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chp 21-22 yti

This dx must be made clinically ADHD
amphetamine salts Adderall
atomoxetine hydrochloride Strattera
methylphenidate hydrochloride Ritalin
methylphenidate hydrochloride (extended release tablets) Concerta
modafinil Provigil
sibutramine hydrochloride Meridia
A Pharmacologic CNS depressant that produces a loss of sensation, throughout the body by cutting off all sensory impulses to the brain. This could be general, systemic or localized Anesthesia
List the four stages of Anesthesia I) Analgesia, II)Delirium, III)Surgical Anesthesia,IV)Medullary Depression
diazepam Valium
midazolam hydrochloride Versed
lidocaine hydrochloride Xylocaine
procaine hydrochloride Novocain
____________are derivatives of barbituric acid and act by depressing the respiratory rate, BP, and temperature as well as the CNS Barbiturates
What is the condition where larger & larger doses are needed to produce the desired effect of habit forming drugs Tolerance
A habitual dependence on a substance that is beyond voluntary control Addiction
flurazepam hydrochloride Dalmane
zolpidem tartrate Ambien
ropinirole hydrochloride Requip
Any drug derived from opium or its synthetic analogs Narcotic
Drugs derived from Opium Opiates
Drugs with actions similar to those of opium, but not derived from Opium Opiods
morphine sulfate MS Contin, Oramorph, MSIR, Roxanol (know one brand name for test)
naloxone Narcan
fentanyl transdermal patch Duragesic
hydrocodone bitartrate Vicodin, Loratab
hydromorphone hydrochloride Dilaudid
merperidine hydrochloride Demerol
oxycodone Oxycontin
acetaminophen Tylenol
propoxyphene hydrochloride Darvon
pentazocine hydrochloride Talwin
tramadol hydrochloride Ultram
sumatripan succinate Imitrex
rizatriptan benzoate Maxalt
eletripan hydrobromide Relpax
Name four types of seizures I)Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal), II)Absence (Petit Mal), III)Complex Partial, IV) Epileptic Equivalents
Epilepsy can be controlled by the use of ______ Anticonvulsants
phenytoin Dilantin
carbamazepine Tegretol
diazepam Valium
gabapentin Neurontin
lamotrigine Lamictal
levetiracetam Keppra
topiramate Topamax
valproic acid Depakene
levodopa Dopar, Larodopa
levodopa plus carbidopa Sinemet,Atamet
naproxen sodium Naprosyn, Anaprox, Aleve
propoxyphene Darvon
fentanyl cirtate Duragesic
meperidine hydrochloride Demerol
nalbuphine Nubain
Tonic Clonic seizures are also known as Grand Mal seizures
absence seizures are also known as petit mal seizures
What are some drugs for mild pain Tylenol, Naprosen
What are some drugs use for moderate pain Vicodin, Percocet, Darvon
What are some drugs use for moderate pain Dilaudid, Demerol, Nubain
any of a group of drugs that may be used to enhance pain relief coanalgesic
lidocaine patches lidoderm
Created by: bmfinneran
Popular Pharmacology sets




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