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Rad Path Ch1

Introduction to Pathology

Accumulation of abnormal amounts of fluid in intracellular spaces or body cavities Edema
Caused by a physician (example: chemo, medications) Iatrogenic
Disease of unknown origin Idiopathic
Response of tissue to local injury Inflammation
Rubor, Calor, Tumor, Dolar, and Loss of Function 5 Clinical Signs of Acute Inflammation
Severe generalized swelling; Edema throughout body Anasarca
Edema that is more prominent in feet and ankles due to gravity Generalized Edema
Edema that results from inflammation Localized Edema
Interference with bloody supply Ischemia
Thrombus, Clot Occlusions
Detached thrombus or clot from vessel wall Embolus
Localized area of ischemic necrosis; Cell death INFARCTION
Necrosis due to occlusion; It’s an arterial disease of lower extremities GANGRENE
Blood loss due to ruptured vessel HEMORRHAGE
Minimal hemorrhages into the skin, mucous membranes, or serosal surfaces; Pinpoint or pinprick PETECHIAE
Slightly larger hemorrhages than petechiaes Purpura
Subcutaneous hematoma or bruise that is > than 1-2 cm ECCHYMOSIS
Blood trapped within body tissues that accumulates Hematoma
Blood trapped in pleural cavity Hemothorax
Blood around heart and pericardial sac Hemopericardium
Bloody in cavity of a joint Hemaarthrosis
Decrease in size and # of cells Atrophy
Increase in size and # of cells Hypertrophy
Decrease in # of cells Hypoplasia
Increase in # of cells Hyperplasia
Failure of normal development of cells Aplasia
Loss of uniformity and architecture of cells Dysplasia
New growth and abnormal proliferations of cells Neoplasia
Neoplasm; Swelling Tumor
Does not spread but increases in size Benign
Cancer that invades & destroys adjacent structures. Spreads to distant sites Malignant
State of ill health, malnutrition, & wasting away. Tumor cells in patient flourish but patient does not. Cachexia
Tumor of a gland Adenoma
Fatty tumor Lipoma
Tumor growing in skin or mucous membrane (Example: Wart, Skin tags, Polyps) Papiloma
Malignant neoplasms of epithelial cell origin. Occurs in almost any organ or body part Carcinoma
Tumor or cancer found in the connective tissue Sarcoma
Flat, scaly epithelial cells that are found on the face, ear, and skin - CANCEROUS Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Tumor from a mole; Found on skin Malignant Melanoma
5 Carcinogens Chemicals, Genetic Predispositions, Excessive UV light exposure, Radiation, and Viruses
Coughing up blood Hemoptysis
Spread of cancer Metastasis
Percentage of malignancy; How aggressive a tumor is and how well it'll respond to treatment Cancer Grading
Extensiveness of tumor; How wide spread tumor is Cancer Staging
Created by: team_edwards
Popular Radiology sets




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