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Abnormal Psych

Chapters 7,8 and 10

conversion disorder A type of somatoform disorder characterized by unexplained and significant physical symptoms—headaches, nausea, dizziness, loss of sensation, paralysis—that suggest a real neurological or medical problem but for which no physical or organic cause can be i
amnesia the partial or total forgetting of past experiences.
(DSM-IV-TR) The 2000 edition of the American Psychiatric Association's uniform diagnostic system for assessing specific symptoms and matching them to almost 300 different mental disorders. The DSM-IV-TR has five major dimensions, or axes.
generalized anxiety disorder A psychological disorder primarily characterized by excessive and/or unrealistic worry or feelings of general apprehension about events or activities. These anxious feelings occur on a majority of days for a period of at least six months.
obsessive-compulsive disorder An anxiety disorder consisting of obsessions, which are persistent, recurring, irrational thoughts, impulses, or images that a person is unable to control and that interfere with normal functioning; and compulsions, which are irresistible impulses to perf
panic attack A period of intense fear or discomfort in which four or more of the following symptoms are present: pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feelings of choking, chest pain, nausea, feeling dizzy, and fear of losing control or dying.
panic disorder A mental disorder characterized primarily by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, plus continued worry about having another attack; such worry interferes with psychological functioning.
phobia An anxiety disorder characterized by an intense and irrational fear that is out of all proportion to the danger elicited by the object or situation. In comparison, fear is a realistic response to a threatening situation.
social phobias Irrational, marked, and continuous fear of performing in social situations. The individuals fear that they will humiliate or embarrass themselves.
somatization disorder A somatoform disorder that begins before age 30, lasts several years, and is characterized by multiple symptoms—including pain, gastrointestinal, sexual, and neurological symptoms—that have no physical causes but are triggered by psychological problems or
somatoform disorder A pattern of recurring, multiple, and significant bodily (somatic) complaints that extend over several years. The physical symptoms (pain, vomiting, paralysis, blindness) are not under voluntary control, have no known physical causes, and are believed to
specific phobias Unreasonable, marked, and persistent fears triggered by anticipation of, or exposure to, a specific object or situation (flying, heights, spiders, seeing blood); formerly called simple phobias.
anxiety is a feeling of dread and gnawing apprehension about vague or unrealized threats and hardships that exist somtime in the future but are not a clear and immediate danger.
groups at risk for specific phobias ages 11 to 17, afr. am and latinos are at a higher risk and women are twice more likely than men.
obsession is a thought or image that keeps intruding into a person's consciousness
compulsion is an action that person feels compelled to repeat again and again.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder severe psychological reaction, lasating at least one month and involving intense feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror to intensely traumatic events.
PTSD vs Anxiety disorders PTSD is in reaction to an external event of overwhelming pain.
agoraphobia An anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing if a panic attack or paniclike symptoms (sudden dizziness or onset of diarrhea) were to occur.
dissociative amnesia blotting out a period of time after the precipitating stress outside the person-- not from a blow to the head
dissociative fugue the person not only forgets all or most of his or her past but also takes a sudden, unexpected trip away from home.
DID dissociative identity disorder formerly known as multiple personality disorder, the personality breaks into 2 or more
depersonalization a sense of strangeness or unreality in oneself-they are functioning like robots
body dysmorphic disorder preoccupation with an imagined or a grossly exaggerated defect in appearance. this disorder is tends to be chronic and is associated with social phobia.
hypochondriasis gnawing fear of disease a fear maintained by constant misinterpretation of physical signs and sensations.
pain disorder pain seems to be more severe or persistent than can be explained by medical causes.
iatrogenic induced by therapy and are fake DID. it is estimated 25% of DID's.
Manic disorder begins rather suddenly and is shorter than depressive episodes. Elevated outlook,expansiveness and irritablitiy, inflated self esteem,sleeplessness, talkativeness, flight of ideas, distractability, hyperactivity, and reckless behavior
Depressive disorder depressing mood, loss of pleasure or interest in unsual activities, disturbance of appetite, sleep disturbance, psychomotor agitation or psychomotor retardation(tire too easily), loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, difficulties thinking,
Mood Disorders also known as affective disorders--affect meaning emotion
hypomanic episode brief and less severe manic condition
Major depressive disorder Will effect at least 17% of people at some point-major depressive episodes. women are twice as likely than men.
bipolar disorder involves both manic and depressive phases.appears late in adolescence in a manic form. Strong genetic ties.
Comorbidity co-occurence of depressive and anxiety disorders-- mixed anxiety depression
Suicide prevalence 4.6% attempt, 13.5% have thought about it. Twice as many single people than married, 3x as many women attempt but 4x as many men succeed, elderly, teens 3rd cause of death
Attachment theory people who have greater social ties were less likely to commit suicide
Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) seasonal depression-increased sleeping, increased eating and cravings for carbohydrates. Asians, women, and young more impacted by this.
ECT electroconvulsive therapy electric shock for extreme depression--done in 9 to 10 treatments- side effect= memory loss, ability to learn new material and to recall material.
Created by: kwhitsett
Popular Psychology sets




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