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Sped 215

Sped 215 -ISU Pratice Midterm

Primary duty as a teacher for your students take care of the EGOS of the students
Discriminative Stimulus a stimulus in the presence of which a behavior is likely to be reinforced… all others are not likely to be reinforced.
Instructional Objective a collection of words and/or pictures and diagrams intended to let others know what you intend for you students to achieve.
Administrative Objectives describes instructor’s performance.
Course description tells you something about the content and procedures of a course.
Course objective describes a desired outcome
Ego an image/idea of how someone sees himself or herself.
Spreading phenomenon as you get older, you become more susceptible to having allergy problems to the common 5 allergy triggers.
Premack Principal When you do what I want you to do, then you can do what you want to do.
Modeling is observing others and imitating the actions previously seen.
Why people do what they do? a. Psychodynamic b. Biochemical & biological & organic c. Sociological d. Behavioral
What are the “Big- Five” allergy symptoms? a. Red eyes or/and ears, bags under eyes b. Acts hyper, hypo activity c. Writing d. Pulse e. Breathing
What are common allergy triggers/problems? a. Dust b. Mold c. Food d. Chemicals e. Pollen
Name the 7 signs of environmental illness: a. Headache b. Breathing problems c. Muscle aches d. Nausea e. Fatigue f. Joint aches g. Hyper/hypo activity
What characterizes Good Instruction? a. Structure b. Repetition c. Success
What are the 3 levels of Good Instruction? a. Direct Instruction b. Guided Practice c. Mastery Learning
What do we know about at risk kids? a. Poor attention skills b. Poor generalization skills c. Poor organizational skills d. Poor success rates e. Poor social skills
What every good teacher must know: a. What to teach b. How to teach c. How to manage behavior
With an objective, you need to identify: a. Performance b. Conditions c. Criteria
What are the three components of Freud’s models … but modified by Dr. Jacobs? a. Ego b. Drive c. Conscience
T/F The website the Dr. Jacobs recommends is: T
T/F Environmentally sick schools only affect teachers’ health. F
T/F The closest environment health center for Provocation is Floride F
T/F Teachers need to help build self-concept in students T
T/F Behavior is a choice T
T/F Provocation Neutralization Allergy Testing helps many students T
T/F Your students will know what you expect, tolerate, and punish. T
T/F Objectives can be vague. F
T/F An objective is measurable. T
T/F Purpose of instruction is to help someone learn to do something T
T/F How to teach, means knowing how to read a teacher’s textbook. F
T/F Learning conditions are unimportant for student success. F
T/F Rules are flexible F
T/F Positive parent contact is beneficial for teachers in the future. T
T/F Environmental illness can be cured with an antibiotic. F
T/F Kids size you up fast. T
T/F According to Dr. Jacobs…attention signals are optional for sucess F
T/F Immediate feedback for students is unhelpful. F
T/F Students should be able to have choices in activities. T
T/F It is not wise to go to war with your students. T
T/F Behaviors are learned. T
T/F Behaviors are uncorrectable. F
T/F Direct teaching is highly recommended for students to succeed. T
T/F The cardinal rule is don’t teach until you have everyone’s T
T/F Having a “full barrel” means you are at perfect health. F
T/F Assigned seating by the teacher is recommended to prevent T
T/F It only takes seeing something one time for it to “stick” with a person T
T/F It is important to be friendly to ALL staff members. T
T/F Children do not judge a teacher until a month into school. F
A _____ stated objective is one that succeeds in communicating an intended instructional result to the reader. usefully
A _____ stated objective is one that succeeds in communicating your intent. meaningful
A _____ statement – is the one that excludes the greatest number of possible meanings other than your intent. best
For an objective, _______ states what a learner is expected to be able to do and/or produce to be considered competent performance
The _______ rule is don’t begin teaching until you have everyone’s attention. cardinal
______ should be posted and be positive. rules
_______ - is when you do what I want, then you can do what you want. 7. The Premack Principal
Behavior is a _______ choice
The Pygmalion Effect states that you get what you ______, so expect the best. expect,
Ego How you see yourself
Learning Conditions In order to grow educationally, socially, and emotionally, children need to be in an environment in which there is a concentrated teacher who will set firm consistent positive, limits while providing warmth and support for their appropriate behavior.
Modeling Is looking at others and imitating their actions
Acting out child (Freud): The child has a large drive system and a small conscience.
Acting in child (Freud): The child has a large conscience and a small drive system.
How to teach: Is when the teacher delivers instruction.
What are the four major goals of this course? A. Understand a behavior exists. B. Be able to come up with appropriate action. C. Teach the students to make appropriate decisions. D. Teach students to manage their own behaviors.
To have a good objective you have to ask these questions A. Important condition B. performance based C. criteria of success
The 4 steps in managing student errors A. Feedback B. Model C. Prompt D. Check
The four steps in obtaining parent support for behavior management: A. Letter B. Home visit C. Phone call D. Notes
The 5 Expectations in a classroom are A. Respectful B. Responsible C. Follow directions D. Hand and feet to self E. Be there and ready
Rules should be: A. Stated positively B. Kept to a minimum C. Posted D. Taught and rehearsed
What are the three parts to the ecological Assessment: Can also have Community for one A. Home B. School C. Child
Guilt is a fight between your ego and drive systems. False
Behavior management does not have to be in the students IEP. False
Guided practice is when _______ teach. you
The _________ system is the system dealing with right and wrong; morals; and values. conscience
The three levels of teaching are _____ ____Direct Instruction___, __Guided Practice__, and __Mastery Learning_.
These two systems are learned _____Ego__ and ___Conscience_____.
______ learning is when “we” teach. ___Mastery_____
Classroom Structure Term that describes the manner which teachers organize their instructural procedures and classroom, to stimulate and maintain appropriate behavior from students.
Criterion describes the level of competence that must be reached or surpassed.
First day’s dos and don’ts. a. Seating chart. b. Attention signal. c. Response signal. d. Rules. e. Behavior management plan. f. Pretest behavior. g. Pretest academics. h. Group- academic readiness. i. Establish goals. j. Work on self concepts.
People view violence and poor discipline as the most serious problems in schools True
People view violence and poor discipline as the most serious problems in schools True
I am not a discriminative stimulus in my classroom? False
You should understand why a behavior exists? True
You should stay away from negative feedback True
Chemicals are the number one allergy at the moment True
Use ____ times more positive intervention than negative ones. 5
Respondent Behavior Behavior which is a result of its preceding stimuli.
Operant Behavior Behavior which is maintained or increased by its consequences.
Positive Reinforcer A stimulus that, when presented as a consequence of a response, results in an increase or maintenance of that response.
Negative Reinforcer A stimulus that, when removed or reduced as a consequence of a response, results in an increase or maintenance of that response.
List the first four things a teacher should do on the first day of school. a. Seating chart b. Attention signal c. Response Signals d. Rules
Your drive system is what motivates you in life. True
All children should be treated in the same way. False, every child is different
The use of new carpets in schools should make people nervous because of the fumes, dirt, and mold. True
Always let your students know what the objective of the lesson is. True
Most environmental or allergy symptoms are due to something inside of your home, school, or work area. True
Lack of self esteem is the major reason why students act up. true
When students misbehave it is usually due to lack of structure true
A teacher can catch problems early by using physical proximity true
Teachers should have two different types of response signals in the classroom. true
Behavior which is reinforced tends to be repeated. true
The goal of a behavior management program is to teach kids to manage their own behavior. true
It is believed that 80% of ADD children have been misdiagnosed. false
Students are more compliant when school rules are vague false
Instruction is effective to the degree that in succeeds in changing students in undesired directions. false
An objective is related to an outcome of instruction, rather than the process. true
The best way to teach someone something is to model it true
A useful objective includes three characteristics true
When the main intent of an objective is covert, an indicator behavior is added. true
Most instructional objectives are derived from two sources: personal desires and external needs. true
The _____ _____ explains why a child may be fine one day, and then become sick the next. BARREL EFFECT
Your ____ includes your system of right and wrong. CONSCIENCE
Behavior is a result of its _____ CONSEQUENCES
Direct Instruction Teaching or showing someone how to do something.
Guided Practice Doing the work with someone.
Mastery Learning Someone doing the work you just taught them on their own.
What are Dr. Jacob’s names for the three parts of the personality? 1. Drive system 2. Self-concept 3. Conscience system
Name three ways to intervene during instruction. 1. Catch problems early 2. Avoid dead time 3. Plan for difficult transitions
Instruction is effective to the degree that it succeeds in ____________________________________________. changing a student’s behavior
Objectives are drafted after ________________. the analysis
It is more important to teach behavior than academics. true
You can’t teach someone something they don’t want to learn. true
We are born with a self-concept. false
We control our drive-system. false
Students tend to be less destructive when the rules are specific. true
At-risk students need to learn to be structured. true
In order to grow educationally, socially, and emotionally, children need to be in an environment with a caring teacher. true
You should never put a lesson plan aside to work on behavior. false
Using “I-messages” is one way to intervene during instruction. true
Threatening to remove privileges, but not following through on those privileges is effective in classroom management. false
Teachers should help students build their self-concept. true
Before school starts you should review a student’s records and talk to their previous teachers. true
Behavior modification is a form of bribery. false
Some children need to be treated differently then others. true
A token system is a behavior management system. true
If you are a discriminative stimulus in your classroom, your students will know what you expect, will tolerate, and will punish. true
What are three rules for giving choices? 1.If the child doesn’t choose, be prepared to choose yourself. 2.Be sure to only offer choices you can live with. 3.Never give a choice unless you are willing to allow the child live with the consequences of a “bad” choice.
What are the three components of a person’s personality? 1. Id (Drive System) 2. Ego 3. Super-Ego (Conscience)
An assertive teacher is one that who clearly and firmly communicates their wants and needs. True
Discipline is the always same as punishment False
The best solution for almost every problem resides within the person who owns the problem. True
The ego determines self expectations True
The conscience counteracts the drive system True
What We Will Learn This Semester  Positive reinforcement in general --primary and secondary  Modeling  Shaping  Premack Principal  Token Reinforcement  Response Cost  Time Out  Extinction
9. Behavior management-General Guidelines  Structure  Repetition  Consistency  Success  Choices  Ecologically Based  Pre-planned and approved
Basic Principles of Behavior management  Behavior is learned  Behavior is learned from other people  Behavior is a result of it’s consequences  Behavior which is reinforced tends to be repeated  Behavior which is not reinforces tends not be repeated
11. The Pre-Intervention Checklist  Assess the problem-degree of severity  Examine the facilitators ( four pill theory, or ecological assessment) 1. Homes 2. School 3. Community 4. Child  Diagnosis VS. Prognosis  Decision Making 1. Begin Intervention 2. Refer to a more  Rest
What are the 3 teacher expectations a. set goals for students b. establish and explain rules c. role play, model, and practice rules
List the 4 steps of the Pre-Intervention Checklist. a. Asses the problem b. Examine the facilitators c. Diagnosis vs. Prognosis d. Decision Making
Created by: tmartin23
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