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Literary Terms

Literary terms

Question ParallelismAnswer
Parallelism Using similar grammatical structures to state things of equal importance.
Dramatic Irony Occurs when the audience knows something that the characters in the play do not know
Rhetorical Questions A question that does not require an answer
Epistrophe Using the same ending on several phrases or clauses.
Allusion A reference that most people will recognize to something from history, literature, the Bible, or mythology
Personification Giving human characteristics to something that is not human.
Logos An appeal to reason or logic
Flashback Recalling something that happened in the past before the story started.
Symbolism Something that is literal in the story but also has meaning beyond the story.
Ethos An appeal to the credibility of the author--his ethics.
Characterization The way an author creates characters by giving them certain qualities
Metaphor A figure of speech that directly compares two things by saying one is the other...Her eyes were sapphires.
Imagery All of the concrete detail or pictures that the author puts in a pieces of writing. Anything that causes the reader to see a picture in his/her head is imagery.
Protagonist The hero or main character in a story
Pathos An appeal to emotion in rhetoric
Point of view The eyes through which the story is told.
Repetition A word or phrase that is mentioned over and over for emphasis
Anaphora Repeating the first few words in successive phrases or clauses.
First Person point of view The story is told using "I" and "Me"
Alliteration Repetition of beginning consonant sound...Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck
Foreshadowing Hints of what is to come later in the story
Simile A comparison using "like" or "as"
Conflict The struggle between opposing forces
Third Person point of view The story is told using "he," "she," or "they.
Diction Word Choice
Epilogue A summing up after the story
Pun A play on words
Paradox A seemingly contradictory statement that is true
Climax The turning point of the play
Setting The time and place of the story
Prologue The part before the play starts setting up the play.
Rising Action Takes place in Act II when the conflict or complications begin
Theme The universal or underlying meaning that the author wants you to understand
Created by: 9374966
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