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LSU PSYC 2000 Exam 1

Flashcards for psychology 2000 (LSU) exam 1

What is psychology? The science of behavior and mental processes
How did the ancient Greeks think? They equated mind and soul.
What influenced the Greek thinkers? The Divine
How did Plato influence psychology? He introduced the term "psyche" (mind and soul). He thought people were imprinted with all knowledge and that learning was a matter of unlocking the knowledge. He believed in the Tripartie mind and that a healthy mind balances the three centers.
What is the tripartite mind consist of? Intellectual center Spiritual center Appetitive center
What did Aristotle contribute to psychology? He believed the mind was the reason for body to exist. He wrote the first known psychological text. He thought there were three types of souls. He proposed how to study reasoning. He introduced the concepts of psychology of needs and urges.
What three type of souls did Aristotle believe in? Animal Plant Human
What was the psychological text Aristotle wrote? Para Psyche
What are the components to the psychology of needs and urges? Id - desire (emotion) Ego - reason (rationality) Libido - urge to reproduce
What component of the psychology of needs and urges overrides the others? Libido
According to Aristotle, what causes bad actions? When desire overrides reason
What is dualism? The belief that humans are mind and body and that the mind is non-physical.
What is the mind-body problem? How can thoughts come from the physical structures on which they depend?
What did Descartes believe? He believed the body is a machine that follows natural laws of extension & motion. He believed the mind is non-physical & does not follow these natural laws. He believed the body and mind interact in the pineal gland & that CSF fluid controls nerves.
Who was Wilhelm Wundt? He is the founder of experimental psychology. He founded the first psych lab at the University of Leipzig in Germany and the first psych journal.
What methods did Wilhelm Wundt use to study people? He used the introspective method.
What is the introspective method? Self observations vs. internal perception
What did Wilhelm Wundt study using the introspective method and how? Basic processes (sensation, perception & attention) by using trained observers responding to controlled stimuli. Higher thought processes (language, thinking, & learning) through inductive observation, cross-cultural & historical analysis, & case studies
Who was Titchener and what did he do? He was one of Wundt's grad students who translated his work to English. He founded the first psych lab in the US (at Cornell) and developed systematic experimental introspection.
What is systematic experimental introspection? Self observation that relies on memory, breaks the experiment into parts, and explores introspective habit.
What is structuralism? Focus on finding the smallest units of experiences (what the parts of the mind are)
What is functionalism? Focus on how thoughts and feelings work together (what the parts of minds do) It is introspection of the self-observation variety.
Who was William James? He wrote the Principles of Psychology (textbook) in 1890 and theorized about human instincts and emotion.
What did William James think about consciousness? It is personal, changing, continuous, selective, and active.
Who was Mary Calkins? William Jame's grad student that paired associate learning and memory and became the first female president of the APA.
Who was Freud? He was the founder of psychoanalysis.
What did Freud believe? Behavior is motivated by our emotional responses to childhood experiences and the operation of our unconscious mind.
Who was John B. Watson? He was the founder of behaviorism that did classical conditioning with "Little Albert."
What was B. F. Skinner? He believed in radical behaviorism and operant conditioning
What is humanistic psychology? It is rebellion against Freud and Behaviorism that states that current environments influences behavior and that behaviorism is too mechanistic.
Who was Carl Rogers? He developed a person-centered approach to psychotherapy that focuses on therapy environment, not past experiences.
Who was Abraham Maslow? He believed we have a hierarchy of needs and that we should focus on positive qualities, not just symptoms.
What is the cognitive revolution? It is the line of thinking that states it is important to consider how the mind perceives, processes, and stores information
What is George A. Miller known for? The magical number 7 and working memory capacity.
Who was Noam Chomsky? He was a linguist that believed behaviorism cannot explain language learning and introduced the idea of universal grammar.
What is cognitive neuroscience? How cognition occurs in the brain
What are the three main levels of analysis in psychology today? Biological, psychological, and social-cultural
What are the different areas of research psychology? Biological (link between brain and mind), Developmental (changes across lifespan), Cognitive (mental processes), Personality (individual differences), Social (effect of social environments on individuals), and Psychometrics (development of tests)
What are the different areas of applied psychology? Clinical (psychodynamic and behavioral), Counseling, Educational, and Industrial/Organizational
Created by: 500578003
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