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PTAS 100 Exam 2

PTAS 100 Exam 2 Review

PROM Passive range of motion
AAROM Active assist range of motion
AROM Active range of motion
RROM Resistive ROM
What are the normal end feels? Hard, soft and firm/capsular
What are abnormal end feels? Muscle spasm and empty
Sagital plane Divides body in right and left sides
Frontal plane Divides body into front and back portions
Transverse plane Divides body into upper and lower portions
Contraction Normal muscle shortening that occurs during voluntary movement
Contraction Abnormal shortening of muscle and soft tissue
Pathological restrictions to ROM Scar, fractures, arthritis, contracture
Non-pathological restrictions to ROM Age, gender, hereditary, occupation, muscle bulk
What is PNF? Proprioception neuromuscular facilitation
What are the shoulder components of D1 UE flex? Flexion, adduction and ER
What are the shoulder components of D1 UE ext? Extension, abduction and IR
What are the shoulder components of D2 UE flex? Flexion, abduction and ER
What are the shoulder components of D1 UE ext? Extension, adduction and IR
What are the hip components of D1 UE flex? Flexion, adduction and ER
What are the hip components of D1 UE ext? Extension, abduction and IR
What are the hip components of D2 UE flex? Flexion, abduction and IR
What are the hip components of D2 UE ext? Extension, adduction and ER
What are the indications for CPM? S/P ORIF, joint replacement, ligament reconstruction, tendon reconstruction
What are precautions/contraindications for CPM? Joint effusion, hemoarthrosis, severe soft tissue edema, vascular/sensory impairment, unstable fractures and active infection
What is pulse? Heart rate or contraction of L ventricle
What is respiration? Exchange of gases between lungs and environment
What is blood pressure? Force of blood against vessel walls during cardiac contraction and relaxation
What are contraindications to BP? S/P mastectomy, presence of IV, side of shunt for hemodialysis, recent fracture, side of CVA
What are the goals of phase of 1 of cardiac rehab? Return to ADL and gentle physical activity as well as patient education
What are the goals of phase of 2 of cardiac rehab? Return to functional activity (job, leisure etc)
What are the goals of phase of 3 of cardiac rehab? Maintenance program - endurance training
What is effleurage? Superficial stroke in massage to move contents of superficial vessels (blood and lymph)
What is petrissage? Deep soft tissue stroke to mobilize deep muscle tissue
What is percussion? Tapotment; stroke used in chest PT to mobilize lung secretions
What is friction? Stroke designated to affect connective tissue in tendons, ligaments and muscles; can be used with scar tissue
What is chest PT? PT for treatment of respiratory condition consisting of postural drainage, percussion and vibration
What is a prosthesis? A replacement for a body part
What do transtibial prostheses consist of? Foot, shank, socket and a suspension
What is a SACH foot? Solid ankle cushion heel; permits plantarflexion and dorsiflexion
What is a SAFE foot? Solid ankle flexible endoskeletal; like SACH but has mediolateral features
What is a SEATTLE foot? Energy storing foot that assists with push-off
What is a Flex-foot? Carbon laminated device that stores energy during late stance
What are the suspensions used in transtibial protheses? Cuff, sleeve, brim designs (supracondylar, suprapatellar), thigh corset and pin-lock
What do transfemoral prostheses consist of? Foot, shank, knee mechanism and socket
What types of sockets are found in the transfemoral prostheses? Quadrilateral and ischial containment
What are the suspensions used in transfemoral protheses? Suction, partial suction, no suction and pin-lock
What is a FO? Foot orthoses
What is a AFO? Ankle foot orthoses
What is a KAFO? Knee ankle foot orthoses
What is a HKAFO Hip knee ankle foot orthoses
What is a THKAFO? Thoraco hip knee ankle foot orthoses
What is a TLSO? Thoraco lumbo sacral orthoses
What is FELR? Flexion, extension, lateral bending and transverse rotation
What type of orthoses helps with dorsiflexion? Posterior leaf spring
What type of orthoses helps with ankle stability? Solid AFO
What type of orthoses are helpful for patients with SCI or spina bifida? THKAFO: Craig-Scott, Walkabout orthoses and reciprocating gait orthoses
What types of orthoses limit spinal movement? LS FELO and TLS FEO
Name types of cervical orthoses: Sort collar, four-post orthoses, minerva and halo
Name types of orthoses for scoliosis: Milwaukee brace, low profile body jacket and wilmington orthoses
Created by: woblevalenski
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