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Conflict Class5

Exam 1

Name the 3 attributions found in the dynamics of trust model Situational, Intrinsic Nature, Hostile/Intention (SIN HI)
What are CBMs? Confidence building measures
What is the process of attribution theory? Observe a person's behavior, decide if the behavior is a result of something about th eperson or about the situation.
According to attribution theory, all behavior is attributed to? external or internal factores (according to Heider, 1958)
Describe the events of the Jones/Harris 1967 Classic Study of Attribution Theory: All subjects watch tape of a student giving a pro-Castro Speech. Some told it was by choice, and some told it was an assignment. Then subjects are told to rate the student's Castro position.
What were the results of the Jones/Harris Castro study? All subjects rated the speaker as pro-Castro.
What is a fundamental attribution error? Actor/Observer Bias
Name the 3 dimensions of Attribution Theory: Internal vs. External; Stable vs. Unstable; Global vs. Specific (IE SUGS)
What are some aspects of "liking" in the attribution theory? Horns or Halo effect
What are the consequences of the behavior in attribution theory? Reward or Punishment
What are the two types of face needs? Positive and negative
Name two types of positive face: Fellowship face (included); competence face (respected)
Name one type of negative face: Autonomy
Name 3 out of 7 examples of preventive facework: Hedging or hinting; cognitive disclaimer (I don't mean to be rude); credentialing (I'm your friend)
Name 4-5 out of 7 examples of preventive facework: Sin license (This is such an important client); appeal for suspended judgment (hear me out)
Name 6-7 out of 7 examples of preventive facework: Negative politeness - respects need for autonomy (it's your decision, but...); positive politeness - respects need for approval (this is really good, but...)
Name two examples of corrective facework: Perception checking and repair rituals
Name 3 examples of repair rituals: excuses, justifications, apologies
Name 2 out of 5 problems with face in conflicts: Threats to face can lead to inflesibility; adds an issue to the conflict
Name #3 out of 5 problems with face in conflicts Turns attention away from more tangible concerns
Name 4-5 out of 5 problems with face in conflicts Increases the lidelihood of impasse; encourages an all-or-nothing approach
What do face concerns in groups do? Turn attention away from group task
Resisting intimidation may be seen as necessary to save face
Devising face-saving rationales may be an important approach for conflict resolution
Created by: MNA
Popular Psychology sets




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