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Resistance Ex

Ch. 6 of Therapeutic Exercise 5th Ed. by Kisner & Colby

muscle performance the capacity of a muscle to do work (force x distance)
resistance exercise aka: resistance training; any form of active exercise where a dynamic or static muscle contraction is resisted by an outside force applied manually or mechanically
3 elements of muscle performance strength, power, endurance
muscle strength ability of contractile tissue to produce tension & a resultant force based on the demands placed on the muscle
functional strength ability of neuromuscular system to produce, reduce, or control forces during functional activities in a smooth, coordinated manner
strength training aka. strengthening exercise; systematic procedure of muscle(s) to lift, lower, or control heavy loads for a low # of reps OR over a short period of time
muscle power RATE of performing work; contraction produces a resultant force
2 types of muscle power anaerobic (high intensity, single burst) & aerobic (less intensity, repeated bursts)
power training enhance power by: increasing the work required during a time frame OR reducing time required to produce force
muscle endurance aka. local endurance; ability to contract repeatedly against load, generate & sustain tension, & resist fatigue over extended period of time
endurance training low intensity muscle contractions (low load), large # of reps, prolonged period of time
benefits of resistance exercise (box 6.1) enhanced muscle performance, increased strength of CT, greater bone mineral density, decreased stress on joints, less risk of soft tissue injury, better balance, etc.
overload principle muscle must be challenged to perform at a level greater than which it is accustomed
what is incrementally increased & progressively in STRENGTH TRAINING? amount of RESISTANCE
what is incrementally increased & progressively in ENDURANCE TRAINING? TIME of sustained muscle contraction OR the # OF REPS
SAID Principle [Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands]helps determine parameters of exercise to best meet goals
specificity training exercises should mimic anticipated function as much as possible {consider mode, velocity, & joint angle}
transfer of training aka: overflow or cross-training; carryover of training effects from 1 exercise/task to another
reversibility principle "use it or lose it" / muscle performance reduction begins 1 - 2 weeks after quitting resistance exercises, continues until training effects are lost
muscle (local) fatigue diminished response of muscle to a repeated stimulus; normal, temporary, and reversible
type II fibers phasic, fast-twitch, more tension in short amount of time
type I fibers tonic, slow-twitch, less muscle tension sustained for long amount of time
type IIA vs. type IIB IIB is more anaerobic & fatigues quicker
signs of muscle fatigue uncomfortable sensation, pain, cramping, tremulousness, jerky movements, inability to complete ROM, substitutions, inability to continue, decline in peak torque
cardiopulmonary fatigue diminished response of entire body from prolonged physical activity
Threshold for fatigue level of fatigue that cannot be sustained indefinitely; sets baseline for adaptive changes to be measured
Factors that influence fatigue health status, disease, diet, lifestyle, medications, & environmental factors (temp., air quality, altitude)
Recovery from exercise usually 3 - 4 min. for acute exercise; lactic acid is removed within 1 hour
hypertrophy increase in size (bulk) of individual muscle fiber caused by increase in myofibrillar volume; seen in 2 - 8 weeks w/ high-intensity resistance training
hyperplasia increase in # of muscle fibers
alignment determined by line of pull
stabilization usually the proximate attachment of the muscle being strengthened; body weight may be enough especially in horizontal plane
external stabilization applied manually by therapist or by equipment
internal stabilization isometric contraction of adjacent muscle group not involved in movement pattern {ex: bilateral straight leg raise while contracting abs}
Created by: jteich
Popular Physical Therapy sets



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