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Massage is a manual therapeutic modality that produces physiologic effects through different types of stroking, rubbing, and pressure. Massage is capable of producing mechanical and reflexive effects.
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Increase lymphatic circulation
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Improve circulation
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Removal of metabolic waste
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Decrease muscle atrophy
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Decrease anxiety and tension
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Facilitate healing
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Stimulate reflexive effects
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Reduction of edema
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Alters pain transmission
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Decrease muscle spasm
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Loosen adhesions
Massage Therapeutic Effects- Relaxation
Indications Decreased range of motion
Indications Edema
Indications Adhesions
Indications Myositis
Indications Lactic acid excess
Indications Migraine or general headache
Indications Trigger point
Indications Muscle spasm and cramping
Indications Scar tissue
Indications Bursitis
Indications Tendonitis
Indications Intermittent claudication
Indications Raynaudʼs syndrome
Contraindications Infection
Contraindications Arteriosclerosis
Contraindications Thrombus
Contraindications Cellulitis
Contraindications Acute injury
Contraindications Embolus
Contraindications Cancer
The patient should be comfortable and properly draped prior to the initiation of treatment.
The therapistʼs hands must be clean, dry, and warm.
The therapist must be positioned in an efficient posture during treatment and maintain the required pressure and rhythm based on the goals of treatment.
The massage should start using the effleurage technique.
The amount of time required for each treatment is dependent on the body part and therapeutic goal.
Generally, the back requires 15 minutes as opposed to a smaller area or joint that requires eight to ten minutes.
The intensity should progressively increase and then decrease, using effleurage again to end the treatment session.
Lubricant is indicated with all strokes except friction massage.
Massage Techniques
Effleurage is a massage technique that is usually light in stroke and produces a reflexive response.
Effleurage is performed at the beginning and at the end of a massage to allow the patient to relax and should be directed towards the heart.
Effleurage can be applied as a deep stroke to produce both a mechanical and a reflexive response.
Friction: is a massage technique that incorporates small circular motions over a trigger point or muscle spasm.
Friction deep massage technique that penetrates into the depth of a muscle and attempts to reduce edema, loosen adhesions, and relieve muscle spasm.
Friction massage is used quite frequently with chronic inflammation or with overuse injuries.
Petrissage: is a massage technique described as kneading where the muscle is squeezed and rolled under the therapistʼs hands.
The goal of petrissage is to loosen adhesions, improve lymphatic return, and facilitate removal of metabolic waste from the treatment area.
Petrissage must provide a distal to proximal sequence of kneading over the muscle.
Petrissage can be performed with two hands over larger muscle groups or with as few as two fingers over smaller muscles.
Tapotement: is a massage technique that provides stimulation through rapid and alternating movements such as tapping, hacking, cupping, and slapping.
The primary purpose of tapotement is to enhance circulation and stimulate peripheral nerve endings.
Vibration: is a massage technique that places the therapistʼs hands or fingers firmly over an area and utilizes a rapid shaking motion that causes vibration to the treatment area.
The therapist initiates vibration from the forearm while maintaining firm contact on the treatment area.
Vibration is used primarily for relaxation.
Created by: micah10
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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