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PSY 273

exam 1- ch 3

Why study prenatal development? theoretical and practical reasons
Period of prenatal development 1.zygote (germinal) period 2. embryonic period 3. fetal period
Zygote Period -first 2 weeks -fertilization, cell division, and implantation (blastocyst attaches to uterus) occur -morning sickness -
Embryonic Period - 3-8 weeks - basic organs take shape (heart beats first) -ectoderm: hair skin, and large part of nervous system -mesoderm: bones, muscles, and circulatory system -endoderm: digestive system and lungs -amniotic fluid, placenta, sex differentiation
Fetal Period - weeks 9-38 -organ systems inc. in complexity -age of viability (22-24) -sensory capabilities *hearing most imp. -fetal activity
Influences on Prenatal Development 1. nutrition 2. maternal stress 3. teratogens
Prenatal Nutrition -folic acid -fat for fetus -inadequate nutrition= prematurity, born underweight, high vulnerability to illness
Maternal Stress -secret hormones which reduce flow of O2 to fetus -weaken immune system -smoking or drinking -baby may be smaller than average, prone to physical and behavioral problems
Teratogens any agent that causes abnormal prenatal development -common ones= prescription drugs, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, environmental (xray)
Impact of teratogens -depends on genotype of the organism -changes over course of prenatal development -each affects a specific aspect of dev. -depends on dose -not always evident at birth
ultrasound sound waves are used to generate images of the fetus a. position of fetus b. multiple births c. physical deformities d. childs sex
amniocentesis sample of fetal cells is obtained from amniotic fluid (4 months) -test for sex of baby, genetic disorders
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) take a biopsy of the placenta (chorion) (9-12) weeks -screens for genetic disorders
3 stages of labor 1. starts when uterus muscles contract, ends when cervix is fully enlarged 2. baby is pushed through birth canal 3. placenta needs to be removed "after birth"
Approaches to child birth a. natural vs pain medication b. coach? doula? c. home birth vs hospital births
Adjustment to Parenthood -irritability, resentment, and crying spells are normal -postpartum depression: 10-15% of women, more common in women who breast feed, pre-exposure to depression, large hormonal drops, environmental factors
Birth Complications -cephalopelvic disproportion (baby cant fit through canal) -irregular position -preeclampsia (1. high bp 2. swelling 3. high protein) -prolapsed umbilical cord (cuts off O2 to baby)
Prematurity babies born before 35th week -obstacles: immaturity of lungs, digestive, and immune systems
Created by: km112908
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