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The cognitive level

psychology study cards

Encoding The mental process by which long term memories are formed
Storage The amount of information that can be stored to memory
Retrieval long term memories are brought into working memories
Iconic Memory sensory memory for the sense of vision
Echohic Memory sensory memory for the sense of hearing
Attention concentration of mental effort on select sensory or mental events
Short term memory storage system characterized by a duration estimated at about 12 seconds
Motivated forgetting failing to retain stored information to memory, often due to the potentially aversive nature of such information
Retrieval based forgetting forgetting information due to inadequate long term memory
Retroactive interference Newly aquired information disrups the retrieval of previously learned information
Proactive interference the loss of memory for one set of information that results from the prior learning of another set of information
Interference the prevention of aquirring new information due to the previous acquisition of old information
Decay Theory forgetting due to a lack of use or rehearsal of previously available information
Episodic memory explicit memory of past events in one's own life
Semantic memory memory that stores word meanings, concepts and world knowledge
procedural memory implicit memory that enables a person to perform specific learned skills or habitual responses
long term memory information that is retained in the mind for long periods of time
maintained rehearsal a person strives to hold information in short term memory for a period of time
Method of Loci A mnemonic technique associating items to be remembered with physical locations
The misinformation effect exposing people to misleading information can cause their memories to become distorted
Primacy things are better remembered at the beginning of a sequence
Recency things are better remembered at the end of a sequence
Storage Based Forgetting information in the long term memory was distorted altered or changed so it is no longer accessible when searching for what it "used to be"
Learning Curve when people are learning fast the curve is said to be high and when people are learning slow the curve is said to be low
Repression the mind prevents anxiety provoking ideas from becoming conscious
Storage Based Forgetting information in the long term memory was distorted altered or changed so it is no longer accessible when searching for what it "used to be"
Learning Curve when people are learning fast the curve is said to be high and when people are learning slow the curve is said to be low
Repression the mind prevents anxiety provoking ideas from becoming conscious
Created by: ztruitt
Popular Psychology sets



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