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MGMT 301 Exam 3

Vocab n such

Influence Process the process of affecting the behavior of others
Social Interaction deals with employees, team members, etc
Power capacity to influence others
Control capacity to extremely influence others (dont ever have true control over anyone)
Conformity proper outcome of the influence process
Uniformity The after affect of influence, the changed behavior is uniformity
Agent-Target Relationship Agent(exercises intent) upon Target (object attempt) could be many - one, many - many, one - one,or one - many
Target(s) Responses to Agent(s) target could IGNORE, REBEL, or CONFORM
...if the target CONFORMS then the target either did so because of: COMPLIANCE(expects to recieve reward) IDENTIFICATION(imitation - target wants to uphold relationship with agent) INTERNALIZATION(the behavior is congruent with targets own values)
Reward Power agent has something of value the target wants to be awarded (salaries, bonuses, promotions, raises, job assignments)
Coercive Power agent has resources that cause unpleasantness on the target (weakest of powers)
Legitimate Power target percieves agent as having the right to tell them what to do granted through organizational hierarchy
Expert Power agent has valid knowledge that is useful
Referent Power most abstract power - agent possessess personal attributes that targets aim to embody
Sources of Legitimate Power Values(Gus' grandma)- Position(professor-student relation) - Designation(elected power)
Susceptibility to Influence depends on: Dependency, Uncertainty, Culture, Personality Characteristics,Intelligence(Self Esteem)
Susceptibility to Influence: Dependency greater the targets dependency on the agent the more likely they will be influenced
Susceptibility to Influence: Uncertainty the greater the targets uncertainty of the subject, the more likely target will be influenced
Susceptibility to Influence: Culture youre cultures values can determine the level to which a person is influenced. if your culture is one that values individualism, the target is less likely to be influenced
Susceptibility to Influence: Personality Characteristics the greater the targets need for affiliation, the more likely the target is to be influenced
Susceptibility to Influence: Intelligence (SE) the greater the targets self-esteem, the less likely the target is to be influenced.
Interactions Coercive and Referent -(famous) the more coercive, the less referent Expert and Legitimate - more expert, more legitimate Reward and Referent - more reward, more referent
Leaders people who can influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force
Leadership Process of noncoercive influence to: shape goal motivate towards goal define org. culture
SITUATIONAL VS PERSONAL In terms of power and susceptibility
Situational Power reward, coercive,and legitimate power "can't fire my MGMT TA"
Situational Susceptibility dependency and uncertainty
Personal Power referent and expert power
Personal Susceptibility culture and personality
Theories to Understand Leadership Trait Theory Behavior Theory Situational Determinants Theory
Autocratic Leadership Style leader makes all decisions (telling)
Laissez Faire Leadership Style no one makes decisions...wait for absolute need before making decision
Democratic Leadership Style group makes all decisions (listening)
Fiedlers Contingency Model - Situational Determinants Task Structure - Position Power - Leader/Member Relations Favorabable vs unfavorable
Trait Theory inherent personality characteristics make leaders (false)
Situational Determinants Task - Policy&Climate - Subordinates - Supervisor - peers - leaders characteristics - subordinates responses
Impoverised Leader (1,1) a manager had low concern for both production and people
Drive Theory Clark Hall - tried to account for behavior by utilizing a small number of mathematical postulates excitatory potential = habit strengthxdrive
job enlargement more things to do of same skill level
3 Important Process Theories Expectancy Theory, VIE Theory, Equity Theory
Task Significance degree to which task affects the lives of others
Inequity belief that you are being treated unfairly in relation to others
Transformational Leadership changes from what IS to what SHOULD BE
Path-Goal Theory a theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued rewards available and to clarify for the subordinate the kinds of behavior that will lead to those rewards
Charismatic Leadership Assumes that charisma is an individual characteristic of the leader
Motivation is concerned with how behavior is: energized - sustained - directed - stopped - reaction throughout the process
Motivation performance = function of (ability x performance)
Added Stimulation Improves What? Vigilance Decrement
Herzberg 2 Factor Theory Content Theory on Motivation that says motivators and hygiene determine satisfaction. Motivators include recognition, accomplishment, challenges. Hygiene includes boss, salary, climate.
job enrichment more things to do of various skill levels
Equity personal belief that you are being treated fairly in relation to others
Extinsic/Intrinsic Rewards Part of the VIE Theory - Ex(rewards such as raises, certificates, bonus) In(rewards such as feeling good about finishing a project)
Autonomy degree to which job allows individual freedom
Post-Heroic Leadership inspires employees on how to change from what is to what should be....and then does it!
Agent exersises intent on the target
The weakest of the 5 bases of power Coercive
Sources of Legitimate Power Value (grandma) Designation (elected power) Postion(teacher student)
Target conforms because they expect to recieve a reward or avoid punishment Compliance
Situational Characteristics Task,Policy&Climate, subordinates, supervisors, peers, leader characteristics, subordinates responses
Activation - Arousal Theory there is an equilibrium point of acitvation where maximum performance is attained
McClelland Content Theory of Motivation high need achievement, high need affiliation, high need power
Instrumentality Part of the Expectancy Theory - percieved liklihood that performance leads to outcome (P -> O)
Core Job Dimensions skill variety, task identity, task significance
content theories group of motivation theories emphasizing the needs that motivate people
process theories theories that explain how employees choose behaviors to meet their needs and how they determine the success of their decision
Types of Hygiene Factors status, work conditions, salary, job security, company policies,quality of technical supervision, quality of relationships with peers
Types of Motivation Factors achievement, recognition, responsibilty, advancement, possibility of growth, work itself
Most common form of control budget
S.M.A.R.T specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely MBO targets
List of Content Theories Maslows heirarchy,McClelland, Herzberg, Drive Theory, Application-Arousal Theory, Application of Theory(vigilance decrement
List of Process Theories Expectancy, VIE, Equity
Critical psychological States make job meaningful,experience responsibilty, knowledge of the actual results of work
Created by: crm5372
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