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Skull Anatomy L2

Skull Anatomy Lecture 2

Sphenoid consists of Body, 2 wings, 2 inferior processes
The body of Spenoid is located in the center of the bone lying in the midline of the floor of the cranium
The sphenoid Sinus is located in the____of spehnoid Body
The _____wall of the body forms the _____wall of the ____cavity anterior wall of the body,the posterior wall of the nasal cavity
Ath the inferior surface of the body are two large holes called______which are formed from___&___.This is an opening for Carotid Sulci,spenoid and temporal bone, carotid arteries
Small slit off the carotid sulcus is Foramen Lacerum
The four Foramen of Sphenoid are Lacerum, ROS which is rotundum, ovale and spinosum
The anterior wall of the body of sphenoid articulates with the perpendicular plate of Ethmoid at its posterior surface at a pointed process call Rostrum
The_____is a groove on top of the body of sphenoid and accomodates the crossing of the ___nerve to the ______ Chiasmatic Groove, optic nerve, optic foramen
The optic foramen lies at an angle of___degrees to the ___ 40 degrees to the Midsag plane
The Sella Turcia is located on the____aspect of the body. It is a deep depression that houses____Also known as___&____ superior, the pituitary Gland,(Hypophysis)& Master Gland
The Sella Turcia resembles a 4poster bed and the 4 structures that make it up are Tuberculum Sella(ant wall), Anterior Clinoid Processes(knob of lesser wing of spenoid), Dorsum Sellae(post wall),Posterior Clinoid(knob on dorsum sella)
The posterior wall of Sella Turcica(Dorsum Sellae) articulates w/ the_____portion of the Occipital bone at a slope called_____ Basilar portion, Clivus
Two pairs of wings of spenoid grater and lesser wings
Greater Wing Foramen ROS
Deep concave structures, form a portion of the floor and sides of cranium, and make up the posterior portion of the orbits greater wing of spenoid
Round foramen adjeacent to lateral wall of body of sphenoid houseing the maxillary nerve Foramen Rotundum
Oval-shaped largest foramen, opening to mandibular nerve Foraman Ovale
smallest foramen and most laterally located opening for mid-meningeal artery Foramen spinosum
Triangular in shape and arise from the anterolateral portion of the body of spenoid lesser wing
small column of bone off the lesser wing which encloses the optic foramen sphenoid strut
Passageway for cranial nerves, opening between greater and lesser wings of sphenoid Supraorbital fissure
Two processes which arise from the lateroinferior portion of the body of spenoid pterygoid process. each has a lat. and med. plate
Large groove between the medial and lateral plates of the pterygoid process Pterygoid Fossa
Hook like process off the medial plate pterygoid process Hamular process
The_______of sphenoid bones articulates with the palatine bones and_____to form the poserior lateral walls of nasal cavity Pterygoid Process and Vomer
_____is a slit off ________, the opening for transmission if the internal carotid arteries foramen lacerum, carotid sulcus
The Pterygoid process of spheniod articulates w/ bones______&_______ in the _____aspect of the nasal cavity palatine and vomer, posterior aspect of the Nasal Cavity
The occipital bone is located in the_______potion of the cranium posteroinferior portion
A majority of the Posterior cranial Fossa is formed by______ Occipital
The_____foramen is the larget in the skull. It is located between____&_____ Foramen Magnum, located between two portions of the occipital bone and squamos
The occipital bone consists of___&___ squamous portion(int and ext) and basilar(base) portion
The occipital condyle are located on the ____portion of squamous and articulate w/__ to form the_____ external portion of squamous, C1, occipitalatlantal joint(condyloid, nodding and side bending)
The____(also called_____or____) is a prominent elevation on external squamous portion External Occipital Protuberance, Inion, Bump of Knowledge
Cross like structure on internal portion of squamous is called______. It divides int occip. squam. into ___fossa to accomodate the lobes of___&____ cruciate eminence, 4 fossa, to accomidate cerebrum and cerebellum lobes
Two deep depressions on either side of foramen magnum jugular notch
The jugular foramen is formed by____of the ____bone, and ____of the ____bone jugular notch of occipital and jugular fossa of temporal bone
Basilar Portion of Occipital articulates w/ shenoid
Basilar portion of Occipital is there for the support of the pons and medulla oblongata through foramen magnum
Slope of bone on basilar portion if occipital is called____It articulates w/ ______of the spehnoid bone Clivas, articulates w/ Dorsum Sellae of Sphenoid
The four portions of the Temporal Bone Squamous(ext), Mastoid(ext), Tympanic, Petrous
flattened fan like portion of temporal bone is called______ it articulates w/ the_____wing of sphenoid squamous, greater wing
The Zygomatic arch is formed by____&____ zygomatic process of temporal and temporal process of zygomatic
The zygomatic process is part of what facial feature cheek bones
The zygomatic arch corresponds to what line infraorbitomeatal or reids baseline
What are the fossas of squamous of temporal temporal fossa and mandibular fossa
What forms the TMJ The mandibular fossa of squamous and the condyle of the mandible
The first air cells develop in the____portion of the ______bone. and are called________ mastiod portion of temporal bone and are called Mastoid Antrum
The structures that form the middle ear are___,___&_____ Tympanic membrane, Tympanic Cavity, and auditory Ossicles
In the Tympanic/middle ear the auditory Ossicles have three small bones called__,___&__which do what malleus, incus and stapes, convey sound waves from external to inner ear
The____portion of Temporal are the thickest, densest structures of the skull. it is also called___or____or____ petrous portion, petrous ridges, pars petrosa, petrous pyramids
The degree of angulation of petrous ridges 45-47 meso, 54 brady, 40 dolicho
The upper ridge of the petrous pyramid is called, this corrisponds to the landmark___on the external skull The Arcuate Eminence, TEA and the infraorbital line
Directly beneath the Arcuate Eminence is the____ Internal Auditory Canal
Internally the cranium is divided into three regions called Anterior, middle and posterior Cranial Fossa
Created by: alymadi
Popular Radiology sets



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