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Unit 2

research methods, ethics

Hindsight Bias we assume we could have predicted something before hand, think we know things
Overconfidence we are more correct than we actually are, know more than we do
False Consensus Effect we think more people agree with us than actually do, more people are like us than actually are
Critical Thinking able to see both sides, skeptical, don’t just take what people say and believe it
Hypothesis what you think, guess
Theory explains what happens, proven
Operational Definitions the exact specification of what you are going to study or experiment
Replication repeating an experiment to see if there is any change in the results, may change variables
Naturalistic Observation observing in natural environment without manipulating it, you have no control over situation or interaction, may be unethical
Case Study you study one person in depth and apply what you learn to multiple individuals, good for rare or unique disorders
Survey questionnaire, used to learn behavior and opinion or attitudes
Wording Effects the way you word something affects the answer
Participant Bias (Nonresponse Bias) people who participate are different than people who will not participate, most will participate because of extremely good or bad experience
Social Desirability Bias people will give you the answer you are looking for due to social standards
Population who you want to participate, everyone
Random Sample subset of a population, each member has an equal chance to answer, select
Longitudinal Research Method study development, change over time, few changing variables, takes a long time
Cross Sectional Method look at different groups at the same time, doesn’t take long, changing variables
Correlational Research Method how one thing is related to another, not always cause and effect
Strength vs. Direction sign: relationship (negative, positive), number: strength (closer to 1 stronger, closer to 0 weaker)
Scatterplot (Scattergram) positive correlation: one goes up, the other goes up, negative correlation: one goes up, the other goes down
Illusory Correlations we see a relationship but there actually isn’t one
Experimentation cause/effect, change things to see its effect
Field Experiment natural/realistic environment, not as much control
Lab Experiment controlled environment
Independent Variable what you are changing
Dependent Variable what you measure at the end, effect of independent variable
Experimental Group (Condition) you manipulate, change, gets treatment
Control Group (Condition) you don’t changes, used to compare, doesn’t get treatment
Random Assignment randomly put people into experimental and control groups, you don’t pick, they don’t pick
Confounding Variables variables other than independent variables that can still have an effect on the dependent variable
Experimenter Bias the person that controls the experiment controls the random assignment, lead the group onto giving a certain answer that you want
Participant Bias (Demand Characteristics) participant will change their behavior because of what they think is supposed to happen
Placebo Effect fake but participant doesn’t know that, the effect of expectation alone
Hawthorne Effect people know they are being watched so they change their behavior
Single Blind Procedure only one group (experimenter) knows which group participants are in
Double Blind Procedure experimenter and participants don’t know which group is which
Quasi Experimental Method the only thing missing is random assignment because it is impossible
Informed Consent researchers must inform potential participants in advanced about the general nature of the research and risks, participants must agree to it
Freedom to Withdraw participants have the right to withdraw at any time or not participate
Deception experimenter tells participant they are studying one thing but they are really studying something else, cannot be enough to change the participants mind about being part of a study
Debriefing participants must receive a full explanation of the research when it is done
Do No Harm (Protection from Harm) researchers may conduct studies that involve harm and discomfort only under certain circumstances and only with consent
Confidentiality researchers must never release any data about individual participants
Animal Research Guidelines must have humane treatment, don’t have all rights that humans have, no protection from harm
Institutional Review Board (IRB) looks over studies to make sure ethics are good
Created by: slshepherd
Popular Psychology sets




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