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Restorative Art Q2

Qtr 2 Quiz 2- Ear/Nose

Helix is the Outer rim of the ear
Origin/termination of the helix Crus of the helix/lobe
Crus is deeper than the cheek
Scapha Fossa between inner and outer rims of the ear
Anti helix Inner ear rim
Antihelix origin/termination Top of lobe/ upper 1/3 becomes crura, terminates in the superior and anterior portion of the ear
Crura Bifurcation of the anti-helix
WHere does the anterior wing of the crura go? Under the helix
Does every one have two crura? No.
Triangular fossa depression between crura wings
Concha Concave shell of ear, deepest depression, sinks in to the EAM
Tragus elevation protecting ear passage, blends into lobe
Antitragus small eminence obliquely opposite tragus, located on lobe
WHere is the only straight line on the ear? Its attachment point
Does the ear change in shape? No
The width is equal to... 1/3 the length
What is the primary anatomical guide? Ear passage
The ear tilts at the same degree as what? Ramus
WHat anatomical feature divides the ear in 1/2 Zygomatic arch
The crest of the ear is always equal to what anatomical feature? Eye brow
Intertragic notch Space between tragus and anti tragus
Lobe non cartilagenous lowe 1/3 of the ear
Middle 1/3 borders Superior portion of antitragus to superior portion of concha
Upper 1/3 Superior to the concha to crest
SHape of nose pyramidal
Types of noses Leptorrhine, Platyrrhine, Mesorrhine
Leptorrhine long, narrow, prominent bridge
Platyrrhine wide, short
Mesorrhine Middle between other kinds
Nose profiles Convex, concave, straight
Straight Called the Grecian, straight regardless of angle
Convex Hook nose, roman, aqualine. Outward curvature
Philtrum divides Nose in 1/2 Wing to tip in profile
Nasal Bones Superior and posterior of dorsum effects nose in profile
Nasal cavity Pear shaped
Nasal Spine Posterior 1/3 of nose
Cartilaginous plates Septal (1), Lateral (4) made up of Superior (2) and inferior (2)
Septal cartilidge Divdes nose in 2, attachd to vomer and ethmoid bone, curves anatomical left
Lateral cartilidges Superior and inferior form sides and tip
Dorsum Protruding ridge
Parts of Dorsum Root, bridge, protruding, tip, convexity
Root concavity inferior to glabella
Bridge roughly triangular projection
protruding lobe spherical angular termination
tip greatest projection
Concave profile Infantine, snub, pug, ski. Depression in the bridge. Has a retrousse (upturned end)
WIngs Lateral lobes, superior to the columna nasi, greatest width.
Margins of the wings Inferior- Arch of the wing Superior- origin of nasolabial fold
Columna nasi Superficial partition between nostrils, most inferior part of the nose, forms right angle with the superior integumentary lip
Anterior nares Nostril openings, oblique position, located in posterior 2/3, greatest depth is medial and posterior.
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