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Vet Radiography


Area on anode of transferring sufficient energy to an atom so that the outer electron is removed; the atom becomes positively charged. Actual Focal Spot
Waves are transmitted to deeper tissue; none are reflected back. Anechoic
Loss of intensity of the ultrasound beam as it travels through tissue, caused by absorption of scatter. Attenuation
Ability to differentiate between two reflecting interfaces that lie along the axis of the transmitted sound beam. Axial Resolution
A particle ray consisting of a fast electron who's mass is nearly 1/2000 of the mass of a proton or neuron. Beta Ray
Is a major class of integral circuits used similar to CCD technology in digital radiography. Complimentary Metal-oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Mode of alternative imaging in which the patient moves through a circular gantry. Computed Tomography (CT)
Substances used to opacity or delineate an organ system against the surrounding organs. Contrast Media
Has a well defined border with no internal echoes and shows posterior enhancement. Cystic Lesion
Processing chemical that changes the sensitized silver halide crystals into black metallic silver. Developer
Tissue that produces enough echoes when it is returned to the transducer and displayed. Echoic
When current is applied to the cathode filament. Electron Cloud
Process by which an electron is moved to a higher energy level within the atom. Excitation
Coiled wire of the cathode that emits the electron beam. Filament
Processing chemical responsible for removing the remaining silver halide crystals from the film emulsion. Fixer
Device used to restrict the size of the x-ray beam. Collimation
Images taken in constant real time. Fluoroscopy
Distance from the focal spot to the recording surface. Focal Film Distance (FFD)
Part of the cathode that restricts the diameter of accelerating electrons to the focal spot on the anode. Focusing Cup
Radiographic effect occuring when the object is not parallel to the recording surface. This causes distortion of the size and length of the object. Foreshortening
Number of complete waveforms (cycles) per unit of time. Frequency
Series of thin linear strips made of alternating radiopaque and radiolucent interspaces. Grid
Owing to the angle of the target, a greater intensity of x-rays is emitted from the cathode side, rather than from the anode side. Heel Effect
Describes tissues that reflect more sound back to the transducer. These tissues appear brighter than surrounding tissues. Hyperechoic
Describes tissues that reflect less sound back to the transducer. These tissues appear darker than surrounding tissues. Hypoechoic
Process of transferring sufficient energy to the atom so that the outer electron is removed; The atom becomes positively charghed. Ionization
Describes tissues that have the same echotexture as surrounding tissues. Isoechoic
Also refered to as an excretory urogram. Intravenous Pyelogram
Device that produces a rectangule-shaped image; Useful when imaging areas with an unrestricted acoustic window. (e.g. equine tendons) Linear Scatter
Type of alternative imaging in which the patient is placed in a magnetic field and radiofrequency signals are transmitted, received and constructed into detailed cross-sectional images. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
A substance that is low in atomin number and appears radiolucent in the radiograph. Negative Contrast
A branch of medical imaging that uses unsealed radioactive substances in diagnosis and therapy. Nuclear Medicine
Type of noninvasive imaging procedure that uses radioactive material to obtain an image. Nuclear Scintigraphy
Conversion of electrical energy to ultrasound. Peizoelectric Effect
Loss of detail due to geometric unsharpness. Penumbra
A diagnostic imaging technique used to generate pictures of the patients biological functions, and the metabolic changes of the cells in the body. Photon Emission Tomography (PET)
A substance high in atomic number that appears radiopaque on the radiograph. Positive Contrast
A device that sets the grid in motion, blurring the white lines on the finished radiograph that are produced by the grid. Potter-bucky Diaphragm
Term referring to the average energy of the x-ray beam or its penetrating ability (kVp). Quality
Bundle of radiation energy. Quanta
Term that refers to the total numbers of x-ray photons (controlled by mA). Quantity
Loss of radiographic detail that occurs in faster screens because of the uneven distribution of the phosphor crystals within the screens. Quantum Mottle
Object or tissue that absorbs radiation so that the image on the film is lighter. Radiodense
How well the shadows on the radiograph are clearly identified. Radiographic Quality
Radioactive material. Radionucleotide
Process of changing alternating current to current flowing in one direction only (Direct current). Rectification
Primary radiation emitted from the x-ray tube. Remnant Beam
Unit of measurement of the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. Roentgen-Equivalent-Man (REM)
Caused by interaction of the primary beam with tissue or matter in its path. Secondary Radiation
A device that produces a pie-shaped image with a narrow near field and a wide far field; Useful when imaging areas with a restricted acoustic window (e.g. intercostals). Sector Scanner
The unit of radiation dose equivalent to the absorbed dose in tissue. Sievert (Sv)
Describes the tissue that transmits most of the sound to deeper tissues, with only a few waves being reflected back to the transducer; Appears dark on the monitor. Sonolucent
Part of the x-ray tube that consists of a block of tungsten embedded into a block of copper on the anode side of the tube. Stationary Anode
Loss of radiographic detail that occurs because of phosphor variations found in intensifying screens; More noticeable with fast-speed screens. Structure Mottle
Resulting from the difference in density, mass and atomic number of adjacent tissue structures. Subject Contrast
Device that personnel wear to indicate dosage of radiation exposure. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
Series of controls on an ultrasound machine that are used to make the like tissues look the same. Time Gain Compensation
Situation in which the positive potential (voltage) between the cathode and anode is insufficient to pull all electrons across the tube. Extra electrons build up on the glass envelope, causing it to crack. Tube Saturation
The speed at which sound travels through a medium. Velocity
Distance of one complete waveform. With ultrasound, it is the distance from one band of compression or rarefaction to the next. Wavelength
Created by: 1759120461
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