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Psych of Adol exam 1

adolescence is.. culturally constructed, period after puberty begins and ends before adult roles are taken on and fairly new term, coming into common usage in the 20th century
when did concept of adolescence begin? ancient greece
concepts of adolescents during ancient greece hierarchy of development, reasoning, education (math and science), abstract science, need to shield adolescents from corrupting influences
what are the life stages in the hierarchy of development according to plato infancy (birth-7), childhood (7-14), and adolescence (14-21)
infancy life stage (birth-7) infants mind is too underdeveloped to learn
childhood life stage (7-14) education should focus on sports and music
adolescence life stage (14-21) capacity for reason allows for study of math and science
adolescence according to aristotle self determination, experience, egocentrism
when did middle ages take place 500-1500 AD
what did middle ages believe about adolescence adolescence are adults
medieval church ages 13-16 century AD
what did medieval church believe about adolescence innocence and divine purity, protected environment, and strict discipline (chastity belts)
schools in the middle ages consisted of only what gender, ages and was run by who? males ages 9-25 and run by monks
what did Rousseau (18th cent) believe about adolescence development occurs in stages, 12-15=age of reason, puberty is most important developmental event, 15-20 maturity increases, and education
industrial revolution 1700-present; people moved from farm-cities. Moved children from work place to schools
what purpose does school provide keeps children out of workforce
G. Stanley Hall father of scientific study of adolescence. He compared stages of development in humans to that of animals
age of adolescence and contributing factors 1890-1920; child labor prohibited, required education, adolescence=distinct scholar field, developmental norms proposed
what did Hall believe about recapitulation ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
dyad a question that is answered in a group of 2
objective vs systematic objective is nonbiased and different and systematic is biased and the same
2 reasons to be objective in studying pubertal onset individual differences and eliminate bias in results
2 reasons to be systematic in studying pubertal onset more organized and more valid conclusions
what type of sample did Tanner use in his study in pubertal dev convenient sample
types of observations ethnography, interview, questionnaire, tests, scientific instruments
what did Tanner study pubertal development
what did Flannory study frequency of teen-mother touching and talking
what were results of flannory study age differences in involvement of children and teens with their parents and peers
reliability the accuracy of the measure is consistent each time study is conducted
equivalence agreement among measures
homogeneity intra-iten agreement; correlation
stability consistency of the measure of phenomenon
what did the results of Flannory's study suggest mother and teens talked more than mothers and younger children. When puberty is reached parents and children communication shifts towards talking versus touching in adolescence
what does a study need to have to have equivalence reliability correlation coefficient
how is homogeneity established measures are in the same scale
what is stability measuring it is measuring the repeatability of phenomenon; want to repeat studies close together in time. if it is not stable then study is not reliable
validity does study do what it claims to measure
threats to internal validity history-age changes maturation-age related changes, testing-chances of choosing same answer, instrumentation-the more instru. the more results change, statistical regression-towards the average
genetic variability environment changes-species with be able to reproduce
evolution of adolescence adaption, reproduction success, and survival of fittest
stress and resilience human body is programmed to act in predictable ways, stress increased because traits are no longer adaptive
bidirectional view people can alter their environment and changes in environment lead to evolution of systems: thought, language, systems
development (Piaget) adaption to new environmental demands
Piagets theory
Created by: aawebb12
Popular Psychology sets




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