body-made compounds that blunt pain response endorphins
Hormones -chemical messenger -promotes growth
Sensation -gathering of info -detection of energy
perception -understanding info -organize data into meaning ful patterns
sense receptors detects stimulus
functional code (morse code) cells firing
absolute threshold smallest amount of energy a person can detect reliability
Created by: tjk7w6
Popular Psychology sets




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