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Conflict Class1

Exam 1

What is conflict defined? Conflict occurs when interdependent parties perceive that they have incompatible goals.
Name 5 communication goals. Content, relational, identity, process, values
Can there be more than one goal? Yes, and they can vary in importance.
Name the four levels of conflict. Intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal, intrapersonal
Name the 3 different types of intrapersonal conflict. Approach-Approach; Avoid-Avoid; Approach-Avoid
What examples of intrapersonal conflict were given in class? Choices between where to work (South Bend as an "avoid" example,and San Diego as an "approach" example)
What are the three parts of of the PMC conflict model? Parties/Messages/Context
Illustrate the cycle of the PMC model. Sending party sends a message, receiving party receives it and sends feedback messages to sending party - all within a context
Name 1 of 5 assumptions of the PMC model. Conflicts are episodes in ongoing communication process.
Name the 2nd of 5 assumptions of the PMC model. Communication is how conflict is expressed, escalated, maintained, and resolved.
Name the 3rd of 5 assumptions of the PMC model. Conflicts occur within communication systems.
Name the 4th of 5 assumptions of the PMC model. A change in one element of the system will affect the entire system.
Name the 5th of 5 assumptions of the PMC model. Understanding the conflict requires considering the various factors influencing the system.
Name the 6th of 8 assumptions of the PMC model! The most effective approach for analyzing conflict is to consider all known elements in the communication system.
Name the 7th of 8 assumptions of the PMC model. The most effective approach for resolving or managing conflict will depend on the ease of influencing the various system factors.
8th of 8 assumptions of the PMC model. When the conflict issue is important, and the relationship between the parties is important, the best approach for resolving and managing conflict might be collaborative communication.
What is a specific example where collaborative communication might be the best approach? When business partners disagree about plans for expansion
What are the 5 steps of conflict as a process? Before, Beginning, During, Ending, After
What do you consider as "before" the conflict, and give specific examples? Source/Prior Conditions/Latent Phase - examples cubicles, radios, people
What do you consider the beginning of conflict? Awareness of Frustration/Trigger/Initiation Phase - example of rock music playing in nearby cubicle
What do you consider the "during" phase of conflict? Active Conflict/Addressing Conflict
What do you consider the "ending" phase of conflict? Resolution/Termination
What do you consider the "after" phase of conflict? Aftermath/Follow-up
What are the five levels of the curve of conflict? Durable peace, stable peace, unstable peace, crisis, war
Created by: MNA
Popular Psychology sets



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