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Gramadeg Uneds 1-15

Wplan Gramadeg Uneds 1 to 15

fi, i i, me
ni we, us
ti you (familiar, singular)
chi you (polite, plural)
fe, e he, him
hi she, her
nhw them, they
Ymadroddion Sayings
Ble? Where?
Pwy? Who?
Beth? What?
Sut? How?
Pam? Why?
Pryd? When?
Uned Un Unit One
Dw i, Dych chi? I do, I am, Do you? Are You?
i i (singular)
Cadarnhaol Affirmative
Dw i I am/ do
Dw i'n- I am/ do-
Ann dw i Ann I am
Jamie dw i Jamie I am
Negyddol Negative
Dw i ddim I'm not/ don't
Dw i ddim yn- I'm not/ don't-
Cwestion Question
Ydw i? Am/ do I?
Ydw i'n Am/ do i-?
Atebion Answers
Ydw (Yes) I am/ do
Nac Ydw (No) I'm not/ don't
chi you (plural & polite)
Dych chi You are/ do (polite)
Negyddol Negative
Dych chi ddim You're not-, You aren't/ don't
Dych chi ddim yn- You're not-, You aren't/ don't-
Cwestiwn Question
(Y)Dych chi? Are/ do you?
(Y)Dych chi'n-? Do you-? Are you-?
Atebion Answers
Ydw (Yes) You are/ do
Nac Ydw (No) You aren't/ don't
Atebion Answers - Plural & polite
Ydych (Yes) You are/ do
Nac Ydych (No) You aren't/ don't
Uned Dau Unit Two
Mae e, Mae hi He does/ he is, She does/ she is
e he (singular)
Cadarnhaol Affirmative
Mae e He/ it (masc) is/ does
Mae e'n- He/ it (masc) is/ does-
hi she (singular)
Mae hi She/ it (fem) is/ does
Mae hi'n- She/ it (fem) is/ does-
Negyddol Negative
Dyw e ddim yn- He / It (masc) isn't / doesn't
Dyw hi'n ddim yn- She / It (fem) isn't / doesn't
Dyw'r plant ddim yn- The children aren't / don't
Cwestiwn Question
Ydy e? Is/ does he/ it (masc)?
Ydy e'n-? Is/ does he/ it (masc)-
Ydy hi? Is/ does she/ it (fem)?
Ydy hi'n-? Is/ does she/ it (fem)-?
Atebion Answers
Ydy (Yes) He/ It is/ does, She is/ does
Nac Ydy (No) He/ It isn't/ doesn't, She isn't/ doesn't
Uned Tri Unit Three
Dyn ni, Mae'n nhw We are/ do, They are/ do
ni we (plural)
Cadarnhaol Affirmative
Dyn ni We are/ do
Dyn ni'n- We are/ do-
Negyddol Negative
Dyn ni ddim We are't/ don't
Dyn ni ddim yn- We are't/ don't-
Cwestiwn Question
Ydyn ni? Are/ do we?
Ydyn ni'n-? Are/ do we-?
Atebion Answers
Ydyn (Yes) We are/do, They are/do
Nac Ydyn (No) We aren't/ don't, They aren't/ don't
nhw they (plural)
Mae'n nhw They are/ do
Mae'n nhw'n- They are/ do-
Negyddol Negative
Dyn nhw ddim They aren't/ don't
Dyn nhw ddim yn- They aren't/ don't-
Cwestiwn Question
Ydyn nhw? Are/ do they?
Ydyn nhw'n-? Are/ do they-?
Atebion Answers
Ydyn (Yes) We are/do, They are/do
Nac Ydyn (No) We aren't/ don't, They aren't/ don't
Uned Pedwar Unit Four
Rwyt ti (cydnabyddus) You are (familiar)
ti you (famliar & singular)
Rwyt ti You are/ do
Rwyt ti'n- You are/ do-
Negyddol Negative
Dwyt ti ddim yn- You are not-
Cwestiwn Question
Wyt ti? Are/ do you?
Wyt ti'n-? Are/ do you-?
Wyt ti eisiau-(dim 'n) Are/do you want-?
Atebion Answers
Ydw (Yes) I am
Nac Ydw (No) I am not
Brawddeg bwyslais emphasis sentence
(Bethan) dw i Bethan I am
Cwestiwn Question
-wyt ti? (emphatic) -you are?
Atebion Answers
Ie (emphatic) (Yes) I am
Nage (emphatic) (No) I am not
Uned Pump Unit Five
Mae / Oes / Roedd there is / is there? / there was
Cadarnhaol Affirmative
Mae There is
Mae car gyda fi I have a car (with me) (There is a car with me)
Mae peugeot gyda fi I have a peugeot (with me) (There is a peugeot with me)
Mae - gyda fi I have a - (with me) (There is a - with me)
Mae'r coffi gyda fi I have the coffee (with me) (The coffee is with me)
Mae'r - gyda fi I have the - (with me) (The - is with me)
Cwestion Question
Oes Is there-?
Oes fflat gyda chi? Do you have a flat? (is there a flat with you?)
Oes - gyda chi? Do you have a -? (is there a - with you?)
Atebion Answer
Oes (Yes) There is
Nac Oes (No) There isn't
Negyddol Negative
Does dim There isn't
Does dim car gydi hi She doesn't have a car (there isn't a car with her)
Does dim - gydi hi She doesn't have a - (there isn't a - with her)
Gorffennol Past
Roedd There was
Roedd Peugeot gyda fe He had a peugeot (with him) (There was a peugeot with him)
Roedd - gyda fe He had a - (with him) (There was a - with him)
Oes plant gyda ti? Do you have children? (Are there children with you?)
Oes Yes -
Nac oes No -
Rheol yn Gymraeg Rule in Welsh
rhif & o lluosog number & of plural
rhif & unigol number & singlar
Mae (rhif) o blant gyda ni We have - children (there is - of children with us)
Mae (rhif) blentyn We have - children (there is - child with us)
Rhifau Numbers
Un one (soft mutation before singular feminine noun)
Dau (dwy - feminine & soft mut) two -soft mutation (two - feminine, soft mutation)
Tri (tair - feminine) three (three - feminine)
Pedwar (pedair - feminine) four (four - feminine)
Mae (un) plentyn gyda ni We have one child (there is one child with us)
Mae dau o blant gyda ni / mae dau blentyn gyda ni We have two children (there are two of children with us / there is 2 child with us)
Mae tri o blant gyda ni We have three children (there are three of children with us)
Mae pedwar o blant gyda ni We have four children (there are four of children with us)
Mae un mab gyda ni We have one son (there is one son with us)
Mae un mab ac un merch gyda ni We have one son and one daughter (there is one son and one daughter with us)
Mae dau fab gyga ni We have two sons (there are two son with us)
Mae dau fab a dwy ferch gyda ni We have two sons and two daughters (there are two son and two daughter with us)
Mae tri mab gyda ni We have three sons (there are three son with us)
Mae tair merch gyda ni We have three daughters (there are three daughter with us)
Gerifa Vocabulary
rheol (eb) rule (nf)
plentyn (eg) child (nm)
plant (eg) children (nm)
mab (eg) (meibion) son (nm)
merch (eb) (merched) daughter, girl, female (nf)
Uned Saith Unit Seven
Y Gorffennol - Es i. The past - I went
mynd to go
Cardarnhaol Affirmative
Es i- I went-
Es i i'r- I went to the-(specific)
Es i i- I went to-(general)
Aethoch chi- You went-(polite)
Aethoch chi i'r- You went to the- (specific)
Aethoch chi i- You went to-(general)
Est ti- You went-(familiar)
Est ti i'r- You went to the- (specific)
Est ti i- You went to-(general)
Aeth e- He went-
Aeth e i'r He when to the-(specific)
Aeth e i- He went to-(general)
Aeth hi- She went-
Aeth hi i'r She went to the-(specific)
Aeth he i- She went to-(general)
Aethon ni- We went-
Aethon ni i'r- We went to the-(specific)
Aethon ni i- We went to-(general)
Aethon nhw- They went-
Aethon nhw i'r- They went to the-(specific)
Aethon nhw i- They went to-(general)
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Negyddol Negative
Es i ddim- I didn't-
Aethoch chi ddim- You didn't-
Est ti ddim- You didn't-
Aeth e ddim- He didn't-
Aeth hi ddim- She didn't-
Aethon ni ddim- We didn't-
Aethon nhw ddim- They didn't-
i'r to the
dyn ni'n dweud we say
i'r gwaith to work
i'r gwely to bed
i'r ysgol to school
Uned Wyth Unit Eight
Y Gorffennol - Gwnes i The past - I did, I made
gwneud to do / to make
Cardarnhaol Affirmative
Gwnes i I did / I made-
Gwnest i'r I did the / I made the-
Gwnaethoch chi- You did / made- (polite)
Gwnaethoch chi'r- You did the / made the-(polite)
Gwnest ti- You did / made- (familiar)
Gwnest ti'r- You did the / made the-
Gwnaeth e- He did / made-
Gwaeth e'r- He did the / made the-
Gwnaeth hi- She did / made-
Gwnaeth hi'r- She did the / made the-
Gwnaethon ni- We did / made-
Gwnaethon ni'r- We did the / made the-
Gwnaethnon nhw- They did / made-
Gwnaethnon nhw'r- The did the / made the-
Cwestion (tm) Question
Wnes i- Did I do / make-?
Wnaethoch chi- Did you do / make-?
Wnest ti- Did you do / make-? (familiar)
Wnaeth e- Did he do / make-?
Wnaeth hi- Did she do / make-?
Wnaethon ni- Did we do / make-?
Wnaethon nhw- Did they do / make-?
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Negyddol (tm) Negative
Wnes i ddim- I didn't (make) -
Wnaethoch chi ddim- You didn't (make) -
Wnest ti ddim- You didn't (make) - (familiar)
Wnaeth e ddim- He didn't (make) -
Wnaeth hi ddim- She didn't (make) -
Wnaethon ni ddim- We didn't (make) -
Wnaethon nhw ddim- They didn't (make) -
Mae treiglad meddal ar ôl y person: e.e. Gwnest i goffi Soft mutation after the 'person'
Mae teiglad meddal ar ôl: Pwy? Beth? Soft mutation after: Who? What?
Uned Naw Unit Nine
Y Gorffennol Cryno The Past Concise (preterite ending)
Cardarnhaol Affirmative
ais i I did - verb
Golchais i'r car (golchi) I washed the car
Golchas i'r llestri I washed the dishes
och chi You did - verb (polite, plural)
Ffonioch chi fi (ffonio) You phoned me
Ffonioch chi fe You phoned him
aist ti You did - verb (familiar)
Ffoniast ti hi (ffonio) You phoned her
Ffoniast ti nhw You phoned them
odd e He did - verb
Prynodd e fara (prynu) He bought bread
Prynodd e goffi He bought coffi
odd hi She did - verb
Prynodd hi te (prynu) She bought tea
Prynodd hi laeth She bought milk
on ni We did - verb
Yfon ni goffi (yfed) We drank coffi
Yfon ni de We drank tea
on nhw They did - verb
Bwyton nhw frecwast (bwyta) They ate breakfast
Bwyton nhw ginio They ate dinner / lunch
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Mae treiglad meddal ar ôl y person: e.e. Gwnest i goffi Soft mutation after the 'person'
Mae teiglad meddal ar ôl: Pwy? Beth? Soft mutation after: Who? What?
Rheolau ffeindio'r bôn Rules to find the root
bwtya - bwyt (mae llafariad unigol ar ddiwedd y gair yn diflannu) bwyt - a single vowel at the end of the word disappears
nofio - nofi (mae 'io' ar ddiwedd y gair yn troi'n "i") nofi - the io at the end of the word becomes i
cerdded - cerdd (mae 'ed' ac 'eg' yn diflannu cerdd - the ed and eg disappears
sairad - siarad siarad - if it ends with a consonant but not ed/eg keep the ending
Uned Deg Unit Ten
Y Gorffennol - Cwestiynau The Past - questions
Cwestiwn Question
och chi did you? (plural, polite)
Fwytoch chi frecwast? (bwyta) Did you eat breakfast?
Fwytoch chi ginio? Did you eat dinner?
Fwytoch chi de? Did you eat tea?
Fwytoch chi swper? Did you eat supper?
odd e did he?
Dalodd e am y bwyd? (talu) Did he pay for the food?
Dalodd e am y car? Did he pay for the car?
Dalodd e am y llyfr? Did he pay for the book?
Dalodd e am y tocynanu? Did he pay for the tickets?
odd hi did she?
Gysgodd hi'n dda? (cysgu) Did she sleep well?
Gysgodd hi'n hwyr? Did she sleep late?
Gysgodd hi'n drwm? Did she sleep heavily?
Gysgodd hi'n dawel? Did she sleep quietly?
on nhw Did they?
Briodon nhw yn y gwanwyn? (priodi) Did they get married in the spring?
Briodon nhw yn yr haf? Did they get married in the summer?
Briodon nhw yn yr hydref? Did they get married in the autumn?
Briodon nhw yn y gaeaf? Did they get married in the winter?
on ni did we?
Yfon ni goffi? Did we drink coffee?
Yfon ni de? Did we drink tea?
aist ti did you (familiar)
Welaist ti'r gêm? (gweld) Did you see the game?
Welaist ti'r rhaglen? Did you see the programme?
Welaist ti'r ffilm? Did you see the film?
Welasit ti'r ddrama? Did you see the play?
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Dyn ni'n ffurfio'r cwestiwn drwy newid y llais: smwddiaist ti - smwddiaist ti? (smwddio) We're forming a question by changing the voice: You ironed - Did you iron?
a thrwy ychwanegu treiglad meddal: prynaist ti - brynaist ti? (prynu) and by adding a soft mutation: you bought - did you buy?
mae treiglad meddal ar ol beth, pwy, faint: faint glywoch chi? (clywed) a soft mutation after what, who, how: how did you hear?
Uned Undegun Unit Eleven
Y Gorffennol - Negyddol The Past - Negative
Negyddol Negative
ais i ddim i didn't
Yfais (yfed) i ddim wisgi I didn't drink wisky
Yfais i ddim brandi I didn't drink brandi
Yfais i ddim jin I didn't drink gin
Yfais i ddim fodca I didn't drink vodka
odd e ddim she didn't
Fwytodd (bwyta) e ddim brecwast She didn't eat breakfast
Fwytodd e ddim cinio She didn't eat dinner
Fwytodd e ddim te She didn't eat tea
Fwytodd e ddim swper She didn't eat supper
on ni ddim we didn't
Thalon (talu) ni ddim llawer We didn't pay (a) lot
Thalon ni ddim gormod We didn't pay too much
Thalon ni ddim digon We didn't pay enough
Thalon ni ddim byd We didn't pay anything (nothing)
on nhw ddim they didn't
Phrynon (prynu) nhw ddim bara They didn't buy bread
Phrynon nhw ddim coffi They didn't buy coffee
Phrynon nhw ddim te They didn't buy tea
Phrynon nhw ddim byd They didn't buy anything
ais i ddim o'r i didn't - any of the
Olchais (golchi) i ddim o'r llestri I didn't wash any of the dishes
Olchais i ddim o'r dillad I didn't wash any of the clothes
Olchais i ddim o'r car I didn't wash any of the car
Olchais i ddim o'r llawr I didn't wash any of the floor
Treiglad meddal gyda b,d,g,ll,rh,m: fwytais (bwyta) i ddim Soft mutation with b,d,g,ll,rh,m: I didn't eat
Treiglad llaes gyda t (th), c (ch), p (ph): Thalais i ddim Aspirate mutation with t (th), c (ch), p (ph): I didn't pay
Amhenodol Non-specific
Darllenais i lyfr I read (a) book
Ddarllenais i ddim llyfr I didn't read (a) book
Penodol Specific
Darllenais i'r lyfr I read the book
Ddarllenais i ddim o'r llyfr I didn't read any of the book (a specific book)
Uned UndegTri Unit Thirteen
dod to come
Cardarnhaol Affirmative
des i I came
dest ti you came
daeth e/hi s/he came
daethon ni we came
daethoch chi you came (plural)
daethon nhw they came
Des i ar y bws I came on the bus
Des i ar y tren I came on the train
Des i yn y car I came in the car
Des i mewn tacsi I came in a taxi
Daeth hi gyda fi She came with me
Daeth hi gyda fe She came with him
Daeth hi gyda ni She came with us
Daeth hi gyda nhew She came with them
Cwestiwn Question
Ddaethoch chi Did you come
Ddaethoch chi ar y bws? Did you come on the bus?
Ddaethoch chi ar y tren? Did you come on the train?
Ddaethoch chi yn y car? Did you come in the car?
Ddaethoch chi mewn tacsi? Did you come in a taxi?
Negyddol Negative
Ddaethon ni ddim ar y bws We didn't come on the bus
Ddaethon ni ddim ar y trên We didn't come on the train
Ddaethon ni ddim yn y car We didn't come in the car
Ddaethon ni ddim mewn tacsi We didn't come in a taxi
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Dod â to bring
Daethon nhw â They brought
Daethon nhw â'r parsel They brought the parcel
Daethon nhw â'r llythyr They brought the letter
Daethon nhw â'r anrheg They brought the present
Daethon nhw â'r siec They brought the cheque
mae 'dod' yn rhedeg fel 'mynd' yn y gorffennol coming' is run as a 'go' in the past
Mae treiglad meddal gyda'r negyddol Soft mutation with the negative
mae treiglad meddal gyda'r cwestiwn soft mutation with the question
Uned Undegpedwar Unit Fourteen
cael to get, to have
Cardarnhaol Affirmative
ces i I got/ had
cest ti you got/ had
cafodd e/hi (caeth e/hi) s/he got/ had
cawson ni (caethon ni) we got/ had
cawsoch chi (caethoch chi) you got/ had (plural)
cawson nhw they got/ had
Ces i uwd i frecwast I had porridge for breakfast
Ces i wy i frecwast I had egg for breakfast
Ces i dost i frecwast I had toast for breakfast
Ces i goffi i frecwast I had coffee for breakfast
Cafodd e ddau wisgi He had two wiskeys
Cafodd e dri wisgi He had three wiskeys
Cafodd e bedwar wisg He had four wiskeys
Cafod e bum wisgi he had five wiskeys
Cwestiwn Question
Beth gawsoch chi i frecwast? What did you have for breakfast?
Beth gawsoch chi i ginio? What did you have for lunch?
Beth gawsoch chi i de? What did you have for tea?
Beth gawsoch chi i swper? What did you have for supper?
Gawson nhw rywbeth i fwyta? Did they have something to eat?
Gawson nhw rywbeth i yfed? Did they have something to drink?
Gawson nhw rywbeth i ddarllen? Do they have something to read?
Gawson nhw rywbeth i wario? Do they have something to spend?
Beth gest ti i frecwast? What did you have for breakfast?
Beth gest ti i ginio? What did you have for lunch?
Beth gest ti i de? What did you have for tea?
Beth gest ti i swper? What did you have for supper?
Negyddol Negative
Chawson ni ddim wisgi We didn't have wiskey
Chawson ni ddim gwin We didn't have wine
Chawson ni ddim cwrw We didn't have beer
Chawson ni ddim byd We didn't have anything
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
treiglad llaes gyda'r negyddol Nasal mutation with the negative
treiglad meddal gyda'r cwestiwn Soft mutation with the question
Uned Undegpump Unit Fifteen
bod to be
Cardarnol Affirmative
Bues i I did be/ have been
Buest ti you did be/ have been
Buodd e/hi s/he did be/ have/ has been
Buon ni we did be/ have been
Buoch chi you did be/ have been (plural)
Buon nhw they did be/ have been
Bues i yn y tŷ I have been in the house
Bues i yn y dre I have been in the town
Bues i yn y gwaith I have been in the work
Bues i yn y ardd I have been in the garden
Buon nhw yn nhŷ Bethan They have been in Bethan's house
Buon nhw yn nhŷ Gareth They have been in Gareth's house
Buon nhw yn nhŷ Dafydd They have been in Dafydd's house
Buon nhw yn nhŷ Rhian They have been in Rhian's house
Cwestiwn Question
Ble buoch chi ddoe? Where have you been yesterday?
Ble buoch chi yn y bore? Where have you been in the morning?
Ble buoch chi yn y prynhawn? Where have you been in the afternoon?
Ble buoch chi yn y nos? Where have you been in the night?
Fuodd hi yn y tafarn? Has she been in the pub?
Fuodd hi yn y gwely? Has she been in the bed?
Fuodd hi yn u sinema? Has she been in the cinema?
Fuodd hi yn y theatr? Has she been in the theatre?
Ble buest ti bore Sadwrn? Where have you been Saturday morning?
Ble buest ti bore Sul? Where have you been Sunday morning?
Ble buest ti bore Llun? Where have you been Monday morning?
Ble buest ti bore Mawrth? Where have you been Tuesday morning?
Negyddol Negative
Fuon ni ddim yn y tafarn We haven't been in the pub
Fuon ni ddim yn y dre We haven't been in the town
Fuon ni ddim yn y gêm We haven't been in the game
Fuon ni ddim yn y cyngerdd We haven't been in the concert
Atebion Answer
Do (Yes)-
Naddo (No)-
Mae treiglad meddal gyda'r cwestiwn Soft mutation with the question
Mae treiglad meddal gyda'r negyddol Soft mutation with the negative
Created by: jrhysmartin
Popular Welsh sets




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