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All numbers

zero zero
one uno
two due
three tre
four quattro
five cinque
six sei
seven sette
eight otto
nine nove
ten dieci
eleven undici
twelve dodici
thirteen tredici
fourteen quattordici
fifteen quindici
sixteen sedici
seventeen diciassette
eighteen diciotto
nineteen diciannove
twenty venti
twenty-one ventuno
twenty-two ventidue
twenty-three ventitré
twenty-four ventiquattro
twenty-five venticinque
twenty-six ventisei
twenty-seven ventisette
twenty-eight ventotto
twenty-nine ventinove
thirty trenta
thirty-one trentuno
thirty-two trentadue
thirty-three trentatré
thirty-four trentaquattro
thirty-five trentacinque
thirty-six trentasei
thirty-seven trentasette
thirty-eight trentotto
thirty-nine trentanove
forty quaranta
forty-one quarantuno
forty-two quarantadue
forty-three quarantatré
forty-four quarantaquattro
forty-five quarantacinque
forty-six quarantasei
forty-seven quarantasette
forty-eight quarantotto
forty-nine quarantanove
fifty cinquanta
fifty-one cinquantuno
fifty-two cinquantadue
fifty-three cinquantatré
fifty-four cinquantaquattro
fifty-five cinquantacinque
fifty-six cinquantasei
fifty-seven cinquantasette
fifty-eight cinquantotto
fifty-nine cinquantanove
sixty sessanta
sixty-one sessantuno
sixty-two sessantadue
sixty-three sessantatré
sixty-four sessantaquattro
sixty-five sessantacinque
sixty-six sessantasei
sixty-seven sessantasette
sixty-eight sessantotto
sixty-nine sessantanove
seventy settanta
seventy-one settantuno
seventy-two settantadue
seventy-three settantatré
seventy-four settantaquattro
seventy-five settantacinque
seventy-six settantasei
seventy-seven settantasette
seventy-eight settantotto
seventy-nine settantanove
eighty ottanta
eighty-one ottantuno
eighty-two ottantadue
eighty-three ottantatré
eighty-four ottantaquattro
eighty-five ottantacinque
eighty-six ottantasei
eighty-seven ottantasette
eighty-eight ottantotto
eighty-nine ottantanove
ninety novanta
ninety-one novantuno
ninety-two novantadue
ninety-three novantatré
ninety-four novantaquattro
ninety-five novantacinque
ninety-six novantasei
ninety-seven novantasette
ninety-eight novantotto
ninety-nine novantanove
one hundred cento
two hundred duecento
three hundred trecento
four hundred quattrocento
five hundred cinquecento
six hundred seicento
seven hundred settecento
eight hundred ottocento
nine hundred novecento
one thousand mille
two thousand duemila
ten thousand diecimila
twenty thousand ventimila
one hundred thousand centomila
two hundred thousand duecentomila
one million un milione
two million due milioni
one billion miliardo
two billion due miliardi
Created by: 692008886
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