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Psych: Chap 1

words used only in chap 1 of psych

Psychology the scientific study of mind and behavior
Mind private inner experience
Behavior observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals
Structuralism analyze the mind by breaking it down into it’s basic components
Functionalism study how mental abilities allow people to adapt to their environments
Nativism view that certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn
Rene Descartes French philosopher that argued for dualism between mind and body
Phrenology a now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and characteristics are localized in specific regions of the brain
Philosophical empiricism view that all knowledge is acquired through experience
Franz Joseph Gall Phrenology
Phrenology a now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and characteristics are localized in specific regions of the brain
Pierre Flourens surgically removed brain pieces of animals; argued against Gall’s methods
Paul Broca studied brain damaged patients (left frontal lobe) to link localization to ability
Physiology study of biological processes, especially in the human body
Hermann von Helmholtz Stimulus and reaction time
Wilhelm Wundt Consciousness, structuralism, introspection
Consciousness a person’s subjective experience of the world and the mind
Structuralism the analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind
Introspection the subjective observation of one’s own experience
Edward Titchener brings structuralism to the U.S.
William James fist to take scientific approach to study Psychology; wrote The Principles of Psychology; functionalism
Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Natural Selection
Natural Selection the features of an organism that help it survive and reproduce are more likely than other features to be passed on to subsequent generations
G. Stanley Hall set up first psychological laboratory in North America; founded the American Journal of Psychology
Jean-Martin Charcot studied hysteric patients through hypnosis
Hysteria a temporary loss of cognitive or motor functions, usually as a result of emotionally upsetting experiences
Sigmund Freud Unconscious, psychoanalytic theory, psychoanalysis
Unconscious the part of the mind that operates outside of awareness but influences conscious thoughts, feelings, and actions
Psychoanalytic theory approach to understanding human behavior that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
Psychoanalysis a therapeutic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness to better understand psychological disorders
Abraham Maslow & Rogers Humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychology an approach to understanding human nature that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings (self-actualization) in response to Freud’s negative view on people
Behaviorism an approach that advocates that psychologists restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behavior (ex: response time); result of external stimuli
John Watson goal to predict and control behavior through the study of observable behavior; Father of beahvior; Little Albert case
Margaret Washburn studied behavior in different animal species; published The Animal Mind
Ivan Pavlov studied the psychology of digestion and founded classical conditioning (stimulus-response)
Response an action or physiological change elicited by a stimulus
B.F. Skinner published The Behavior of Organisms, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Walden II; reinforcement; free will
Gestalt psychology a psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts
Sir Frederic Bartlett memory recall is flawed so we reconstruct the event
Jean Piaget studied cognitive development in children
Cognitive psychology the scientific study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory, and reasoning
Gordon Allport studied stereotyping, prejudice, and racism as perceptual errors
Absolutionism culture makes little difference on psychology
Relativism psychological phenomena are likely to vary considerably across cultures
Mary Calkins first APA president
Kenneth Clark first african american APA president
Created by: shinnickn
Popular Psychology sets




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