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chapters 11 & 13

Coping Strategies: Productive Methods(problem focused strategies) >When you have some control over the stressor > Could use the IDEAL problem solving strategy >Best way to cope
Coping Strategies: Productive Methods (Emotion Focused strategies) >When you cannot change the stressor >Seek social support >work on healing emotions
Stress Managing Techniques >Take control of your life >Make good health decisions > Develop Social Support
Coping Strategies: Destructive Methods (Psychological Defense Mechanism) >repression- Forgetting about high anxiety events >Rationalization- make excuses for unnaceptable behavior.
Coping Strategies: Destructive Methods (physical) >Substance abuse >Smoking >Caffeine Abuse >Over eating
Whats the study of personality?! > An individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. >Some are more theoretic >Some are more emperical (research & testing)
Psychosexual Stages: 1 Oral Stage (Birth to 1.5 years) >Gratification through their mouth. (sucking, sounds, tongue) > Focus on immediate gratification (id)
Psychosexual Stages: 2 Anal Stage (1.5 to 3 years) > gratification through their anus.(Pooping) >Conflict between id (poop when i want to)
Psychosexual Stages: 3 Phallic Stage (4 to 7 years) > Graification through genitals. > Develop Superego. > focus on social development of sexual identity >Boys- Oedipus Complex Girls- Electra Complex
Oedipus Complex >Desire Mother >Fear father >Develop castration anxiety >Eventually decide to identify with father.
Electra Complex >Desire father >Blame mother >Develop penis envy >Eventually decide to identify with mother.
Psychosexual Stages: 4 Latency Stage ( 7 years to puberty) Recovery from Phallic Stage Conform to social expectations. .Focus on cognitive and physical development .Little interest in other sex. . Repress sexual desires.
Psychosexual Stages: 5 genetal Stage ( puberty to adulthood) >Stages are successful= sexual maturity >Stages are unsuccessful= neurosis
Personality Trait Theory: The Big Five Factor Model >Primarily Emperical= Hundreds of studies over many years. > Looks for characterisitics that are high or low in the same individuals. >OCEAN!
Openness High: Creative Artistic Curiousity Imaginitive Non Conforming Low: Conventional Down to Earth Traditional Predictable realistic
Conscientiousness High: Organized Neat Reliable Responsible Ambitious Low: Spontaneous Impulsive Unorganized Neglient Lazy
Extraversion Hugh: Social Talkative Affectionate Funloving Optimistic Low: Quiet Reserved Comfortable alone Stay in background
Aggreableness High: Good natured Friendly Trusting Flexible Helpful Low: Competitive Agreesive Uncooperative Focused
Neuroticism high: Worrying Anxious Moody Unstable Insecure Low: Calm Relaxed Even tempered In control
The Big Five factors: research >Changes across adulthood .Decrease in Neuroticism( more in women) .Decrease in extraversion (more dramatic in women) Decrease in openness Increase
The Big Five factors: research Increase in conscientiousness Most common test NEO-PI
Repsonse to stress: General adaption syndrome 1) Alarm- panic, emotional reaction 2) Resistance- Coping, fighting. becomes irritable, impatient,, sleeping and headaches. 3) Exhaustion- Burnout, similar to clinical depression.
Personality: Psychoanalytical Approach Developed by Sigmund Freud. Primarily Theoretical
3 systems of Personality Id= Unconscious energy . Maximize pleasure, focused on sex and aggression. . SuperEgo= Perfectionistic ideals and moral standards; preconscious level. . Ego=mediator between whats real and fantasySource of logical and rational thinking
Created by: jmays11
Popular Psychology sets




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