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egan 9 chapter 51

res 230

Which of the following factors would you consider in determining the frequency of follow-up visits needed by a home care patient? I. Level of self-care the patient is able to provide. II. Type and complexity of home care equipment used. III. Patient's condition and therapeutic objectives. IV. Level of family or caregiver support available.
Components of a typical adult home nasal CPAP apparatus include all of the following except: high-pressure gas source.
You are caring for a patient who has just received a transtracheal catheter for long-term continuous home O2 therapy. Which of the following problems should you be on guard for with this patient? I. Airway obstruction II. Catheter clogging III. Stoma infection
Which of the following would indicate that a patient is not sufficiently stable for home mechanical ventilation? I. Severe dyspnea while breathing on the ventilator. III. Frequent premature ventricular contractions. IV. Use of a cuffed oral endotracheal tube
What is the primary use of compressed O2 cylinders in alternative settings? I. Ambulation (small cylinders) II. Backup supply (large cylinders)
Advantages of using compressed O2 cylinders in the home include which of the following? I. Minimal waste or loss II. Unlimited storage time III. Widespread availability
Most portable home liquid O2 systems can provide low-flow O2 (2 L/min) for about how long? 5 to 8 hours
A home care patient using a reservoir cannula for long-term low-flow O2 therapy objects to the cosmetic appearance of the device. Which of the following alternatives would you recommend to this patient I. Transtracheal catheter
Which of the following negative-pressure ventilation systems require a separate negative pressure generator? I. Body wrap III. Chest cuirass
Which O2 delivery system would you recommend for an active home care patient with low FIO2 needs who desires increased mobility? Conserving device used in conjunction with a portable liquid O2 system.
Which of the following strategies would you recommend for a hemodynamically unstable patient with an intact upper airway who requires home ventilatory support? Negative-pressure ventilation
What is the major potential problem in the application of bland aerosol therapy in the home care setting? Infection
To determine if a home setting can support the equipment needs of a mechanically ventilated patient being considered for discharge, which of the following would you assess? I. Available space for equipment II. Amperage of power supply III. Number and location of grounded outlets IV. Presence of hazardous appliances
Absolute contraindications for using noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation include all of the following except: copious secretions.
What electrically powered device can separate the O2 in room air from N2, thereby providing an enriched flow of O2 for therapeutic use? O2 concentrator
You have been asked to organize a patient and family education program as part of a discharge plan for a patient requiring home ventilatory support. Which of the following areas would you be sure to cover? I. Equipment operation and disinfection II. Patient assessment and monitoring III. Airway management and clearance IV. Emergency procedures
Which of the following methods can eliminate the need for conducting a separate sleep study to adjust a patient's CPAP level? I. Use an auto-adjusting CPAP system. II. Use SpO2 values to titrate the CPAP level.
What is the purpose of the small refillable liquid O2 tank that comes with many stationary home liquid O2 reservoirs? Provide O2 to ambulatory patients outside the home
Types of negative-pressure ventilators used in postacute care include all of the following except: abdominal displacement device.
While visiting a home care patient who uses a multidose vial of an expensive bronchodilator, you notice that the expiration date for this medication has passed. Which of the following actions would you recommend at this time? Dispose of the medication as recommended by the manufacturer.
Which patients are better suited for subacute rather than for acute care? II. Those who have a determined course of treatment. III. Those who are recovering from an acute illness.
A home care patient will be receiving nasal O2 at 0.5 L/min using a large compressed gas cylinder. Which of the following additional equipment would you specify for this patient? II. Pressure-reducing valve III. Calibrated low-flow flowmeter
To avoid product failure, transtracheal catheters and their tubing should be replaced every how often? Every 3 months
At flows between 1 and 2 L/min, a typical molecular sieve O2 concentrator provides an O2 concentration of about what level? 95%
All of the following are advantages of pressure-limited ventilators used in alternative settings except they: can deliver higher volumes and pressures.
Mechanical ventilation in the home setting can be provided by all of the following methods except: positive pressure through an oral endotracheal tube.
Which of the following key features distinguish delivery of respiratory care services in alternative settings (subacute, long-term, and home care) from traditional acute care delivery? Reliance on outside vendors/diagnostic testing.Reliance mainly on portable equipment,performed with minimal supervision. reliance assessment/documentation/care planning. interaction with professionalteam/patient's family.
The O2 in the inner reservoir of a home liquid O2 system is maintained at what temperature? -300° F
Advantages of O2 concentrators for home O2 therapy include all of the following except they: can power most pneumatic equipment.
Routine tracheostomy care for a home care patient can be provided by whom? I. Respiratory care practitioner II. Trained family member III. Visiting nurse
Postacute care settings include all of the following except: trauma centers.
A home care patient receiving long-term O2 therapy at 5 L/min complains that her nondisposable humidifier is not bubbling properly. Upon inspection of the humidifier, you notice hard white deposits in and around the diffusing element. Replace the device and fill with distilled water, not tap water.
Transtracheal O2 therapy (TTOT) should be considered as an option for what patients requiring long-term O2 therapy? remain hypoxemic with standard approaches. ,do not comply well when using other devices. ,exhibit complications with nasal delivery. ,prefer TTOT for cosmetic reasons.,require increased mobility.
Which of the following evidence would support Medicare reimbursement for adult nasal CPAP equipment to treat sleep apnea? Polysomnograph confirming sleep apnea
Which of the following would you recommend as the solution used to fill a bubble humidifier used for home O2 therapy? Distilled water
For which of the following groups would you recommend long-term negative pressure ventilation in an alternative setting? Patients who cannot or will not use noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV). Patients who need frequent airway access for suctioning.Patients with severe nasal congestion or obstruction.
Home O2 therapy can be justified in patients with PaO2 values greater than 55 mm Hg in all of the following conditions except: peripheral vascular disease.
Which of the following personnel should be allowed to change a tracheostomy tube on a home care patient? Respiratory care practitioner, Visiting nurse
What is the correct order of steps to recommend to the home caregivers who are responsible for cleaning nondisposable respiratory care equipment? Disassemble equipment,Wash in cool water,Soak in warm soapy water,Scrub equipment,Rinse and drain excess water
Physical hazards associated with home O2 therapy equipment include all of the following except: gaseous explosions.
Which of the following conditions is an indication for application of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV)? The patient requires low concentrations of supplemental O2.
Common problems encountered when using adult nasal CPAP to treat sleep apnea include all of the following except: barotraumas.
After fitting a home care patient with a CPAP nasal mask, you set the prescribed pressure and turn on the flow generator. At this point, the mask pressure reading is 0 cm H2O. What is the most likely cause of this problem? Large system leak
Where is most postacute respiratory care provided? The home
During what phase of subacute or long-term care management does the respiratory care practitioner establish short- and long-term rehabilitation goals for the patients? Treatment planning
What agency is primarily responsible for voluntary accreditation of postacute care providers? The Joint Commission (TJC) (formerly Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals Organization [JCAHO])
Which of the following would you consider recommending for a home care patient receiving nasal CPAP who complains of severe nasal dryness? Room vaporizer,Heat-moisture exchanger (HME),In-line humidifier ,Saline nasal spray
All of the following are components of the patient evaluation aspect of a good discharge plan except the patient's: socioeconomic status and neighborhood characteristics
HCFA regulations require that prescriptions for home O2 therapy be based on: documented hypoxemia.
Which of the following strategies would you recommend for a patient with a tracheotomy who requires home ventilatory support? Positive-pressure ventilation
Created by: Cam1228
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets



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