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Bontragers Ch 12

Skull Anatomy & Pathology Cranium Week 2

What is the total # of bones in the Cranium? What is the total # of Facial Bones? 8 Cranial Bones & 14 Facial Bones/
What are the 4 Cranial bones that make up the floor of the cranium? Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Right Temporal & Left Tempporal
What are the 4 bones that make up the Calvarium or skull cap? Frontal, Occiptal, Left Parietal & Right Parietal
What is the structure that's found in the middle of the Sphenoid bone that surrounds the Pituitary gland? Sella Turcica
What is the posterior aspect of the Sella Turcica called? Dorsum Sellae
Which structures of the Spehnoid bone help form the lateral walls of the nasal cavities? Medial and Lateral Pterygoid Processes
What is the name of the notch that separates the orbital plates from each other? Ethmoidal Notch
What is the name of the oval processes found on the Occipital bone that help form the Atlanto-Occiptal joint? The Occitpal Condyles
What are the 3 primary portions of the Temporal bones? Which has many air cells, forms a connection to the pharynx & nasal portion? Which houses the organs of hearing & is the dense area of skull? Which is very vulnerable with a vertebral artery beneath? Mastoid Portion has many air cells and forms connection to pharynx & nasal portion. Petrous Portion houses organs of hearing and is the densest area of the skull. The Squamous portion is very vulnerable with the vertebral artery just beneath it.
What is the densest area of bone in the skull? The Petrous portion
Which opening in the Temporal bone serves as a passageway for nerves of hearing and equilibrium? Internal Acoustic Meatus (IAM).
What are the 3 skull classifications? What is the angle difference between the Petrous pyramids and the mid sagittal plane in these skull classifications? Mesocephalic, Average, 45 degrees. Brachycephalic, short & broad, greater than 45 degrees. Dolcicephalic, long & narrow, less than 45 degrees.
What are the anatomical landmarks used for measuring skull classification? What are the measurements for Mesocephalic Left Parietal Eminence to Right Parietal Eminence 19 cm. Frontal Eminence to Inion 19cm. Vertex to beneath the chin 23 cm.
What is the small cartilaginous flap covering the ear opening? Tragus
What are the 2 main portions of the Frontal bone? Horizontal portion & Squamous portion.
Which part of the interior portion of the Frontal bone separates the Orbital Plate? Ethmoidal Notch
Which Fontanell is slightly anterior to the vertex of the head? Which Fontanell is locates about 1" anterior to the Inion? Bragma along the Coronal Suture at the midsagittal plane about 1" anterior to the vertex. Lamda along the Lamboidal Suture along the midsagittal plane about 1" anterior to the Inion.
Which Cranial Bones form the lateral walls and part of the roof? The left & right Parietal bones.
Which bones do the Left & Rt parietal bones articulate with and where at? With the Frontal bone anteriorly, with the Occipital bone posteriorly, with the Rt&Lt Temporal bones InferoAnteriorly and with the Rt &/or Left Parietal bone.
What are the sutures of the skull cap and where are they located? Coronal suture between Frontal bone & 2 anterior Parietal bones. Squamous sutures between inferior Parietal bones & respective Temporal bones. Sagittal suture separates Parietal bones, goes from Lamda to Bregma. Lamboidal suture from Occiptal to Parietal.
What type of joints are sutures? Fibrous joints. They are Synarthroidal (immovable).
What is the widest portion of the skull? Measurement between the Rt & Lt Parietal Eminences.
Which portion of the Occipital bone is the external rounded surface that forms most of the back of the head that's just superior to the Inion? Squamous portion
Where is the Zygomatic Arch? Wher does the Zygomatic process start? It goes from the Zygomatic process of the Temporal bone to the Zygoma. About 1" anterior to the EAM.
Where is the TMJ Fossa located? Inferior to the Zygomatic process of the Temporal bone & anterior to the EAM.
Which bones does the Temporal bone articulate with and where? With Rt&Lt Parietal's superiorly, with Sphenoid anteriorly, with the Occiptal posteriorly, with Zygoma anteriorly & with Mandible inferiorly.
What could happen if a pathogen got in the Mastoid portion of the Temporal bone? What was done prior to antibiotics? Mastoiditis, which can then form Encephalitis. The Mastoid process would be removed.
Where does the Ethmoid bone lie? Where is it situated? Primarily below the floor of the cranium. It's situated in the Ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone.
Which part of the Ethmoid bone houses air cells lined with mucous membranes that are aerated? The lateral Labyrinth.
Which part of the Ethmoid bone is part of the Nasal Septum? Which Facial bone is the inferior portion of the Nasal Septum? The Perpendicular plate. The Vomer.
Which part of the Lateral Labyrinth of the Ethmoid bone swirl the air around, warm it up and filter the air with the cilia? Middle Nasal Concha.
What can happen with a fracture to the anterior end of the perpendicular plate? The force can go to the Sphenoid and fracture the Sella Turcica which may cause encephalitis.
Which part of the Ethmoid bone projects superiorly from the Cribiform Plate? The Crista Galli
Which parts of the Sella Turcica of the Sphenoid may be seen on an oblique position of the skull? Where are they? The Rt & Lt Pterygoid processes that project downward from the inferior portion of the Sphenoid. Rt & Lt Pterygoid Hamuli just medial to the Pterygoid processes thatend with hooklike processes.
Where are the anterior Clinoid processes located? Where are the Posterior Clinoid processes? Anterior Clinoids are on the middle of the lesser Wings of the Sphenoid at the anterior end of the Sella Turcica. Arising Dorsum Sellae at the posterior end of the Sella Turcica.
Where is the Clivus of the Sphenoid located? What part of the brain stem does this support? A depression on the posteroinferior portion of the Dorsum Sellae. The Pons.
Created by: jamestkelley
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