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Lifespa Dev Age 3-12

Chapter 7-10 Feldman

Preoperational: who, when, what Piaget age 2-7 symbolic thinking (toy car symbol of real) primitive reasoning - WHY??? limitations: centration, irreversibility, conservation, transformation, egocentric, animistic
Signs and age of potty training readiness The following are signs of: 1. 18-30 months (age 3 in class) 2. dry @ least 2 hours 3. dry after nap 4. regular bowel movement 5. indicating they are about to go
Preschool Period: age and 4 major theoretical stages Age 3-6 Piaget: Preoperational Erikson: Initiative vs Guilt Freud: Phallic Kohlberg: Preconventional Morality
Piaget's Stages birth - 3: sensorimotor 3-6: preoperational 6-12: concrete operational 12-20: formal operations
Early Childhood Years Age 3-6
Middle Childhood Years and 4 major theoretical stages Age 6-12 Piaget: Concrete Operational Erikson: Industry vs Inferiority Freud: Phallic Kohlberg: Conventional Morality
Why are poverty measures inadequate? outdated doesn't accurately consider resources # people w insurance inc in 2007
Average 6 yr old weighs ____ lbs and is ____ inches tall Average ____ yr old weighs 46 lbs and is 46 inches tall
obese body weight 20% higher than avg for height (outdated)
The brain grows _____ than any other part of the body and is 90% grown by the age of ___, however it continues to grow until age 20. The _____ grows faster than any other part of the body and is _____ grown by the age of five, however it continues to develop until age 20.
Lateralization occurs in the "Early Years", what is it? process where certain functions are conducted more in one hemisphere of the brain than the other--what is this called and when does it happen?
The left hemisphere of the brain is associated with: The following are associated with which hemisphere of the brain: verbal competence (speaking, thinking) sequential thinking
The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with: Which hemisphere of the brain is associated with: spatial relations music emotional expression considering info globally
Handedness is said to appear by preschool, but in actuality a preference appears much earlier. ___ of children are right handed. Handedness is said to appear by ______, but in actuality a preference appears much earlier. 90% of children are ____ handed.
In the preschool years, boys are generally _______ while girls are more _______ & have better _________. In the preschool years, _____ are generally STRONGER while _____ are more COORDINATED & have better DEXTERITY.
4 Measurements in advancement of gross motor skills The following advance from the ages of 3-5: 1. ability to stop & turn 2. jumping distance 3. ascending descending stairways 4. hopping
Limitations (5) of the Piaget's preoperational phase? What phase are these limitations associated with? 1. Irreversibility-fallen tree has always been down 2. Centration-focus on 1 feature- cat w/ dog mask is a dog 3. Transformation-only see beginning & end, no middle 4. Egocentrism 5. Lack CONSERVATION
Order of Grasping Conservation (6) Number Substance/Mass Length Area Weight Volume
Markers of the end of preoperational stage (3) 1. intuitive thought (why???) 2. functionality (pedal bike->speed) 3. identity (some things don't change) beginning of conservation
Early and Middle Childhood: Erikson's Theory and Associated Stages Psychosocial Initiative vs Guilt Industry vs Inferiority
In the preschool years, children develop _______, a set of beliefs about what they are like as individuals. In the preschool years, children develop a SELF-CONCEPT; what is this?
At age _____, children notice differences between people based on skin color. At age 3 or 4, children notice differences between people based on ______.
Race Dissonance when a minority child indicates preferences for majority values or people
Gender Constancy the awareness that gender is permanent
Sandra Bem: you should encourage ______ in children androgeny: positive masculine AND feminine traits who is a proponent?
Functional Play simple repetitive typical of 3yr olds
Contructive Play manipulating objects to build or create
Parallel Play play in similar way w similar toys but not with each other
Onlooker Play watch others play, do not participate
Associative Play interact and share toys but do not do the same thing
Cooperative Play play w/ one another, take turns, contests- most advanced play
In the preschool years, children develop "Theory of Mind" Can see from anothers perspective- False belief task, 3yr old vs 4yr old
4 Parenting Styles 1. Authoritarian 2. Permissive 3. Authoritative 4. Uninvolved
Instrumental Aggression motivated by desire to obtain concrete goal
Relational Aggression nonphysical, intended to hurt anothers feelings
Heteronomous Morality: whose theory, age, what Piaget rules unchangeable age 4-7
Abstract Modeling process in which modeling leads to more general rules & principles
downward comparison: what & when comparing yourself to others to feel better about self middle childhood (6-12)
Kohlberg is best known for work on ________. _______ is best known for work on moral development
3 Levels of Morality and Theorist Kohlberg Level 1: PRECONVENTIONAL punishment & reward 2: CONVENTIONAL social-what would good member of society do? 3: POSTCONVENTIONAL-personal values, beyond "law"
Kohlberg's research on was criticized, especially by Gilligan because his research was primarily on Western men
Gilligan's 3 Stages of Moral Development for Women (longitudinal work) 1. Orientation to Individual Survival 2. Goodness as Self-Sacrifice 3. Morality of Nonviolence
motor development hopscotch of 4 and 7 yr olds
Gender Identity- according to biological perspective corpus collosum hormones
Info Processing Approach to Cognitive Dev in Early Childhood innate understanding of numbers memories fade & are inconsistent development is quantitative increases in abilities to take in, process, and store info
Vogotsky- perspective and 2 main features of theory Theorist of Cognitive Dev mentors & apprentices-cooperative learning with peers best Zone of Proximal Dev-can ALMOST do on own, but CAN do w/ guidance Scaffolding-support that encourages independence Cons: not testable, does not address attention & me
preschool gender id: pref what play mates? same sex, strict ideas re: gender
According to Bem, you should encourage children to be ______. Androgynous-you can still be nurturing AND strong, etc
Authoritative is the best at developing self esteem
Biggest reason to not spank modeling "here's how to solve conflict"
Heteronomous Morality strict
Binet Intelligence test Mental Age
Binet, Wechsler worked on developing IQ tests
Categories of Mental Retardation and Definition limitations in intellect AND behavior profound: IQ below 20 or 25 severe: 22.5-37.5 moderate: 37.5 to 52.5 mild: 52.5 to 55-70
Dramatic Play Imaginative-pretending
Private Speech spoken to self Vygotsky - a guide to behavior, try out ideas
Pragmatics skills for conversation turn-taking, sticking to a topic
Social Speech increases greatly during preschool years directing speech toward others, frustration when not heard
Fluid Intelligence info processing, reasoning, memory said to be consistent through life
Crystallized Intelligence accumulation of info, skills, thru experience said to increase with age
Concrete operational stage age 7-12 PIAGET logic less egocentric decentering conservation reversibility relationship between time and speed
Percent of Childeren with ADHD & key feature 3-7% interferes with home AND school
Learning disability difficulties in the acquisition of listening, speaking, reading writing, reasoning or math a discrepancy in actual performance and apparent potential
Under Clinton, patents for Rx's were extended if: companies performed research specific to children
Info Processing: early & middle childhood descriptions early: scripts, memory easily influenced, basic understanding of #'s, quantitative increases in memory & attention middle childhood: short term memory increases
According to the info processing model, difficulty with conservation is due to According to the info processing model, a lack of memory capacity is responsible for difficulty with
Mental Retardation: 4 categories Consider IQ AND Functional Level Mild: IQ 52.5-70 most common. Behind in school but can fn indep, hold job Moderate: IQ 37.5-52.5, 2nd grade level, travel indep to familiar places, assisted living Severe & Profound: institution
Bicultural Identity when a minority maintains original cultural identity AND integrates into dominant culture
Created by: rhyannong
Popular Psychology sets




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