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Pharm Tech top 200

Appendix A top 200 drugs

Lipitor atorvastatin (lipid/cholestorol lowering)
Nexium esomeprazole (GERD/ ulcers)
prevacid lansoprazole (GERD/ ulccers)
Advair Diskus Fluticasone and salmeterol (asthma)
Singular montelukast (asthma)
Effexor XR venlafaxine (antidepressant)
Plavix clopidogrel (atherosclerosis/ anitiplatelet)
Zocor simvastatin (lipid/ cholesterol lowering)
Norvasc amiodipine (hypertension/ calcium channel blocker)
Lexapro escalopram (antidepressant)
Seroquel quetapine (antipsychotic)
Protonix pantoprozle (proton pump inhibitor)
Ambien zolpidem (insomnia/hypnotic)
Actos piglitazone (type 2 diabetes)
Zoloft sertaline (antidepressant)
Wellbutrin XL bupopion (antidepressant)
Avandia rosiglitazone (type 2 diabetes)
Risperdal risperidone (antipsychotic)
Zyprexa olanzapine (antipsychotic)
Topamax topiramate (anitconvulsant)
Toprol XL metoprolol (hypertension/ angina/beta blocker)
Vytorin ezetimibe and simvastain (lipid/ cholestorol lowering)
Fosamax alendronate(osteoporosis/ paget's disease)
Abilify aripiprazole (antipsychotic)
Levaquin levofloxacin (antibiotic)
Lamictal Lamotrigine (anticonvulsant)
Celebrax Celecoxib (NSAID/arthritis)
Lotrel amiodipine and benazepril (hypertension/ ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker)
Zyrtec cetirizine (antihistamine)
Coreg carvedilol (hypertension/beta blocker)
Valtrex valacycolvir (antiviral)
Zetia ezetimibe (lipid/ cholesterol lowering)
Avalide hydrocholorothiazide and irbesartan (hypertension/ angiotensin II receptor antagonist)
Nasacort AQ triamcinolone (nasal alergies)
androgel testosterone topical (male hormone)
Forteo teriparatide (osteoporosis)
pantanol Olpatadine ophthalmic (antihistamine)
Avonex interferon beta- 1a (multiple sclerosis)
Flonase fluticasone nasal (nasal allergies)
Thalomid thalidomide (anti-inflammatory)
Boniva Ibandronate (osteoporosis)
Zofran ODT ondansetron (antinausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy)
Caduet amlodipine and atorastatin (hypertension/ angina related to high cholesterol)
Requip ropinirole (parkison's disease)
Fuzeon Efuvirtide (anitviral/HIV/AIDS)
Rhinocort Aqua Budesonide nasal (nasal allergies)
Norvir Ritonavir (antiviral/HIV/AIDS)
Tarceva Erlotinib (cancer)
Ditropan XL oxybutynin (bladder spasms/ overactive bladder)
Aldara imiquimod topical (actinic kertosis/skin cancer/genital warts)
Novo Log mix 70/30 Insulin aspart (type 1 diabetes)
Femara Letrozole (breast cancer)
Ortho Evra Ethinyl estradiol and norelestromin (oral contraceptive)
Endocet acetaminophen and oxycodone (narcotic pain reliever)
Renagel sevelamer (endstage renal disease)
Consopt dorzlaminde and timolol opthalmic (glaucoma)
Viread Tenofovir (antiviral/HIV/AIDS)
Trizivir abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudie (antiviral/HIV/AIDS)
Budeprion SR bupropion hydrochloride (anitdepressant)
Restasis Cyclosporine ophthamic (chronic dry eye/ inflammation of the eye)
Zyvox linexolid (anti-biotic)
relpax eletriptan (migraine headaches)
Lumigan bimotoprost ophthalmic (glaucoma)
Benzaclin benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin topical (acne)
Humalong mix 75/25 insulin lispro (diabetes)
Zithromax suspension azithromycin (antibiotic)
mirapex pramipexole (parkinson's disease/ restless leg syndrome)
Avodart dutasteride (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Casodex bicalutamide (prostate cancer)
Astelin azelastine nasal (nasal allergies)
Vigamox moxifloxacin ophthalmic (anitbiotix
Epizicom abacavir and lamivudine (antiviral/HIV/AIDS)
Lescol XL Fluvastatin (lipid/cholesterol lowering)
Xeloda capecitabine (cancer)
Tussionex cholorpheniramine and hydrocodone (cough/nasal congestion)
Coumadin tablets warfarin (anticoagulat)
Sensipar cinacalcet (decreases parathyroid hormone/ calcium/ phosphorus)
Levitra vardenafil (erectile dysfunction)
Temodar temozolomide (cancer)
Inderal LA propranolol (hypertension/ beta blocker)
Prilosec Omeprazole (GERD/ulcers)
catapres-TTS clodidine (hypertension)
NuvaRing ethinyl estradiol an detonogestrel (oral contraceptive)
Biaxin XL clarithomycin (antibiotic)
Zyrtec Syrup cetirizine (antihistamine)
Alphagan P brimondidine opthalmic (glaucoma)
Differin adapalene topical (acne)
Zyrtec-D Cetirizine (antihistamine/decongestant)
Tobradex tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic (anti-biotic)
Aranesp Darbepotein alfa (anemia)
Klor-Con potassium chloride (hyphokalemia)
Humulin N Insulin isophone (diabetes)
DuoNeb albuterol and ipratopium (COPD)
Famvir famciclovir (antiviral)
Proscar finasteride (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Neupogen filgrastim (stimulates the growth of white blood cells)
Elidel pimecrolimus topical (immunosuppressant)
Focalin XR dexmethyphenidate (ADHD)
Levoxyl levothroxine (hypothyroidism)
Betaseron interferon beta-1b (multiple sclerosis)
Ciprodex Otic ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone otic (antibiotic/steroid)
Trinessa Ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate (oral contraceptive)
Atacand Candesartan (hypertenstion/ angiotensin II receptor antagoinist)
pegasys (peginterferon alfa-2a (hepatitis B and C)
Kadian Morphine (narcotic pain reliever)
Arthrotec declofenac and misoprostol (NSAID)
Aggrenox aspirin and dipyridamole (antiplatelet)
Humulin 70/30 insulin isophane and insulin regular (diabetes)
Avinza Morpine (narcotic pain reliever)
Pulmozyme dornase alfa (cystic fibrosis)
Travatan Travoprost ophthalmic (glaucoma)
Maxalt rizatriptan (headache/ migraine)
Dovonex calcipotrine topical (Psoriasis)
Risperdal Consta risperidone (antipsychotic)
Tri-Sprintec Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (oral contraceptive)
Zomig zolmitriptan (headache/migraine)
Maxalt MLT rizatriptan (headache/migraine)
Prempro conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone (female hormones/menopause)
Augmentin XR amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium (antibiotic)
Suboxone buprenorphine and naloxone (opiate addiction)
Avandamet metformin and rosiglitazone (type 2 diabetes)
Fosamax plus D alendronate and cholecalciferol (osteoporosis)
Created by: moonwisper
Popular Pharmacology sets




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