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Med Term - Lesson 9

Eye, Ear, & Plural Endings

Prefix, Word Root, SuffixDefinition
audi hearing
blephar eyelid
irid iris
kerat cornea
myring eardrum (tympanic membrane)
ophthalm eye
opt vision
ot ear
retin retina
scler sclera
tympan middle ear
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry measurement
-plegia paralysis
astigmatism defective curvature of the refractive surfaces of the eye (cornea or lens)
astigmatism abbreviation AST
cataract clouding of the lens of the eye
detached retina separation of the retina from the choroid, or middle coat of the eye
glaucoma eye disorder characterized by optic nerve damage usually caused the abnormal increase of intraocular pressure
hyperopia farsightedness
LASIK a laser procedure that reshapes the corneal tissue beneath the surface of the cornea
macular degeneration a progressive deterioration of the central portion of the retina resulting in a loss of central vision; when caused by the aging process it is referred to as age-related macular degeneration
age-related macular degeneration abbreviation ARMD
myopia nearsightedness
optometrist a healthcare professional who prescribes corrective lenses &/or eye exercises
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear
otitis media abbreviation OM
tinnitus ringing in the ears
Created by: srussel
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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