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COMS 212 - 06

Chapter 6

Nonverbal communication Messages expressed by non linguistic means.
Vocal, nonverbal communication Tone of voice, Sighs, Screams, Vocal quality, Pitch, Loudness.
Nonvocal, nonverbal communication Gestures, Movement, Appearance, Facial expression, Touch
Repeating Nonverbal communication repeating comments. E.g. Repeating directions non verbally by pointing north.
Complementing When nonverbal behaviors match the thoughts and emotions the communicator is expressing linguistically. E.g. Saying "thank you" while smiling.
Substituting When nonverbal behaviors substitutes for speech. E.g. Rolling eyes to a disliked comment.
Accenting Using nonverbal devices to emphasize oral messages. E.g. "It was YOUR idea!"
Regulating When nonverbal behaviors influence the flow of verbal communication. E.g. Nodding to indicate understanding. Looking away or moving toward door to indicate ending to convo.
Contradicting Sending mixed messages between verbal and nonverbal behaviors. E.g. "Angry? No, I'm not angry!"
Leakage Inadvertent signs of deception. Pupil dilation, Speech errors, Higher pitch, Lower rate of speech.
Monochronic Cultures emphasizing punctuality, schedules, and completing one task at a time.
Polychronic Cultures where more flexible schedules in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time.
Kinesics Body position and motion.
Body orientation The degree to which we face toward or away from someone with our body, feet, and head.
Gestures Movements of the hands and arms. -Illustrators -Emblems -Adaptors
Illustrators Movements that accompany speech but don't stand on their own. E.g. pointing with fingers and gesture with hands to accompany verbal directions.
Emblems Deliberate nonverbal behaviors that have precise meaning, known to virtually everyone within a culture group. E.g. Head nod means "yes." Wave means "hello."
Adaptors Unconscious bodily movements in response to the environment. E.g. Shivering when cold. Folding arms to get warm.
Manipulators Self-touching behaviors, a sign of discomfort. E.g. Fiddling with hands in interview.
Paralanguage nonverbal, vocal language. E.g. Tone, rate, pitch, volume, pauses.
Unintentional pause When people stop to collect their thoughts before deciding how best to continue their verbal message.
Vocalized pause Disfluencies such as "um," "er," and "uh". Or filler words that are used habitually such as "like," "okay," and "ya know."
Haptica Study of touching.
The study of the way people and animals use space. Distance and territorality.
Intimate distance Skin contact to 18 inches. With people we are emotionally close to.
Personal distance 18 inches to 4 feet.
Social distance 4 to 12 feet. Business.
Public distance 12 feet and up.
Territory Any geographical area such as work area, room, house, or other physical space to which we assume some kid of "rights."
Chronemics Study of how humans use an structure time.
Created by: nicolemc
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