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HGD 6 off to school: Cognitive and physical development in Middle childhood

mental operations cognitive actions that can be performed on objects or ideas
deductive reasoning drawing conclusions from facts; characteristic of formal-operational thought
working memory type of memory in which a small number of items can be stored briefly
long term memory permanent storeshouse for memories that has unlimited capacity
organization as applied to children's memory, a strategy in which information to be remembered is structured so that related information is placed together
elaboration memory strategy in which information is embellished to make it more memorable
metamemory person's informal understanding of memory includes the ability to diagnose memory problems accurately and to monitor the effectiveness of memory strategies
metacognitive knowledge a person's knowledge and awerness of cognitive processes
cognitive self-regulation skill at identifying goals, selecting effective strategies and accurate monitoring; a characteristic of successful students
psychometricians psychologists who specialize in measureing psychochological tratis such as intelligence and personality
savants individuals with mental retardation who are extremely talented in one domain
emotional intelligence ability to use one's own and other's emotions effectiviely for solving problems and living happily
analytic ability in Sternberg's theory of intelligence, the ability to analyze problems and generate different solutions
creative ability Sternberg's theory of intelligenct, the ability to deal adaptively with novel situations and problems
practical ability in sternberg's theory of intelligence, the ability to know which problem solutions are likely to work
mental age in intelligence testing, ameasure of children's performance corresponding to the chronological age of those whose performance equals the child's
intelligence quotient mathematical representation of how a person scores on an intelligence test in relation to how other people of the same age score
dynamic testing measures learning potential by having a child child learn something new in the presence of the examiner and with eexaminer's help
culture-fair intelligence tests intelligence tests devised using items common to many cultures
stereotype threat an evoked fear of being judged in accordance with a negative stereotype about a group to which you belong
convergent thinking using information to arrive at one standard and correct answer
divergent thinking thinking in novel and unusual directions
menatal retardation substantially below-average intelligence
and problems adapting to an environment that emerge before the age of 18`
organic mental retardation mental retardations that can be traced to a specific biological or physical problem
familial mental retardation form of mental retardations tha tdoes not involve biological damage but instead represents the low end of the normal distribution of intelligence
learning disability when a child with normal intelligence has difficulty mastering at least one academic subject
word recognition the process of identifying a unique pattern of letters
comprehension the process of extracting meaning from a sequence of words
phonological awareness the ability to hear the distinctive sounds of letters
knowledge-telling strategy wrtiting down information as it is retrieved from memory, a common practice for young writers
knowledge-transforming strategy deciding what information to include and how best to organize it to convey a point
Created by: Sarahfeuerbacher
Popular Psychology sets



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