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AP Psych: S-4

Abnormal Psychology

What are common characteristics of abnormality? it is harmful and/or disturbing disturbing to others unusual, not shared by members of the population irrational
What is used by psychologists to help make a diagnosis? DSM-IV-TR
What Axis covers Clinical disorders? Axis 1
What does Axis II cover? Personality and Developmental disorders
What does Axis III approach? Medical Conditions
What Axis covers Psychosocial conditions? 4
What is Axis V Global assessment of functioning.
What type of approach does the DSM IV TR use? multi-axial approach
What does the DSM NOT contain? causes
What type of perspective addresses internal, unconscious conflicts? Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic
What does the Humanistic perspective address? failure to strive toward one's potential or being out of touch with one's feelings
What does the Behavioral perspective believe? reinforcement history, the environment
What perspective addresses irrational, dysfunctional thoughts or ways of thinking? Cognitive
What perspective addresses a dysfunctional society? socialcultural
What does the biomedical perspective address? organic problems, biochemical imbalances, genetic predispositions
What is the ecletic approach? the combination of one or more approaches to explain behavior
What are the five anxiety disorders? phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD, and PTSD
What is a simple or specific phobia? intense unwarranted fear of a situation or object
What causes constant low-level anxiety? Generalized anxiety disorder
What is a disorder that refers to intense anxiety without any apparent provocation? Panic disorder
What is obsessive compulsive disorder? persisted, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) which can cause the need (compulsion) to engage in a particular action
What disorder involves flashbacks or nightmares following a person's involvement in or observation of a traumatic event? PTSD
What is a somatoform disorder? when a person manifests a psychological problem through a physical symptom
What are the two somatoform disorders? hypochondriasis and conversion disorder
What somatoform disorder occurs when a person has frequent physical complaints for which has no physical cause? Hypochondriasis
What is conversion disorder? a somatoform disorder in which a person complains about a severe physical problem such as blindness without a biological reason
What do dissociative disorders involve? a disruption in conscious processes
What are psychogenic amnesia, fugue, and dissociative identity disorder classified as? dissociative disorders
What is psychogenic amnesia? when a person cannot remember things and no physiological basis for the disruption in memory can be identified.
When does fugue occur? when a person finds themselves in an unfamiliar environment
What disorder involves a person with several personalities? DID
People affected with this disorder experience extreme or inappropriate emotions mood disorders
What is the most common mood disorder? major depressive disorder
What are the symptoms of a major depression? loss of appetite, fatigue, change in sleeping, lack of interest, and feelings of worthlessness
What is type of therapy is effective for Seasonal affective disorder? light therapy
What is seasonal affective disorder? depression that occurs in certain times of the year, winter
what disorder involves both depressed and manic episodes? bipolar disorder
What is dysthymic disorder? milder form of major depression
what does the cognitive triad state? that depression results from unreasonably negative ideas that people have about themselves, the world, and their futures
What is learned helplessness? when people act helpless when they lack the ability to control their own fate
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? disordered thinking, delusions, and hallucinations
what are beliefs that have no basis in reality? delusions
What are delusions of persecution? grandeur? people are out to get you. you have greater power and influence than what you actually hold
What are hallucinations? perceptions in the absence of any sensory stimulation
What are the four types of schizophrenia? disorganized, paranoid, catatonic, and undifferentiated
What type of schizophrenia includes patients that display delusions of persecution? paranoid schizophrenics
What does a disorganized schizophrenic suffer from? (symptoms) make up their own words. string together rhyming words that are nonsense. show inappropriate affect or they may show the flat effect.
What is the flat effect? when a person displays no emotion at all
What is neologisms? made up words
What are clang associations? the stringing together of a series of nonsense words that rhyme
What type of schizophrenics engage in odd movements? catatonic
What do undifferentiated schizophrenics exhibit? disordered thinking, but no symptoms of one of the other types of schizophrenia
What do positive symptoms of schizophrenia refer to? behavior, thought, or mood
What do negative symptoms of schizophrenia relate to? the flat effect of catatonia
What does the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia state? high levels of dopamine are associated with schizophrenia
what do anti-psychotic drugs do? lower dopamine levels
what causes muscle tremors and stiffness in schizophrenics? tardive dyskinesia
What is a biological basis of schizophrenia? enlarged brain ventricles
What type of predispositions are associated with schizophrenia? genetic
what model states environmental stressors can provide the circumstances under which a biological predisposition for illness can express itself? the stress-diathesis
What type of personality disorder shows people have little regard for the feelings of others? antisocial personality disorder
What is dependent personality disorder? when a person relies too much on the attention and help of others
What personality disorder relates to people who feel persecuted? paranoid personality disorder
What is narcissistic personality disorder? where a person sees oneself as the center of the universe. intense egoism
What is histrionic personality disorder? a person who exhibits overly dramatic behavior
What are paraphilias or psychosexual disorders marked by? sexual attraction to an object, person, or activity
What type of disorder is substance abuse? psychological
What does the Rosenhan study involve? effect/influence of labels
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