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Sub. use disorder

drug and alcohol abuse

abstinence violation effect when a person lapses in abstinence from a substance and thus experiences extreme guilt, shame,hopelessnes, and self-blame, along with a perception that he or she has "lost control" and cannot stop drinking or using
ANTAGOINIS MEDICATIONS "Anticraving" medication that help reduce the desire for substance and/or interfere with the substance's ability to produce pleasure.
approach-avoidance conflict conflict between a person's use of drugs because of the pleasure,pain relief, and social rewards involved and his or her repulsion by the lack of personal control,negative external consequences, and the shame and embarrasment that accompany drug use.
aversive medications cause the person to feel ill if he uses a certain substance.
cannabinols marijuana and hashish, which produce effects including mild euphoria, increased appetite, distortede sense of tiem,disrutions inlogical thinking, enhanced visual and auditory perception,decreased in short-term memory functioning, decreased coordination, a
Central Nervous System depressants example, alcohol,barbiturates, benzodiazepines which cause lowered CNS function;also known as sedative.
Central Nervous System stimulants amphetamines and cocaine that produces heightened central nervous system function.
community reinforcement approach approach to treating substance dependence that involves supplying clients with vouchers for gooods and services that are tied to regular submission of clean urine samples and participation in program elements.
detoxification wean from physical dependence on a substance.
Six general categories of substance abuse CNS stimulants (amphetamines and cocaine) CNS depressants (alcohol, barbituates,and benzodiazepines Opiates (heroin and opium) hallucinogens (LSD and psychedelic mushrooms) cannabinols (marijuana and hashish) solvents (glue and gasoline).
Withdrawl symptoms of stimulants lethargy anhedonia,anxiety,craving, irritability,depression (usually not medically dangerous)
overdose of stimulant produces tremors,sweating, tachycardia, anxiety, insomnia,paranoia, panic,convulsions, heart attack, stroke, seizure.
long-term effects of alcohol weight loss,lifestyle narrowing, paranoia, stroke, depression
subtitution therapy to continue the use of the substance in a less harmful form and then reduces the amount of the substance eg. nicotine patch, methodone pill are examples of substitution therapy.
CNS depressants biological symptoms decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, decreased attention and memory, increased muscle relaxation,incoordination, sleep.
Psychological symptoms of depressants disinhibition, relazation, sense of calm
behavioral symptoms of depressants slurr speech, staggering, drowsiness
withdrawl from CNS depressants can be dangerous
withdraw symptoms of CNS depressants anxiety,irritability, tremors, nausea, Seizures, DT's, fever, hallucinations, loss of appetite death
Ovderdose of CNS depressants seen with alcohol and barbituates - drunkenness, blackouts,coma, death.
tolerance develops rapidly to benzodiazepine and alcohol
Korsakoff's long term amnestic syndrome similar to Alzhimers develops due to long term use of alcohol
substance abuse use of psychoactive drug to such an extent that its effects seriously interfere with health or occupational and social functioning;may or may not involve physiologic dependence or tolerance.
solvents (inhalants) glue and gasoline. causes dizziness, slurred speech, unsteady gait, drowsiness, disinhibition,altered consciousness, giddiness.
sedative another name for central nervous system depressants
relapse prevention use of both a specific techniques and a general orientation to treatment to help the client conceptualize relapse not as an event but as a process.
psychologic dependence user's need to a drug to reach a leve of functioning or feeling of well-being.
physical dependence condition involving physiologic substance dependence, the establishment of tolerance, and evidence of an abstinence syndrome or withdrawl upon cessation of substance use.
opiates natual derivatives of poppy plant such as heroin and opium, which produce analgesic effects and and central nervous system depressants.
opioids synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of opiates.
motivational interviewing approach to treatment that aims at resolving the resistance to change and ambivalence common among individuals with substance problems
medicatin misuse use of prescriptin medications outside of medical supervision or in a manner inconsistent with medical advice.
hallucinogens LSD and psychedelic mushrooms, which in some ways simulate the symptoms of psychosis, including hallucinations and perceptual and mental distortions.
flashback breie,sudden perceptual or cognitive disturbance similar to that experienced during hallucinogenic intoxication but that occurs some time after the original intoxication.
biological symptoms produced by opiates pain relief, cough suppressant, constipation,nausea,vomiting,itching.
psychological symptoms produced by opiates waves of pleasure and calm, serene sensation
behavioral symptoms of opiate reduced motor activity
long-term negative effects of opiate use seen in IV drug use of needle tht spread communicable disease, lifestyle narrowing, neglect of nutrition.
Overdose of opites decreased:pulse,Blood pressure, breathing, temperature, reflexes. death.
tolerance to opiate develops rapidly
withdrawl symptoms of opiates restlessness, drug craving, chiling with goose bumps hense the phrase "quitting cold turkey"
withdrawl symptoms of opiates flulike symptoms
most commom effect of hallucinogens is laughter
hallucinogens psychedelic mushrooms, LSD, mescaline, MDMA(methylenedioxmethamphetamines, ecstasy.
hallucinogenic symptoms Hallucinatins, percetpua and mental distortions
Flashback a brief cofnitive and perceptual disturbance similar to that experienced during hallucinogenic.
sign symptoms of hallucinogenics Paranoia,anxiety
substance dependence (1) a progressive process that include physical tolerance, withdrawl symptoms;use of greater amt. of substance than planned;ineffective attempts to quit;extensive time dedicated to seeking or using substance;
neltrexone medication to decrease the craving for alcohol.
alcohol detox to wean from physical dependence on alcohol.
disulfiram produces unpleasant flu-like symptoms in reaction to alcohol consumption.
Acamprosate limited use in USA, used to treat etho dependence
naltrexone used to treat persons dependent on oioids, opiates and alcohol by decreasing craving and enhances abstinence. Blocks effect of opioids.
substance dependence (2) surrender of usual activities in facor of subatance use;continued use despite acknowledgmentof a problem.
Different type of treatment options outpatient (weekly meeting), IOP (3-4times per week),Inpatient hospital or treatment center(live there for one month to a year)therapeutic communities (greater than one year)
DSM-lV substance dependence Physical tolerance,(decreased intox with same amt of subtance use), withdrawl symptom, use of greater amt. than planned, desire, or ineffective attempts to quit, much time spent using or seeking out substance,no to usual activties in favor of substance,
DSM-lV substance depencence contd contunued use despite knowledge of a problem.
Created by: fruitfly
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