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Psych Ch 1 UMW

words for test in psychology

Pop psychology found on the web, television and in thousands of self-help books
psychology discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they’re affected by an organism’s physical state, mental state, and external env’t
Empirical evidence gathered by careful observation, experimentation, and measurement
Critical thinkers have ability and willingness to assess claims and make objective judgments based on well-supported reasons & evidence rather than emotion and anecdote
Phrenology popular in US & Europe in 1800s, judged bumps on your heads, different brain areas account for specific characteristics & personality traits
Intellectual parents Aristotle, Zoroaster, and Hippocrates
First psych lab established in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany, founded by Wilhelm Wundt
Structuralism analyzed sensations, images & feelings into basic elements, based on introspection, basic elements of our mind
Functionalism emphasized function or purpose of behavior, as opposed to its analysis and description, inspired by Charles Darwin
Behaviorism what people do and why they do it, stemmed from functionalism, famous one B.F. skinner
Cognitive perspective emphasizes what goes on in heads, how thoughts explain actions
Sociocultural perspective social &cultural forces outside individuals, how groups affect attitudes & behavior
Psychodynamic unconscious dynamics within people , archeologists of the mind
Feminist psychology analyzes influence of social inequities on gender relations & behavior of 2 sexes, many studies only of white males, began studies on motherhood and menstruation
Psychologists teach and do research, provide health and mental health services, conduct research or apply findings
Psychotherapist anyone who does any kind of psychotherapy
Psychoanalyst practices one particular form of therapy, psychoanalysis
Psychiatrist medical doctor and has learned to diagnose and treat mental disorders, can give medicine
Therapist someone who has had a certification course
Jobs of psychs advise companies on how to entice customers, consult companies to improver workers satisfaction, establish programs to improve race relations, suicide prevention
Operational definition precise definition of a term in a hypothesis
Created by: lfalkens
Popular Psychology sets




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