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AP Psych Chapter 8


A relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience learning
Learning that certain events occur together, such as two stimuli, or a response and its consequence associative learning
a type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli classical conditioning
the view that psychology should be an objective science that empirically studies behavior without noting mental processes behaviorism
unlearned, naturally conditioned response to an unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response
a stimulus that automatically triggers a natural response unconditioned stimulus
the learned response to a previously neutral stimulus conditioned response
elicits a response only after it is associated with an unconditioned stimulus conditioned stimulus
the initial stage in classical conditioning where a conditioned response is learned Acquisition
the diminishing of a conditioned response extinction
the reappearance of a conditional response after a period of extinction spontaneous recovery
the tendency for stimuli similar to the original stimulus to elicit the conditioned response generalization
the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus. discrimination
learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punishment operant conditioning
behavior that occurs as an automatic response to a stimulus. Skinner's name for classical conditioning. respondent behavior
behavior that operates on the environment to produce a reward or a punishment operant behavior
contains a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain rewards, and a device to measure the responses Skinner box
using reinforcers to guide behavior towards a goal in increments shaping
anything that strengthens the behavior it follows reinforcer
a stimulus that strengthens a response when presented after it positive reinforcement
an aversive stimulus that strengthens a response when it is removed when the response occurs negative reinforcement
a reinforcer that directly satisfies a biological need primary reinforcer
a stimulus that derives it's reinforcing power from association with a primary reinforcer (the same as a conditioned reinforcer) secondary reinforcer
reinforcing a response on only some of it's occurrences, and results in slower initial acquisition, but higher resistance to extinction partial reinforcement
reinforcing a response on all of it's occurrences continuous reinforcement
a stimulus that derives it's reinforcing power from association with a primary reinforcer (the same as a secondary reinforcer) conditioned reinforcer
reinforces a response after a specific number of responses fixed-ratio
reinforces a response after a random number of responses variable-ratio
reinforces a response after a specified period of time has elapsed fixed-interval
reinforces a response after a random amount of time has elapsed variable-interval
decreases the behavior it follows punishment
a mental representation of a physical environment cognitive map
learning that is not demonstrated until incentives are offered for it's demonstration latent learning
learning by observing others observational learning
the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior modeling
positive, constructive, and helpful to society, the opposite of antisocial behavior prosocial behavior
the principle that rewarded behavior will probably reoccur law of effect
an internal desire to perform a behavior for it's own sake intrinsic motivation
a desire to perform a behavior to avoid punishments or to produce rewards extrinsic motivation
neurons in the frontal lobe that fire when observing the actions of another person, and enable learning and empathy mirror neurons
An object used by Bandura to demonstrate the effects of modeling and observational learning bobo doll
therapy using an aversive stimulus to discourage a negative behavior aversion therapy
gradually reducing an individual's aversion to a stimulus systematic desensitization
Created by: Kingsclass
Popular Psychology sets




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