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Elbow Joint p.152

Lippert ch.11 - Elbow Joint (muscles) pgs. 152-158

brachialis: ORIGIN distal half of humerus, anterior surface
brachialis: INSERTION coraniod process & ulnar tuberosity of the ulna
brachialis: ACTION elbow flexion
brachialis: NERVE Musculocutaneous nerve, C5,6
biceps brachii: ORIGIN of LONG HEAD supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
biceps brachii: ORIGIN of SHORT HEAD coracoid process of scapula
biceps brachii: INSERTION radial tuberosity of radius
biceps brachii: ACTION elbow flexion, forearm supination
biceps brachii: NERVE Musculocutaneous nerve C5,6
brachioradialis: ORIGIN lateral supracondylar ridge on humerus
brachioradialis: INSERTION styloid process of radius
brachioradialis: ACTION elbow flexion
brachioradialis: NERVE Radial nerve C5,6
triceps brachii: ORIGIN of LONG HEAD infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
triceps brachii: ORIGIN of LATERAL HEAD inferior to greater tubercle on posterior humerus
triceps brachii: ORIGIN of MEDIAL HEAD posterior surface of humerus
triceps brachii: INSERTION olecranon process of ulna
triceps brachii: ACTION elbow extension
triceps brachii: NERVE Radial nerve C7,8
acroneus: ORIGIN lateral epicondyle of humerus
acroneus: INSERTION lateral and inferior to olecranon process of ulna
acroneus: ACTION NOT A PRIME MOVER, assists elbow extension
acroneus: NERVE Radial nerve, C7,8
pronator teres: ORIGIN medial epicondyle of humerus and coranoid process of ulna
pronator teres: INSERTION lateral aspect of radius at midpoint
pronator teres: ACTION forearm pronation, assists elbow flexion
pronator teres: NERVE Median nerve, C6,7
pronator quadratus: ORIGIN distal 1/4 of ulna
pronator quadratus: INSERTION distal 1/4 or radius
pronator quadratus: ACTION forearm pronation
pronator quadratus: NERVE Median nerve, C8, T1
supinator: ORIGIN lateral epicondyle of humerus & adjacent ulna
supinator: INSERTION anterior surface of proximal radius
supinator: ACTION forearm supination
supinator: NERVE Radial nerve, C6
Which muscle is called the "workhorse of the elbow joint" ? brachialis muscle
Which head of the biceps brachii descends through the intertubercular (bicipital) groove? long head
Which muscle means "arm" in Latin? brachialis
Which muscle pulls on the annular ligament to keep it from getting pinched in the olecranon fossa during elbow extension? acroneus
What partially wraps around the radius during pronation? tendon of biceps breachii
In what position does the elbow have its greatest angular force? 90 degrees of flexion as it supinates
Where can the brachialis be palpated? distal end of the humerus on either side of the biceps tendon
What is the most superficial muscle on the lateral side of the forearm? brachioradialis
Which muscles produce elbow FLEXION? biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis
Which muscles produce elbow EXTENSION? triceps
Which muscle produce forearm PRONATION? pronator teres, pronator quadratus
WHich muscles produce forearm SUPINATION? biceps, supinator
lateral epicondylitis aka: tennis elbow, overuse condition that affects the common extensor tendon where it inserts onto the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, particularly the extensor carpi radialis brevis
medial epicondylitis aka: golfer's elbow, overuse condition that results in inflammation of common flexor tendon that inserts into medial epicondyle
Which overuse condition will produce pain during resisted wrist flexion? medial epicondylitis
Little League elbow overuse injury of medial epicondyle from repetitive throwing, places valgus stress on elbow, causes lateral compression & medial distraction of joint
pulled elbow aka: nursemaid's elbow, children <5 experience sudden strong traction force causing radial head to sublux out from under annular ligiment
elbow dislocation force at elbow in slightly flexed position causes ulna to slide posterior to distal end of humerus
supracondylar fractures distal end of humerus fractures just above condyles (most common fracture in children due to FOOSH)
Why are elbow dislocations and supracondylar fractures DANGEROUS? proximity of brachial artery
Volkmann's ischemic contracture ischemic necrosis of forearm muscles
Created by: jteich
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