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FOE Final Review

heidi hayes jacob communication about teaching methods, prepare for future, prevents gaping
how do we assess knowledge essential ?s, content, skills, testing, activities, resources
ralph tyler goal-how-organize-assessment
decker walker consensus
elliot eisner evaluate anytime
influences teachers decide the how, not what
curriculum mapping communication between teachers about teaching
null curriculum don't express opinions, avoid politics and religion, cant influence students
taxonomy hierarchy of intelligence
Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
synectics working to promote critical and/or creative thinking
influences on curriculum federal govt, parents and community groups, school board, teachers, textbooks, mandated assessment, national/state standards
development prescriptive, descriptive, critical perspectives
prescriptive goal, how?, organize, evaluate
descriptive best of many ways to form consensus
critical perspective evaluate any time, not the end
types of learners imaginative, analytic, common sense, dynamic
Chpt 15 Chpt 15
Standards Curriculum content, performance, opportunity to learn standards
Assessment increase strengths and weaknesses, compare students, assist those who need it, evaluate schools
Needed for all tests absence of bias, reliability, validity
absence of bias fair to all, covers what was taught
reliability consistently gives some results
validity measure what it claims to measure
Chpt 8 Chpt 8
Lesson Plan breif instructional sequence, focus on one or 2 objectives, set/logical structure, related activites, quided practice
lessons opening, body, closing
opening state objective and purpose
body concepts related to objective
closing consolidate and extend learning, summary and closure
ethnic group a subgroup of society that has a common background, heritage, culture, language
mass media communication that reaches a national audience
socioeconomic status determined by a level of edu., wealth, power, prestique, job position
society group of people with common culture, govt, set of institutions, and social relationships
socialization long process, how people learn or are conditioned for the norms of popular culture
exceptionalities not avg, gifted or talented or have physical or mental deficiencies ro different
learning disability delayed development in one or more of life's processes, think, speak, read, write, listen and do math
ADHD can't focus or engage, not with it, 3-7% of pop have it, have more resources now
socialization agents family, peers, media, tech, school, church
purpose of schools functionalist, conflict, interrationist, diversity
functionalist teach right and wrong
conflict gray area
interactionist combination
diversity language, immigration
diversity differences we celebrate
hispanic americans live in cities, not strong edu, poor, run down schools
afro americans live in cities, similar to hispanic
asian americans high standards, hard working
native americans tribes and languages, mostly west, drop out, low support
Chpt 9 Chpt 9
Muliculturalism another word for diverisity
culture our norms, big picture
microculture details about self
macroculture non specific
enculturalization a process by which a child learns about their culture, parents and school and church
verve how much energy and enthusiasm you have, needed for success
diverget thinking brainstorm, debate, open ended discussion, gets people thinking
multiculutre education teach all students
James Banks exceptional culturally different-teach all, human relations-celebrate difference, single group study-promote equality, multicultural education-need diverse faculty, multicultural social-schools for social justice
teaching strategies verbal interaction, divergent thinking, cooperative thinking, relate to the world
verbal interaction discussion, conversing, talking
cooperative learning groups with roles for all, all contribute
relation to world why need to know?
inclusion include everyone, all students are together as much as possible despite deficiency
compensatory education opportunity for laws
IDEA federal law, individuals with diasabilities edcuation act, all school must follow, kids 3-21
disabled mental retardation, speech hearing, visual impairments, learning disabilities, physical autism
CSE committee for special education
Popular Miscellaneous sets




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