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CNS Drugs

Test 2 Pharmacology - Antianxiety, CNS Stimulants

Has Active metabolites that can accumulate in renal or hepatic compromised patients Diazepam (Valium)
Used to treat anxiety,seizures, sedation and to relax skeltal muscles Diazepam(Valium)
Benzodiazepines- Side Effects Drosiness/sedation,N/V, dry mouth,Constipation
When mixed with Benzodiazepines can cause death sedating meds, or alcohol, respiratory arrrest
Antidote for Benzodiazepine overdose Flumazenil (Romazicon)
Symptoms of Benzodiazepines overdose somnolence,confusion, coma or respiratory depression. Tx is symptomatic
PsychoHydroxyzine (Vistaril or Atarax) An antihistamine used as anxiolytic and antiemetic agent
Alprazolam (Xanax), Lorazepam (Ativan) Anti-anxiety agents Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines 1st Line Defense increase GABA (can inhib amino acid which inhibits nerve transmissions in the brain.
Many of the drugs used to treat affective disorders increase Neurotransmitter concentrations in the CNS
Cyclic Antidepressants Blocks the reuptake of neurotransmitters NE and serotonin
Cyclic Andidepressants -Inhibit 1_________but also block______________________, which results in so many adverse effects blocks muscarinic, histaminergic,adrenergic, dopaminergic and serontergic recptors
Cyclic Antidepressants - Side Effects due to mscarinc receptors: Sedation, impotence, orthostatic hypotension . Elderly are affected by more dizziness, constipation, delayed micturation, edema and muscle tremors
Cyclic Antidepress Overdose TCA overdoses can be lthal. Affects CNS, cardiovas, death from seizures or dysrhythmias. No antidote. Use supportive measures such as charcoal and diazepam for seizures
Imipramine (Tofranil) Blocks reuptake of Norepine and serotonin. Used to treat major depression and depressive phse of bipolar disorder. Also combined with antipsychotic drugs to treat psychotic features.. Caution with heart disease can slow HR. Adverse - Cardiac irregularitie
Monamine Oxidase The enzyme MAO inactivates dopamine, serotonin, epinephre and norepinephrine. Increased levels of serotonin epinephre and norepinephrine help with depression
MAOI inhibit activity of MAO, increasing levels of norep,epine, and serotonin thus
Amitriptyline(Elavil) Tricyclic anti-depressant. Used to treat depression - blocks reuptake of Nore,
Nortriptyline (Aventyl) Tricyclic Antidepressant
What type of depression are MAOI especially useful Those that are not responsive to other therapies. Not a first line agent used due to the side-effect profile.
MAOI's Side Effects orthostatic Hypotensions, tachycardia, anorexia, nausea
S/S Of MAOI toxicity s/s occur 12 hours after ingestion. Cardiovascular and neurologic in nature. Tachycardia and circulatory collapse, seizures and coma
MAOI's and foods containing Tyramine results in hypertensive crisis - lethal
Patients who are suffering a reaction to MAOI and Tyramine should be given what mediation Nifedipine(anti-hypertensive)
MAOI's interacting with MAOI's causes active metabolites. Avoid all opids in general
MAOI's can cause: A Hypertensive Crisis
Created by: Carlrrichardson
Popular Pharmacology sets




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