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final-review 38

sterile field garments

Gown Hold gown firmly away from the sterile field
Gown Shake gown open so it unfolds and keep hands above waist level
Gown Touch only the inside of the gown as you place both arms into the sleeves
Gown Stop when hands reach the sleeve cuff
Gown The gown is tied in back
Sterile Gloves Use the gownʼs sleeve cuffs as mittens and open the glove pack
The sterile glove has a fold at the wrist where the inside (exposed) of the glove is not sterile
Sterile Gloves Grasp the right glove with the left hand (still using the sleeve cuff as a mitten) and pull it on over the open end of the gown sleeve
Sterile Gloves The first three fingers of the right hand should reach under the fold (touching the sterile portion of the left glove) and hold the glove while the left hand positions inside the glove
Sterile Gloves Once both gloves are donned the left glove can unfold the right gloveʼs cuff
Cap and Mask Wash hands
Cap and Mask Avoid contact with the hair while applying the cap
Cap and Mask All hair must be contained within the cap
Cap and Mask Apply a mask, if necessary, by first positioning the mask over the bridge of the nose
Cap and Mask The mask should form to fit securely over the nose and mouth
Cap and Mask Secure the upper ties behind the head and the lower ties behind the neck
Asepsis: The elimination of the microorganisms that cause infection and the creation of a sterile field.
Contamination: A term used to describe an area, surface or item coming in contact with something that is not sterile. Contamination assumes an environment that contains microorganisms.
Hand washing is an important technique for asepsis. Guidelines for acceptable hand washing are as follows:
: Hand washing Use warm water
: Hand washing Remove all jewelry
: Hand washing Wash hands with soap for at least 30 seconds (the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice)
: Hand washing Avoid touching any contaminated surface
: Hand washing Rinse thoroughly
: Hand washing Use a paper towel barrier when turning off the water
Medical asepsis: A technique that attempts to contain pathogens to a specific area, object or person. A primary goal is to reduce the spread of pathogens. Example: A patient with tuberculosis is hospitalized and kept in isolation.
Personal protective equipment (PPE): Items that are worn and used as barriers to protect someone who is assisting a patient with a potentially infectious disease. Personal protective equipment includes gowns, lab coats, masks, gloves, goggles, spill kits, and mouthpieces.
Sterile field: contaminants and microorganisms. There are standard and required protocols that must be followed in order to develop and maintain a sterile field.
Surgical asepsis: A state in which an area or object is without any microorganisms. Example: A sterile field.
Standard Precautions are revised guidelines that update Universal Precautions and are designed for the care of all patients in hospitals regardless of infection or diagnosis.
Standard Precautions These precautions combine Universal and body substance isolation precautions and apply to all blood/body fluids, secretions, and excretions.
Hand washing Use plain soap for routine hand washing; use an antimicrobial agent for specific incidences based on the infection control policy.
Gloves Wear gloves when touching all body fluids, blood, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items.
Change gloves between tasks with a patient after coming in contact with infectious material. Remove gloves immediately, avoid touching non-contaminated items, and wash hands at that time.
Mask Wear a mask/eye protection/face shield for protection during activities that are at risk for splashing of any body fluids.
Gown Wear a gown for protection during activities that are at risk for splashing of any body fluids. Remove gown immediately and wash hands.
Patient Care Equipment Handle all patient equipment in a manner that prevents transfer of microorganisms.
Ensure that all reusable equipment is properly sanitized prior to reuse.
Occupational Health and Bloodborne Pathogens Vigilance is required when handling/disposing of sharp instruments. Never recap needles or remove syringes by hand. All sharps disposal should use puncture resistant containers
Mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, and ventilation devices should be used as an alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Sterile Field Guidelines All items on a sterile field must be (and remain) sterile
Sterile Field Guidelines The edges of all packaging of sterile items become non-sterile once the package is opened
Sterile Field Guidelines Sterile gowns are only considered sterile in the front from the waist level upwards including the sleeves
Sterile Field Guidelines Only the top surface of the table or sterile drape is considered sterile, with the outer one-inch of the field considered non-sterile
Sterile Field Guidelines Avoid all unnecessary activity around the sterile field
Sterile Field Guidelines Do not talk, sneeze or cough, as it will contaminate the sterile field
Sterile Field Guidelines Do not turn your back to a sterile field as the back of the gown is not sterile; constant observation of the sterile field is required
Sterile Field Guidelines If an object on the sterile field becomes contaminated, the field is considered nonsterile and should be discarded
Sterile Field Guidelines Sterile fields should never be left unattended and should be prepared as close to the treatment time as possible in order to further avoid contamination
Sterile Field Guidelines Any item that positions or falls below waist-level is considered contaminated
Transmission-based precautions are updated guidelines for the particular care of specified patients infected with epidemiologically important pathogens transmitted by airborne, droplet or contact modes. These are additional precautions that should be implemented in addition to Standard Precautions.
Airborne precautions reduce risk of airborne transmission of infectious agents through evaporated droplets in air or dust particles containing infectious agents.
Airborne precautions Private room with monitored air pressure
Airborne precautions Six to twelve air changes within the room per hour
Airborne precautions Room door should remain closed with patient remaining within the room
Airborne precautions Respiratory protection worn when entering room
Airborne precautions Limit patientʼs transport outside of the room for only essential purposes; patient should wear a mask during transport
Droplet precautions reduce the risk of droplet transmission of infectious agents through contact of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose; contact with the conjunctivae, through coughing, sneezing, talking or suctioning.
Droplet precautions This transmission requires close contact, as the infectious agents do not suspend in the air and travel only three feet or less.
Droplet precautions Private room
Droplet precautions May share a room with a patient that has active infection of the same microorganism
Droplet precautions Maintain at least three feet( between the patient and any contact patient, staff, visitor)
Droplet precautions Room door may remain open
Droplet precautions Wear a mask when working within three feet of the patient
Droplet precautions Limit the patientʼs transport outside of the room for only essential purposes; patient should wear a mask during transport
Created by: micah10
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