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Merrills Ch10 Chest

Test Question

• The thoracic viscera consists of lungs and mediastinum
• The area between the two lungs is called the mediastinum
• the respiratory system proper consists of larynx, trachea and bronchi, and both lungs
• where does the trachea lie in relation to the esophagus anterior
• Name of hook like process on lateral tracheal cartilage carina
• After entering the hilum each primary bronchus divides, how many primary branches are in the right lung 3
• The lungs are composed of an elastic substance called parenchyma
• The right lung is __ in shorter than the left 1
• Name of double walled serous sac that encloses the lung pleura
• tongue shaped process on left lung lingula
• area in figure above is hilum (know that pic)
• part of mediastinum heart and esophagus (not lungs)
• Which is not included in mediastinum larynx and diaphragm
• Where is the esophagus in relation to the trachea behind
• Which best describes the position of the thymus gland behind manubrium
• Optimal position of patient for heart and lung exams upright
• Why is left lateral chest most commonly used heart closer to IR
• Presence of gas or air in pleural cavity pneumothroax
• Which radiographs re taken on a patient with small amount of free air in plural cavity AP full inspiration and AP full expiration
• Which techniques is needed to penetrate thoracic anatomy high KVP
• Advantages of using 72" SID for chest Decrease magnification of heart, shaper outlines of lung structures (ONLY)
• Where are hand s placed for PA chest back of hands on hips
• CR angle for PA chest perpendicular
• Optimal respiration for PA or lateral chest full inspiration on second breath
• How many ribs visible above diaphragm on PA chest 10 ribs
• Which plane is parallel on lateral chest midsagital
• How many degrees of body rotation are required for a routine AP or PA oblique chest 45 degrees
• Where is top of IR for PA lungs 1.5 - 2 in above vertebral prominence
• When patient is properly positioned for PA oblique chest, the CR will enter the body where midway between the lateral surface of the elevated side and the spine
• For AP oblique projections of the chest, the side of interest is generally the side closest to the IR
• The AP oblique RPO of the chest shows the same images as the PA oblique LAO
• Recommended SID for supine chest 72"
• What will be observed on a supine AP chest lung fields projected shorter and clavicles projected higher (ONLY)
• CR angle for limbolm method for pulmonary apices 0 degrees
• Linbolm is used to show pulmonary apices
• How far should patient stand from grid before leaning back for lordotic position 1ft
• Resp for AP axial pulmonary apices inspiration
• If patient cannot be placed in lordotic for pulmonary apices what can the CR be angled to project clavicles above apices 15-20 degrees cephalad
• How long should the patient remain in position before making exposure in lateral or dorsal decubitus position 5 min
• If lateral decub is used to show fluid which side must patient lie on affected
• If lat decub is used to show free air which side should they lie on unaffected side
• The positions used for decubitus are Lateral and AP/PA (ONLY)
• Which side of patients chest is against IR for ventral or dorsal decub affected
• Respiration for AP or lateral in decubitus full inspiration
• Which are required for decubitus radiographs recumbent and horizontal beam (ONLY)
• What must be included on decubitus projections entire lung field, patients arms not visible, ID for which decubitus
• Thoracic cavity contains which heart, thymus glands and inferior esophagus (ALL)
• Costophrenic angel is part of the lungs
• O2 and CO2 are exchanged via diffusion within alveoli
• Smallest subdivision of bronchiole tree is terminal bronchiole
• Space between two pleural walls is the pleural cavity
• Each lung is divided into segments called lobes
• Recommended SID for PA chest 72"
• Which is clearly shown on AP or PA oblique of lungs lungs in entirety, trachea filled with air (ONLY)
• Where is top of IR for AP oblique lungs 1.5 - 2 in above vertebral prominens or 5 in above jugular notch
• How far above the shoulders should IR be for any decub of chest 1.5 - 2 in above shoulders
• Chronic condition with persistent obstruction of bronchiole airflow chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Fluid in the pleural cavity pleural effusion
• Aspiration of a foreign particle in lung is aspiration lung
Created by: danniegiirl
Popular Radiology sets



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