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Syllabus 1st

Delivery of care (practice) built around tested/researched theories. Theoretical frameworks
Focus on uncovering and gaining insight into unconscious memories and factors that may produce undesirable symptoms? Psychoanalytical theory
Freud's stage that is impulse-driven to maximize pleasure and minimize pain? The Id
Freud's stage that serves to delay immediate impulse gratification, bringing reality into consideration? The Ego
Freud's stage that inhibits impulses that are deemed "wrong," sometimes called the conscience? The Superego
These stages of development occur in sequence and the energy is focused on specific zones of the body? Psychosexual stages
Anna Freud refined and added to the concept of? Defense mechanisms
These are developed by the unconscious and used to decrease anxiety so the ego can function? Defense mechanisms
Who uses defense mechanisms? All individuals
Defense mechanisms do not solve the problem or conflict, but make it less? Anxiety provoking
Name the five psychosexual stages. Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Puberty stages
The psychosexual stage (give age) where the child is aware of pleasurable sensations associated with bowel movements Anal stage: (1.5 years to 3 years)
The psychosexual stage (give age) where the child is interested in genitalia, parent of opposite sex is desired over same-sex parent. Phallic stage (3 to 6 years)
The conflicted feelings in the phallic stage lead to variety of defense mechanisms, especially? Repression and identification, or development of Oedipal (boy) or Electrea (girl) complex when unresolved.
The psychosexual stage (give age) where the sexual feelings and memories from 3 previous stages are repressed? Latency stage (6 to 11 years)
Latency stage energies are directed towards what? Socially acceptable activities
The psychosexual stage (give age) where the adolescent attempts independence from parents and gets own mate Puberty stage (11 to 18 years)
What two associated concepts of psychosexual development are included on this stage theory? Fixation and Regression
According to Erikson, what compels the individual to move through all stages whether or not the crisis has been successfully resolved? Biological maturation and Social forces
Erikson's "Birth to 1.5 years of age" Trust vs. Mistrust (develop Ego strength to delay gratification)
Erikson's "1 to 3 years of age" Autonomy vs. Doubt (Exercising choice and self-determination)
Erikson's "3 to 6 years of age" Initiative vs. Guilt (Explore to discover and to discover taboos)
Erikson's "6 to 11 years of age" Industry vs. Inferiority (Much energy. Finding out who one is and how to fit in)
Erikson's "11 to 20 years of age" Identity vs. Role confusion (Development of one's own personality)
Erikson's "20 to 40 years of age" Intimacy vs. Isolation (Am I loved or wanted?)
Erikson's "40 to 60 years of age" Generativity vs. Stagnation (Will I produce value?)
Erikson's "60 - death" Integrity vs. Dispair (have I lived a full life?)
With anxiety, intrapersonality is generated where? Within the individual
In the event these are being utilized, what must not be challenged? Especially which one? Defense mechanisms; Regression
According to theory, stalls in the psychosexual or social stages may create what? Fixation at that time, and be a possible etiology for psychiatric disorders.
Psychiatric disorders are often generated by the overuse and rigid use of what mechanisms? Defenses to reduce anxiety. Failed defenses can lead to psychosis.
Which therapy is short-term compared to traditional psychoanalysis? Psychodynamic therapy
With psychodynamic therapy, the focus is on selected issues that are causing the client what? Distress
The goal of psychodynamic therapy is to improve what? And not to restructure what? Functioning; Personality
Name two Interpersonalist psychologists Harry S. Sullivan and Hildegard Paplau
What Interpersonalist said, "Anxiety is contagious and communicated interpersonally?" Sullivan
This theory's components include nurse, client, professional expertise, client needs, and four phases? Interpersonal Nursing Theory (Paplau)
What are the four phases of the Interpersonal Nursing Theory? Orientation, Identification, Exploitation, and Resolution.
Who said, "I'm not what you think I am. I'm what I think you think I am?" And what is this theory called? Sullivan; Mirroring
Mirroring stems from mainly the Interpersonal Theory, and it says? "Good me, bad me, not me."
Name the two main Humanists? Abraham Maslow (hierarchy of needs), and Carl Rogers.
What are the six hierarchy needs? Physiologic need of Survival/Stimulation, Safety, Love & Belonging, Esteem and Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization
The concept of the Hierarchy of Needs is that people are basically what? Good, and will strive for self-actualization.
Who's theory, or therapy was "client-centered?" Carl Rogers
The client-centered theory said that each individual had the capacity for what? An internal store of resources for self-understanding that can be utilized.
Name two Cognitive Theory psychologists. Jean Piaget and Albert Ellis
Piaget focused on the process of thinking and knowing, and children move through the stages at? Various stages
Piaget felt that through the processes of assimilation, accomadation, and organization, the child moves through periods of? Cognitive development
What are the four stages that Piaget has identified? Sensorimotor Intellegence, Preoperational Thought, Concrete Operations, and Formal Operations
Piaget's Sensorimotor period? (birth to 2 years): Motor and reflex action
Piaget's Preoperational Thought period? (2 to 7 years): Reorganization, language, Logic and Ego
Piaget's Concrete Operational period? (7 to 11 years): Multiple dimentions, classifications, cooperation, systematic logic
Piaget's Formal Operational period? (11 to adult): Organize work systematically in relation to all possibilities
Who focused on the concept of what you think is all important and can determine what you do and how you feel? Albert Ellis
Children form ideas of the world to help them get by with others, but as adults, these ideas seem? Irrational
Name the two Behaviorists. Pavlov and B.F. Skinner
What Behaviorist theorized Conditioning? And what type of Conditioning? Pavlov: Classical
What Behaviorist focused on Overt behavior? What did he feel had a major effect on behavior? Skinner: Environment
Who felt that behavior occurs because it has been reinforced or is avoided because of negative consequences (+ or -)? Skinner
This therapy is more short-term in nature and not insight oriented? Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
What does cognitive and behavioral therapy focus on? Cognitive: How patient thinks about self and surroundings. Behavioral tries to change beliefs and actions
In cognitive behavioral therapy, the client learns to focus on alternatives to specific what? Thoughts and actions
What could be a good thing to focus on with cognitive-behavioral therapy? Homework assignment assigned by counselor.
What diseases can be limited with this type of treatment? OCD with meds, Cutter's disease, Eating disorders, and phobias.
Would Cognitive Behavioral Therapy be useful for OCD in conjunction with medication? Yes
The rationale that any person or (behavior) can be understood only if consideration is given to the society/culture of personis known. Socioculture Therory
In socioculture theory, learned helplessness is = to_________________ Powerlessness
The "powerlessness" identified in Sociocultural Theory is more common in? Lower class, Uneducated, Women, Minorities, and those with Traditional Religious Values
The three preventions are? Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
Prevention of not starting at all? Primary
Prevention of treating the symptoms? Secondary
Prevention of treating with teaching and coping? Tertiary
The father of Transactional Analysis? Eric Berne
What theory did he the father of Transactional Analysis come up with? Communication Therory
The Ego states of Transactional Analysis are as follows.... Parent, Adult, and Child
Who is "Taught, " Who is "Learned," and who is "Felt." Parent, Adult, Child
Who has the ingrained voice of authority? Parent
Who has the ability to think and determine action for ourselves? Adult
Who has the internal reaction and feelings to external events? Child
The "Drama Triangle" cast? Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer
The "Drama Triangle" characteristic of? Alcoholics and Co-dependents.
Co-Dependency means? The need to be needed.
The Family System focuses on____________, rather than on the_______ of the family system? Structure; Function
In a family system, what IS the system? The Family
In the family system, who makes the subsystems? Family Members
In the family system, who is the Supra-System? Community
In a family system, who carries the symptoms of the family, though they not be the one with the most pathology? The Identified Patient
In a family system, who learns the rolls they can carry into their adult lives? Family Members
Healthy members in the Family System are able to conduct properly with what? Family members and society.
In a dysfunctional family, members can keep_______________and obey_____________. Secrets; Rules
The Biopsychophysiological Theory relies more on________________? Labwork
The Biopsychophysiological theory looks to the__________? Brain
In the brain, what are the Inhibitory? Gaba and Glycine
In the brain, what is the excitatory? NE, Glutamic acid
Created by: phimes
Popular Psychology sets



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