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wcc pathology


adeno gland
anisokaryosis inequality in the size of the nuclei of cells
atrophy decrease in the size of a tissue or organ
benign not recurrent
carcinoma malignant, invasive growth of epthelial cells
congenital born with
edema accumulatin of fluid in the cavities and intraceullular spaces
endogenous from within
exogenous from without
exudate fluid with a high content of protein and cellular debris
hyperplasia increase in the # of cells
hypertrophy increase in the size of cells
iatrogenic disease caused by Tx
idopathic unknown cause
ischemia deficiency of blood flow due to functional constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel
malignant recurrent and worsening
metastatsis transfer of disease from organ to organ
multicentric same pathological lesion occuring in many different sites at the same time
necropsy exam of the body after death
necrosis morphological changes indicative of cell death by enzymatic degradation
neoplasm any new and abnormal growth in which cell multiplication is uncontrolled and progressive
oma tumor or neoplasm
oncology study of tumors
pathology structural and functional manifestation of a disease
pica eating foreign/non-food items
pleomorphism having more then one shape or form
sarcoma highly malignant tumor derived from connective tissue
systemic pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole
etiology study of the cause of a disease
epidemiologic triangle host, disease, environment, (controlled by husbandry management)
disease causes overview infectious agents (bacteria etc.); Nutritional issues; (Dehydration); genetic, congenital, environmental, allergic
disease causes, agents venom, neoplasia, AI disease, trauma, toxins, degenerative conditions (arthritis), iatrogenic, idiopathic
disease state acute, chronic, subclinical, latent
oncology study of cancer
phagocytes neutrophils and monocytes
leukocytes WBC
Cancer Tx surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, alternative, cryotherapy, phototherapy
CNS Central Nervous System
Benign does not destroy tissue
malignant destroys tissue, metastasize
Lymphoma Assoc with FELV, FIV, can appear in any organ, 80% of lymphoma in dogs multcentric
Chemotherapy used for systemic or metastatic cancers; post-op; pre-op Tx to reduce tumors
Chemo agents Alkylating agents, antimetabolites, antitumor antibiotics, Plant alkaloids, Hormones, Misc. (tox plant alkaloids in order of toxicity vincristin, vinblastin, etoposide)
Oropharyngeal Malignant melanoma, fibrosarcomas, squamous cell carcinoma - The oropharynx is the middle part of the pharynx (throat) behind the mouth, and includes the back one-third of the tongue, the soft palate, the side and back walls of the throat, and the tonsils
Hemangiosarcoma Originate in vascular endothelium, 50% in spleen, 40% in right atrium
Osteosarcoma Bones, aggressive
mast cell tumor Mastocytoma, mast cell sarcoma
Grade 1 well differentiated mast cell
Grade 2 moderately differentiated mast cell
Grade 3 poorly differentiated mast cell
fine needle aspirate small needle, large syringe
punch biopsy sedation, surgical prep
tru-cut biopsy sedation, surgical prep, ultrasound
mediastinal or affecting the mediastinum-lungs, heart, trachea, connective tissue, thymus gland
Alimentary GI, multifocal, diffused
Extranodal Any organ but Lymp - extranodal internal organs such as thyroid, salivary glands, or stomach that are still confined to the organs where they started
fomite inanimate object or material on which disease prod agents maybe conveyed
vector a carrier which transfers an infectious agent
biological vector an animal that transforms a disease prior to transfer (growth)
mechanical vector object/animal that does not affect the lifecycle of disease or parasite before transmitl
Host factors immune status, vaccinations, age gender, behavior, repor status, genetics
disease prod agents concentration or hardiness, virulence, toxicity
environment density of stock, movement between animal groups, housing, environ conditions, nutrition
contagious one capable of being transmiotted from animal to animal
infectious one that is caused by or capable of being communicated by infection
traumatic wound or injury
genetic inherited
toxic poisonous
infections bacteris, fungus, fungi, protozoa, parasite
nutritional deficiences or excess of fat soluble vitamins, starvation, dehydration
congenital present from birth
environmental cause e. coli, housing, temperature, pollution
allergic cause contact dermitis, vaccines, drugs, food, environ
neoplasia formation of tumors, any new and abnormal growth
autoimmune AIHA immune response to own body
degenerative deterioration occurs producing less functionality in tissues or organs
iatrogenic caused by Tx
idiopathic unknown
inflammation signs heat, redness, swelling, pain, loss of function
exudates serous, hemorrhagic, serosanguinous, purulent, mucopurulent
healing stages removal repair regenration
highest regeneration connective tissues, blood, vessels, epithelium, blood forming tissues
lowest regeneration CNS tissues
protective mechanism outer epithelium, secretions, MM, Internal anatomy (cilia) phagocytes
prevention healthy environ, increasing host resistance (vaccines, food, etc)
Created by: wccvettech
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