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Manpower Course IV

Manpower Apprentice Course, Block IV Study Guide (initial)

What is PPBE stand for? Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE)
*** Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) is___________ resource management system controlled by the ________ ____ ______________. DoD’s / Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)
The Air Force employs the _______ ________ ________ _________ to support the total force. Air Force Corporate Structure (AFCS)
Air Force Corporate Structure (AFCS) is the unique process used to implement the __________. Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE)
Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) is a repetitive process consisting of four interrelated and overlapping phases: planning / programming / budgeting / execution
Contains the official published results of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) process. Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
The Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE)links _____________ to accomplish the _______ mission with a budget used for its accomplishment. plans / Air Force
***The Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) process starts with the publishing of the _____ ________________ ________________ compiled by the _____________. Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) / SECDEF
***The Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) is the means by which we do three things. What are they? 1-determine our manpower requirements to support various programs / 2-match fiscal constraints against these requirements / 3-budget for the resources to maintain the force structure.
The goal of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE) is to achieve the defense objectives (our military mission) established by ________________________. the President and the SECDEF in the Defense Planning Guide (DPG)
The Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution System (PPBE)is a cyclical process with four distinct but interrelated phases, what are they? Planning / Programming / Budgeting / Execution
***PHASES OF THE PPBE SYSTEM-Describe Planning Phase. improves our ability to translate top-down guidance into meaningful plans and requirements.
***PHASES OF THE PPBE SYSTEM-Describe Programming Phase. links the plan and the budget. Here resources can be allocated in a systematic way with direct relationships to the roles and missions of the DoD.
***PHASES OF THE PPBE SYSTEM-Describe Budgeting Phase. We refine costing of approved service programs, submit proposed budgets, and participate in SECDEF’s review of the proposed service budgets before the DoD is submitted to Congress.
***PHASES OF THE PPBE SYSTEM-Describe Execution Phase. Once the President signs Congress’ Appropriation Act into law, OMB can begin apportioning funds to the various federal departments.
***The Air Force Corporate Structure (AFCS) _____________ management effectiveness by applying _____ and _______ to problems, resources limitations and other factors. increases / judgment / experience
***What is the official document and database that summarizes the force levels and funding associated with specific SECDEF approved programs. DoD Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
The Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) contains three broad categories of resources. What are they? dollars / manpower (civilian and military) / forces (either equipment or combat units)
***In the budget years, manpower and dollars project out ____ years while forces extend an _______ ______ years. six / additional three
***The Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) is arranged two (2) ways. What are they? Major Force Program (MEP) / Congressional Appropriation
***Major Force Programs (MFPs) reflect ___________________. the resources needed to achieve an objective or plan.
*** There how many Major Force Programs (MFPs)? eleven
*** Major Force Programs (MFPs) 1-5 and 11 are _____ ________ and generally contain their own organic support. combat oriented
***Major Force Programs (MFPs) 6-10 are ______ and are essentially _____ ____wide. support oriented / DoD
***Define Appropriations. The President initiates the appropriations process by submitting his annual budget for the upcoming FY congress. Congress funds DoD programs by way of appropriations.
***Program Element Codes (PECs) consists of how many digits?= 9, but the first three are leading 000s, leaving 6 digits
***Define Program Element Codes (PECs) position 1. An alphanumeric and identifies the major force program
***Define Program Element Codes (PECs) position 2-5. are numeric and identify a specific program to which the element is assigned
***Define Program Element Codes (PECs) position 6. identifies the service component
***The Air Force uses the _____________ to budget for and control its portion of the subsets of DoD PECs. Force & Financial Plan (F & FP)
***How does the Air Force use the DoD PECs to turn them in the Air Forces’ Force & Financial Plan (F & FP)? First the Air Force would filter on all those DoD PECs that end in “F” for AF. Secondly, the AF replaced the DoD “F” with an AF internal alphabetic character.
Replacing the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) PECs and “converting” them to AF PECs creates the _________. Air Forces Force & Financial Plan (F & FP)
Air Force Personnel Center does or does not maintain a reserve of active-duty personnel to respon to short-notice manpower actions. does not
***The AF uses the ______ ___________ process to identify military positions by grade and skill required to accomplish its mission. manpower determination
The Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) limits the number of __________, ____________, and _____________ grades based on budgeted officer end strength. colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major
***DoD Authorization Bills passed by Congress define________________________. the maximum number of officer and enlisted authorizations. ***The AF considers _______ ______ _____, rather than grade, as the prime indicator of what is required to do the job.
***Responsibilities for Grades Allocation- HQ USAF/A1M validates COL positions
***Responsibilities for Grades Allocation- AF Manpower Agency (AFMA) provides analysis, programming support for developing and maintaining grades management computer programs.
***Enlisted grade ceilings are based on the enlisted grade plan using the ____________________. budgeted enlisted end strength
***For variance positions, requests will be sent to AF/A1M and include justification for the request, an organization chart of the unit the position is requested, and existing command resources for zero-balance action and what form? A completed AF Form 81
. What does API stand for? Aircrew Position Identifier
***What is the API code for pilot positions used primarily for cockpit duty? API 1
***What is the API code for Flight Surgeon positions? API 5
***What is the API code for rated officers assigned to non-rated duties and all non-rated officers? API 0
***What form is required for all staff or supervisory positions not covered by an approved Air Force Manpower Standard (AFMS) with the following exceptions? AF Form 480
***What is the Augmentation Duty Program (ADP)? It is a flexible, commander director program that can assist the commander in validating, approving, and documenting the need for additional personnel resources to support installation-level requirements.
*** Augmentation Duty Program (ADP) also aids commanders in identifying, training, and tracking personnel to meet_____ ____ augmentee needs for installation-level exercises, contingencies, wartime, or emergency situations/scenarios. short-term
***Within the Augmentation Duty Program (ADP) what is the Host Installations Commander (Wing/CC) or Geographically Separated Unit (GSU) commander responsibility? He/she should determine if an installation augmentation program is required.
***True or False It is recommended an installation augmentation program OPR be appointed. true
***Generally speaking who is appointed the OPR for the wing Augmentation Duty Program (ADP). Vice Commander
***It is suggested that members performing Augmentation Duty perform no more that ____day (___ days for SRB specialties) per year. 120 / 90
***The Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve form a significant part of our aerospace capabilities and together they are called the ___________________. Air Reserve Components (ARC)
***Command for non-mobilized ANG units is vested in the______________. governor of the state, commonwealth, or possessions, or in the President in the case of the District of Columbia
***The _____________ of the ANG is the channel of communication on all matters pertaining to the ANG units. Director
***Command of non-mobilized AF Reserve units is exercised through the ______________, who is in turn, responsible to the ________________. Commander AFRC / Chief of Staff, USAF
***When the President authorizes involuntary activation , the ____________________will delegate authority to gaining _________________ commanders who will order ___________ and __________ to active duty. Secretary of the Air force / MAJCOM / ANG and USAFR forces.
***Whenever activated, operational command of ARC forces transfer to the _____________________. gaining MAJCOM commander
***______ ________________are individual military Air Force Reserve assets functioning as a total force multiplier to augment the Air Force in war, contingency operations, and peacetime to meet _____________. IMA / National Defense, strategic national interest and domestic objectives.
***IMA authorizations may NOT be used for the following purposes. IMA administrative management when that is the sole justification for the requirement, plus four other reasons listed on page 2-14
***The three (3)primary controlling factors in managing civilian resources are_________________________. 1-validation of the civilian manpower requirement by the Manpower and Organization (MO) function / 2-the availability of manpower authorizations / 3-the availability of financial resources validated by the Comptroller function.
***Name some reasons for making a temporary appointment. project work / extraordinary workload / scheduled abolishment / reorganization / contracting out a function / uncertainty of future funding /the need to maintain permanent positions for placement of employees who would otherwise be displaced fr
***The _______ of each position filled by temporary appointment must certify that the employment is ______ temporary and that proposed appointment meets the regulatory time limits. supervisor / truly
***Ensure that civilian positions are designated E-E only when civilians are required for direct support to combat operations, or to combat systems support functions that must be continued and that could not otherwise be immediately met by using deploye E-E positions are designated based on the following criteria
***A _____ represents the man-year that would be required if the contracted workload was performed by the AF at the same workload and performance level required by the contract. CME
*** National Security Strategy (NSS) is the ________________________. art and science of developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power (diplomatic, economic, military and informational) to achieve national security objectives.
***National Military Strategy (NMS), which is derived from the NSS, describes__________________. the US objectives, concepts, tasks and capabilities necessary to implement the goals set for the military.
***Joint operation planning includes all activities that must be accomplished to plan and ____________ operation, which included what six (6) areas? anticipated / Mobilization Planning / Deployment Planning / Employment Planning / Sustainment Planning / Redeployment Planning / Demoblizationi
***During Mobilization Planning what type of question are they answering? pg-3-3 Do we need to utilize Guard and Reserve Forces to meet our planned objective? How are we going to use them?
***During Deployment Planning what type of question are they answering? pg-3-3 When are they needed? What role are they playing?
***During Employment Planning what type of question are they answering? pg-3-3 How will they by used? What part of the mission will they be doing?
***During Sustainment Planning what type of question are they answering? pg-3-3 What is needed to keep them operating?
***The National Command Authority (NCA) exercise authority and control of the armed forces through a single chain of command with two distinct branches: operational / non-operational
***Define Operational Branch. Runs from the President, through the SECDEF, to the CCDR for missions and forces assigned to their commands
***Define Non-Operational Branch. Used for purposes other than operational direction of forces assigned to the combatant command. It runs from the President through the SECDEF to the Secretaries of the Military Departments.
***There are four (4) basic forms of command relationship, what are they? combantant command / operational control / tactical control / support
***Although it is not one of the basic forms of command relationship, this is a related authority, what is it? administrative control
***Define Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). The Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) contains guidance to the commander of unified commands and the Service Chiefs concerning military tasks assigned to them.
*** Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) directs the development of _____, to support ____ _____ ______ by assigning tasks and appointing major combat forces to commanders of unified commands. plans / national security objectives
***The War and Mobilization Plan (WMP) consists of _____ volumes and the _____ _____ supporting document to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). five (5) / Air Force’s
***Time-Phased Forces Deployment Data (TPFDD) is what? The central foundation for force planning, movement scheduling, logistics planning, and plan execution, and as such, is a primary concern to force planners.
***Adaptive Planning allows the ____ ______ to develop a full range of _____ ______ options and respond to rapidly changing strategic and military conditions. combatant commander / flexible
*** Adaptive Planning increases emphasis on ______________ elements of planning-threat analysis, mission analyst, assumption development, feasibility assessment and concept of operations development. front end
There are two components of Adaptive planning, what are they? Contingency Planning, formally referred to as Deliberate Planning and Crisis Action Planning
Planners use scenarios and threats identified in national guidance, such as the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP), along with the combatant commander’s evaluation of their AOR, to develop a series of plans that span a wide range of operations, is Contingency Planning
Planning is driven by current events in real time and normally occurs in emergencies and in the context of time-sensitive situations, is what? Crisis Action Planning
*** For purposes of the TFA, all AF Manpower will be categorized into four major categories. What are they? Deploying Forces / In-place Forces / Directed Mission / In-Place Support
***Define Deploying Forces. Consist of both warfighting forces and combat support
***Define In-Place Forces. are those forces that do not deploy but are required to remain in place I nwartime
***Define Directed Mission. are those that provide non-warfighting functions such as HQ activities, FOA, DRUs, Depots, etc…
***Define In-Place Support. forces that provide support functions such as those related to base operating support (BOS)
Created by: 1310807311
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