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Leg, foot and ankle

Leg, foot & ankle

talus and calcaneus What bones make up the hindfoot (posterior)?
metatarsals and phalanges What bones make up the forefoot (anterior)?
1 How many planes do dorsiflexion/plantarflexion have?
2 How many articular surfaces does the talocrural joint have?
mortise The distal tibial/fibular malleoli form a what?
synovial What type of joint is the proximal tibiofibular joint?
interosseus membrane What connects the tibia and fibula at the "middle" tibiofibular joint?
syndesmosis What type of joint is the distal tibiofibular joint?
interosseous ligament anterior/posterior tibiofibular ligaments
10% What is the max weight that the fibula bears from the femur?
ligamentous support ankle stability depends on ___________ since the capsule is very thin.
deltoid ligament What is the name of the MCL of the ankle joint?
fan shaped What is the shape of the deltoid ligament?
plantarflexion What motion does the anterior tibiotalar ligament limit?
dorsiflexion What motion does the posterior tibiotalar ligament limit?
eversion of calcaneus What motion does the tibiocalcaneal ligament limit
plantarflexion What motion does the tibionavicular ligament limit?
plantarflexion What motion does the anterior talofibular ligament limit?
dorsiflexion What motion does the posterior talofibular ligament limit?
inversion of calcaneus What motion does the calcaneofibular ligament limit?
anterior talofibular What ligament is most commonly sprained/torn?
20 degrees What is normal ROM for dorsiflexion?
50 degrees What is normal ROM for plantarflexion?
gastroc and soleus What muscles "check" dorsiflexion?
talus on mortise In OKC
mortise on talus In CKC
talus and calcaneus The subtalar joint is formed by the articulation of what two bones?
posterior Which facet of the subtalar joint is the largest and has its own capsule?
interosseus talocalcaneal What is the most important ligament in the tarsal tunnel?
1 how many planes of motion for supination/pronation
triplane The axis at the subtalar joint which supination/pronation take place at is a _______ axis.
42 degrees What is the angle of inclination from the horizontal in the subtalar joint?
16 degrees What is the angle from the midline of the foot for the subtalar joint?
calcaneus During OKC pronation and supination
talus During CKC supination/pronation
supination What is considered to be the closed packed position for the subtalar joint?
shortening the limb at heel strike
talocalcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid What two articulations/joints make up the midtarsal joint?
spring ligament The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament is more commonly known as what?
sustentaculum tali (calcaneus) to inferior navicular The spring ligament attaches from where to where?
calcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid What are the two bands of the bifurcated (Y shaped) ligament?
parallel In order to allow for more movement in the bones/joint
pronation The axes of the midtalar joint become more parallel
supination During what motion does the foot become a rigid lever
midtarsal and tarsometatarsal What joints are responsible for counteracting the motion in the hindfoot during supination/pronation to keep the foot in contact with the ground (supinatory twist).
longitudinal and transverse What are the 2 basic arches in the foot?
force distribution during weight bearing What is the function of the arches in the foot?
navicular What is the keystone of the medial longitudinal arch?
spring ligament and medial band of Y ligament What provides ligamentous support to the medial arch?
anterior portion of calcaneus What is the keystone of the lateral longitudinal arch?
long plantar ligament What provides ligamentous support to the lateral longitudinal arch
gastroc Which muscle fires after midstance to stablize the knee
tibialis anterior Which muscle eccentrically contracts at heel strike to prevent foot slap?
tibialis posterior What muscle decelerates pronation?
plantarflexion What is the secondary motion caused by the fibularis longus and brevis?
anterior Muscles the dorsiflex the foot pass ________ to the lateral malleolus.
peroneus longus which muscle is located on the lateral side of the leg?
gastrocnemius and soleus what are the two muscles that form the triceps surae?
calcaneal tendon the gastrocnemius extends halfway down the leg before blending into which band of connective tissue?
popliteus which muscle is the deepest in the popliteal space?
peroneus longus and brevis which muscle lies between the soleus and the extensor digitorum longus?
tibialis anterior which muscle lies directly lateral to the tibial shaft?
extensor retinaculum along the ankle's dorsal surface
extensor digitorum brevis the dorsal surface of the foot is home to which muscle?
plantar aponeurosis the first layer of muscles on the foot's plantar surface is deep to which connective tissue structure?
abductor hallucis which is the most medial of the foot muscles?
calcaneus via calcaneal tendon which is the insertion of the gastrocnemius?
flex the knee which of the following is an action of the gastrocnemius?
soleal line which is a part of the origin of the soleus?
calcaneus via the calcaneal tendon which is the insertion of the soleus?
lateral condyle of femur which is the origin of the plantaris?
calcaneus via calcaneal tendon which is the insertion of the plantaris?
lateral epicondyle of the femur which is the origin of the popliteus?
proximal posterior aspect of tibia which is the insertion of the popliteus?
proximal two-thirds of lateral fibula which is the origin of the peroneus longus?
base of the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform which is the insertion of the peroneus longus?
distal two-thirds of latertal fibula which is the origin of the peroneus brevis?
tuberosity of fifth metatarsal which is the insertion of the peroneus brevis?
proximal lateral surface of tibia which of the following is a part of the origin of the tibialis anterior?
medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal which is the insertion of the tibialis anterior?
invert the foot which of the following is an action of the tibialis anterior?
interosseous membrane which of the following is a part of the origin of the extensor digitorum longus?
middle and distal plalanges of 2nd-5th toes which is the insertion of the extensor digitorum longus?
middle anterior surface of fibula which of the following is a part of the origin of the extensor hallucis longus?
distal phalange of first toe which is the insertion of the extensor hallucis longus?
proximal posterior shaft of tibia which of the following is a part of the origin of the tibialis posterior?
middle posterior surface of the tibia which is the origin of the flexor digitorum longus?
distal phalanges of 2nd-5th toes which is the insertion of the flexor digitorum longus?
middle half of posterior fibula which is the origin of flexor hallucis longus?
base of fifth metatarsal which is the insertion of the flexor hallucis longus?
flex the first toe which of the following is an action of the flexor hallucis longus?
Created by: srussel
Popular Physical Therapy sets



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