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PSY341 Abnormal-Ch3

PSY341 Abnormal-Ch3 Clinical AssesmentDiagnosis

Assessment Reliability Consistency in Measurement
Assessment Validity Does it measure what it's supposed to measure?
Mental Status Exam includes evaluating: Appearance & Behavior, Thought Processes, Mood & Affect, Intellectual Functioning, & Sensorium.
Projective Tests are rooted in: Psychoanalytic theory
Objective Tests are rooted in: Empirical (research-based) tradition
The Luria-Nebraska & Halstead-Reitan are examples of _____ kind of testing? Tests of neurobrain damage.
CAT, MRI, fMRI, PET & SPECT scans are all examples of: Neuroimaging tests
EEG measures: (Electroencephlogram) measures patterns of electrical impulses in the brain.
Taxonomy Naming and Classification system in Science
Nosology Naming & Classification system for Medical & Psychological phenomena
Categorical Classification Qualitative differences; strict
Dimensional Classification Quantitative differences
ICD-10 used in: Europe
DSM IV TR has ___ axes. 5
Comorbidity Two or more disorders in the same person; very common
Statistical Significance Are results due to chance?
Clinical Significance Are results clinically meaningful?
Patient Uniformity Myth; Generalization People with the same diagnoses are the same people.
(RCT) Randomized Control Trial No control group; as is.
Withdrawal Design Baseline, Treatment & Treatment Withdrawal
Multiple Baseline Designs _____
Sequential Designs Combination of Cross-Sectional & Longitudinal designs
Research Ethics include: Informed Consent, Competence, Voluntarism, Full Information, & Conprehension.
Created by: 1161565865
Popular Psychology sets




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